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Gnostic Christianity-The Universal Religion

Christ was worshipped in the mysteries of Mithra, Apollo, Aphrodite, Jupiter, Janus, Vesta, Bacchus, Astarte, Demeter, Quetzalcoatl, etc.

The Christic principle has never been absent from any religion. All religions are one. Religion is as inherent to life as humidity is to water. The great cosmic universal religion becomes modified into thousands of religious forms. Thus, the priests from all religious forms are completely identifiable with one another through the fundamental principles of the great cosmic universal religion.

Therefore, a basic difference between the Mohammedan priest and the Jewish priest, or between the Pagan priest and the legitimate Christian one, does not exist. Religion is one. Religion is unique and absolutely universal. The ceremonies of the Shinto priest of Japan or of the Mongol Lamas are similar to those ceremonies of the shamans and sorcerers from Africa and Oceania.

When a religious form degenerates, it disappears; yet, the universal life creates new religious forms in order to replace it.

Authentic primeval Gnostic Christianity comes from Paganism. Prior to Paganism, the Cosmic Christ was worshipped in all cults. In Egypt, Christ was Osiris and whosoever incarnated him was an Osirified one. In all ages there have been masters who have assimilated the infinite universal Christic principle. In Egypt, Hermes was the Christ. In Mexico, the Christ was Quetzalcoatl. In sacred India, Krishna is Christ. In the Holy Land, the great Gnostic Jesus (who was educated in the land of Egypt) was the one who had the bliss of assimilating the universal Christic principle, and because of this, he was worthy of being rebaptized with the seity of fire and of the cross, Kristos.

The Nazarene, Jesus-Iesus-Zeus, is the modern man who totally incarnates the universal Christic principle. Prior to Jesus, many masters incarnated this Christic principle of fire.

The Rabbi of Galilee is a God, because he totally incarnated the Cosmic Christ. Hermes, Quetzalcoatl, Krishna are Gods because they also incarnated the Cosmic Christ. -Samael Aun Weor

The Christic Principle is always the same. The masters who incarnate it are living Buddhas. Among them there are always hierarchies. The Buddha Jesus is the most exalted initiate of the universal White Fraternity.

When a religious form has fulfilled its mission, it disintegrates. Jesus the Christwas in fact the initiator of a new era. Jesus was a religious necessity of that epoch. The world needed something new. The universal religion needed to manifest in a new form. Jesus was the initiator of that new era. Indeed, Jesus the Christ was the divine hero of the new age. The doctrine of Jesus is Christic esotericism, the Solar Religion of all ages and centuries.

The Gnosticism taught by Jesus is the religion of the Sun, the primeval Christianity of the Gods of the dawn. Jesus has the divine attributes of Krishna, Buddha, Zeus-Jupiter, Apollo. All of them were born of a virgin. Indeed, Christ is always born from the Virgin Mother of the world. Every master practices Sexual Magic; thus, speaking symbolically, we can assert that Christ is born within the womb of the priestess wife. The emblems, symbols, and dramas of the birth of the Gods are always the same. The God Mithra was born on the 24th of December at midnight, just as Jesus was. The birthplace of Jesus was Bethlehem. This name comes from the name of the God of the Babylonian and Germanic people, who named their Sun God Bel or Beleno. Therefore, the birth in Belen or Bethlehem was in order to make the reality of a man who had incarnated the Christ-Sun understandable.

Thus, the Goddesses Isis, Juno, Demeter, Ceres, Vesta, Maia, were personified in the mother of the hierophant Jesus. The Hebrew maiden Mary was a great initiate. Every occultist knows this. All these Goddess Mothers can rightly represent the Divine Mother Kundalini from whom the Universal Word of Life is always born. -Samael Aun Weor

Modern humanity has committed the error of separating the Great Master Jesus from all his predecessors who, like him Christified themselves; this has damaged the present humanity. We need to understand better that all religions are only one Religion. Mary the mother of Jesus is the same as Isis, Juno, Demeter, Ceres, Maia etc., the Cosmic Mother or Kundalini (Sexual Fire) of whom the Cosmic Christ is always born. Mary Magdalene is the same as Salambo, Matres, Ishtar, Astarte, Aphrodite and Venus, with whom we must practice Sexual Magic to awaken the Fire. The Martyrs, Saints, Virgins, Angels and Cherubim, are the same Gods, Demi-Gods, Titans, Goddesses, Sylphs, Cyclops and Messengers of the Gods of the Pagan mythologies.

-Samael Aun Weor

The fundamental Principles of the great universal Wisdom are always identical. The Buddha as well as Hermes Trismegistus, Quetzalcoatl or Jesus of Nazareth, the great Kabir, etc., have transmitted a Message. Each of these Messages contains in itself the same cosmic Principles of a totally impersonal and universal type.

The fundamental Principles of the great universal Wisdom are always identical. The Buddha as well as Hermes Trismegistus, Quetzalcoatl or Jesus of Nazareth, the great Kabir, etc., have transmitted a Message. Each of these Messages contains in itself the same cosmic Principles of a totally impersonal and universal type.

-Samael Aun Weor

Read more in Samael Aun Weor’s book The perfect matrimony!


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