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  • Writer's pictureOregon Gnosis Instructor

The Law of Action and Consequence

Updated: Jan 20, 2022

“It is necessary for people to understand what the Sanskrit word karma means.

My friends, a law which is called karma exists. It is not irrelevant to assert that this word signifies the law of action and consequence. Obviously, a cause cannot exist without its effect; neither can an effect without a cause.

The law of the scale, the terrible law of karma, governs everything created. Every cause converts itself into an effect, and every effect transforms itself into a cause.

You must comprehend what the law of compensation is. Everything that is done must be paid for, for a cause without an effect does not exist, neither an effect without a cause.

Liberty and free will have been granted unto us and we can do as we wish; however, it is clear that we must answer for all our deeds before God. Any action of our life, good or evil, has its consequences. The law of action and consequence governs the course of our varied existences, and each life is the result of the previous one. To integrally comprehend the basis and “modus operandi” of the law of karma is indispensable in order to orient the ship of our life in a very positive and edifying manner throughout all of the diverse levels of life. Karma is the law of compensation, not of vengeance. There are some who confuse this cosmic law with detriment and even with fatality, believing that everything that happens to the human being in life is inexorably determined beforehand. It is true that the acts of the human being are determined by inheritance, education, and the environment. Yet, it is also true that the human being has free will and can modify his actions to educate his character, to form superior habits, to fight against weaknesses, to fertilize virtues, etc..

Karma is a medicine that is applied unto us for our own good. Disgracefully, instead of bowing with reverence before the internal living God, people protest, blaspheme, they justify themselves, they stubbornly excuse themselves and wash their hands like Pilate. Karma is not modified with such protests; on the contrary, it becomes harder and more severe.

When one comes into this world, one carries his own destiny. Some are born on down-filled mattresses and others are born in disgrace. If we murdered in our previous existence, now we will be murdered. If we previously had hurt someone, now we will be hurt. If we stole, now we will be robbed, and “with the same measurement that we measure others, we will be measured.” Matthew 7:2.

We demand loyalty from our spouse while in this life and in previous lives we have been adulterers. We ask for love when we have previously been pitiless and cruel. We ask for comprehension when we never previously comprehended anyone, when we never learned the point of view of another. We long for immense joy when we have always been the origin of many disgraces. We would like to have been born in a very beautiful home and with many comforts when in other existences we did not know how to give to our children a good home and beauty. We protest against the insulters when we were always insulting those that surrounded us. We want our children to obey us when we never knew how to obey our parents. Slander bothers us terribly while we were always slandering others, and the world was filled with pain because of it. Gossiping disgusts us, we do not want anyone to murmur against us, meanwhile, we always have been engaged in gossiping and rumors, speaking evil of our neighbors and mortifying the life of others. In other words, we always demand what we have never given. We have always been saved in other lives, and we deserve the worst, but we suppose that the best should be granted to us. Fortunately, my dear friends, justice and mercy are the two main columns of the universal White Fraternity. Justice without mercy is tyranny. Mercy without justice is tolerance and complacence with guilt. Karma is negotiable and this is something that can greatly surprise the henchmen of the diverse orthodox schools. Certainly, many pseudo-esotericists and pseudo-occultists have become great pessimists in regards to the law of action and consequence. They mistakenly assume that this law unfolds itself in a mechanical, automatic, and cruel way. These erudites believe that it is not possible to alter this law. I sincerely regret to have to disagree with this way of thinking. If the law of action and consequence, the nemesis of existence, is not negotiable, then where would divine mercy be? Frankly, I cannot accept cruelty within Divinity. The Reality, that which is perfection, that which has diverse names, such as Tao, Aum, INRI, Sein, Allah, Brahma, God, or, better if called gods, etc., in no way could be without mercy. It is not cruel, or with tyranny, etc. As a result of this, I repeat in an emphatic way that karma is negotiable. To modify our own destiny is possible because, “when an inferior law is transcended by a superior law, the superior law washes away the inferior law.” By modifying the cause, the effect is modified. “The lion of the law is fought with the scale.” If we put our good deeds on one plate of a scale, and in the other we put our evil deeds, both plates must weigh the same, or some disequilibrium will exist. If the plate with evil actions weighs more, then we must put good deeds on the plate with the good actions, with the purpose of inclining the scale towards our favor; thus, in this way, we will cancel karma. Perform good deeds in order to pay your debts. Remember that payment does not only have to be with pain, but can also be paid with the performing of good deeds.

Now you will comprehend my good friends how marvellous it is to perform good deeds. There is no doubt that right thoughts, right feelings, and right actions are the best of the negotiations.

We must never protest against karma; what is important is to know how to negotiate it. Disgracefully, when people are found in great despair, the only thing that occurs unto them is to wash their hands like Pilate, saying that they did not do anything bad, that they are not guilty, that they are just souls, etc., etc., etc.

