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The Truth

Updated: Jan 26, 2022

For some of us,

“our miserable existence begins in infancy and youth with mental disorders due to intimate family tragedies, difficulties at home and school, etc. It is clear that during childhood and youth all these problems do not manage to really affect us-with few exceptions-in such a profound manner; however, when we become adults we start questioning: Who am I? Where do I come from? Why do I have to suffer? What is the purpose of our existence? Etc. On the path of life we all have asked ourselves these questions. We all have wanted at some time to investigate, inquire, find out the “why” of so many sorrows, troubles, struggles, and sufferings, yet unfortunately, we always seem to end up caged within some theory, or within some opinion, or within some belief, or within what the neighbor stated, Or within what some decrepit old fogey told us, etc. Since we have lost our true innocence and the peace of a tranquil heart, we are incapable of experiencing the truth directly, in all of its harshness, given that we depend on what others might say; so, because of this, we are obviously on the wrong path. The mind can give itself the luxury of believing, doubting, forming opinions, conjecturing, etc; however, these are notexperiences of the truth. The blind can also give themselves the luxury of believing in the sun or not believing in it., and even doubting about its existence, nevertheless the king starwill continue to give its light  and life to everything that exists, without giving the slightest value to their blind opinions. The truth for the mind is the unknowable from moment to moment; yet, The way to discover it is not by withdrawing ourselves from the world or by abandoning our fellowmen. To state that any truth is half-truth and thus any truth is half error is an absurdity.  The truth is radical: The truth is or is not. The truth can never be half-truth, it can never be half error. Likewise, It is an absurdity to state that the truth is of time and what was true at one time is not in another time. The truth has nothing to do with time; The truth is not temporary. The “I” the Ego is time and therefore it cannot know the truth. Therefore, to adopt conventional, temporary, relative truths is in absurdity. People mistake concepts and opinions for that which is the truth, yet the truth has nothing to do with their opinions or with their so-called conventional truths, because these are only irrelevant projections of the mind. The truth is not a matter of beliefs, sophisms, concepts, opinions. The truth can only be known through direct experience. The experience of the truth is impossible as long as the mind is disturbed, convoluted, distressed by opposed opinions. The experience of the truth is only possible when the mind is quiet, when the mind is silent. When the mind is quiet, when the mind is silent-that is, when the mind is empty of thoughts, desires, opinions, etc-then The truth comes to us. The truth comes to us when the ego is absent.” - Samael Aun Weor

For more information read Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology, Revolution of the Dialectic, Fundamentals of Gnostic Education, and The Spiritual Power of Sound by Samael Aun Weor.


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