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Theseus and the Minotaur

Updated: Dec 21, 2021

“The greatest error of a man is to think he is weak by nature. Every person is divine and strong in their real nature. What are weak and evil are our habits, desires and thoughts, but not ourselves.”

- Ramana Maharshi

Theseus the warrior (human soul) fighting the Minotaur (conquering the animal force).

Theseus utilizes the sexual energy in the right way (transmutation) and conquers the Minotaur (animal force). When we utilize sexual transmutation with our spouse we transform the animal force into something pure and beautiful. As we utilize our willpower little by little we purify ourselves and create the solar bodies. With the help of our Being and what willpower we have available we perform this great work freeing our trapped essence from the beast (ego=pride, anger, lust, envy, vanity, gluttony, laziness, greed, etc).

Behemoth is another name for the Minotaur and you can find Behemoth in the Old Testament, more specifically the book of Job. Behemoth is described as a “monster” or a ”beast of chaos.” This monster is not outside of us it is inside of us. Behemoth the beast represents our animal nature, our unpurified sexual energy. When we use our sexual energy in the wrong way we create the legion of psychological defects, aggregates, vices and errors (ego).

Luke 8-Aramaic version

26And they sailed and they came to the region of the Gadarenes which is on the other side next to Galilee. 27And when he unboarded to land, a man met him from the city who had a demon in him for a long time. He was not wearing clothes, and he was not living in a house but among the tombs. 28 And when he saw Yeshua, he screamed and he fell before him, and with a loud voice, he said, “What business do we have with you Yeshua, the Son of God Most High? I beg of you, do not punish me!” 29For Yeshua had commanded the vile spirit to go out from the man, as it had possessed him for a long time. And he had been kept bound in chains and in shackles and he would burst his bonds and he would be driven by the demon into the desert. 30But Yeshua asked him, “What is your name?” But he said to him, “Legion”, because many demons had entered him. 31And they were begging him that he would not command them to enter the abyss.”

We have created the legion of demons within ourselves by utilizing the creative force (sexual energy) in the wrong way (fornication)—masterbation, forbidden fruit (orgasm), animal desire, etc. We’re addicted to physical sensations and these addictions create beasts/monsters within us that want to feed. How do we feed them? We feed them by directing our energies through lust, anger, greed, etc, etc. The root energy of all our energies (physical, mental, emotional) is the sexual energy (the creative force). We utilize the creative force not only to create another person but with everything we do. It is the root energy of everything that exists. With this energy we can create thought formations (We create something while we are fantasizing and imagining something). So, The force of creation (sexual energy) is the foundational energy of our mental energy. In order to think we utilize these energies. Things that we imagine or fantasize about give birth to mental formations. We dream about things we’ve been thinking or fantasizing about because we created them. For instance: The mental formations that are created from our lustful thoughts become aggregates (legion). This energy, the sexual energy, the energy of the Holy Spirit, created the Universe. Nothing exists without the energy of the Holy Spirit (sexual energy, creative force). We need to learn how to “grab the bull by the horns.” We need to learn how to take back control of ourselves.

Samael Aun Weor gives basic instructions on how to utilize the creative force in the right way. If we put his teachings to use in our daily lives little by little we can take control of the Minotaur/Behemoth and thus conquer our animal nature.

For more information on sexual transmutation read the Perfect Matrimony, Mystery of the Golden Flower, The Divine Science, Kundalini Yoga, Treatise of Sexual Alchemy by Samael Aun Weor!

To learn more about the ego read Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology and the Revolution of the Dialectic by Samael Aun Weor!


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