To those who are in misery, I say to them that they should examine their own conduct; that they must judge themselves; that they should sit on the bench of the accused at least for a moment. Thus, after strictly analyzing themselves, they must modify their conduct. If those who are found without a job would become chaste, infinitely charitable, peaceful, and one-hundred percent helpful, they obviously would radically alter the cause of their disgrace, consequently modifying the effect in itself. To alter an effect is not possible if the previous cause that created it has not been radically modified. As we have already stated, there is no effect without a cause, neither a cause without an effect.

We must always work without expecting any rewards, always with infinite love towards humanity. Thus, we alter those evil causes that originated evil effects. There is no doubt that misery has its cause in alcoholism, filthy lust, violence, adultery, squandering, avarice, etc.

Do you want to be healed? Then, heal others. Are some of your relatives in jail? Then, exert yourself for the freedom of others. Are you hungry? Then, share your bread with those who are in a worse position than you, etc.

Many people who suffer only remember their bitterness and wish to find a remedy. But, they do not remember the suffering of others; neither do they remotely think of remedying the needs of their neighbors. Their existence in this egotistical state is worthless; so, the only thing that they achieve is the aggravation of their suffering. If those people would think of others, serve their neighbors, feed the hungry, give a drink to the thirsty, dress the naked, teach those who are ignorant, etc., then it would be clear, they would be putting good deeds on the plate of the cosmic scale. The scale will then incline towards their favor. Thus, they would alter their destiny, and good luck would come in their favor. In other words, all of their necessities would be remedied. But people are very selfish; this is the reason for their suffering. No one remembers God nor their fellowman except when they are in desperation. This is something that the whole world has proven for themselves; thus, this is the state of our humanity. Disgracefully, my dear friends, this egothat each one of us carries within does exactly the contrary that we have stated here. Because of such reasons, the reduction of the “myself” to cosmic dust is considered urgent, unpostponable and undelayable.

Let us think for a moment of the humanoid multitudes that populate the face of the earth. They suffer the unspeakable. They are victims of their own errors. If they did not have ego they would not have those errors, nor would they suffer the consequences of such errors.

The unique thing required in order to have the right to true happiness is, before all, to not have this ego. Certainly, when psychic aggregates, the inhuman elements that make us so horrible and evil, do not exist within us, then the payment of karma is non-existent. Thus, the result is happiness. It is important to know that when we have radically eliminated the ego, the possibility of delinquency remains annihilated. As a consequence, karma can be forgiven.

The law of karma, this law of the cosmic scale, is not a blind law. A credit can also be solicited from the masters of karma. This is something that many ignore, although it is urgent to know that every credit must be paid with good deeds. If it is not paid in such a way, then the law collects it with supreme pain. We need to make ourselves conscious of our own karma. This is only possible through the state of alert novelty. Every effect in life, every event, has its cause in a previous life; but we need to become cognizant of this. Every moment of happiness or pain must be continued into meditation with a quiet mind and in profound silence. Then the result is the experience of the same event in a previous life. Therefore, we become conscious of the cause of that event, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant. The one who awakens consciousness can travel with his internal bodies out of the physical body with complete conscious will. Thus, one can study his own book of destiny in the temple of Anubis and his forty-two judges. The chief priest of the Tribunal of karma is the great Master Anubis. The temple of Anubis, the supreme regent of karma, is in the molecular world. This world is called the astral world by many people. Only the terror of love and justice reign in this tribunal. In this temple, a book of debits and expenditures exists for each human being in which is written daily, in detail, good and evil actions. The good actions are represented by rare coins that the Masters accumulate on behalf of the men and women that perform these good deeds. Defense lawyers are also found in this tribunal. Yet, everything must be paid. Nothing is granted as a gift. The one that has good deeds pays and does well in his affairs. The granted credits are paid with unrewarded good deeds and inspired love towards those that suffer.

The masters of karma are conscious judges that live in the Jinn state. We constantly have to perform good deeds in order to have currency to pay our debts of this life and our previous lives. All the actions of the human being are controlled by laws; some laws are superior, others are inferior. All of the superior laws are summarized within love. An action of love cancels past actions that were inspired by inferior laws. This is why upon speaking of love the Master Paul stated:

Love suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not, love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

The masters of karma use a sacred mask in the form of a jackals head or a plumed wolf when they are officiating as judges. With this mask they present themselves to the initiates in the internal worlds. This is the cruelty of the law of love. To negotiate with the lords of the law is possible through meditation. Pray, meditate, and concentrate yourself on Anubis, the most exalted regent of the good law.

All of the doors are closed for the unworthy except for the door of repentance. Ask and it will be granted unto you; knock and it shall be opened unto you.


- Karma is paid not only for the evil that is done, but also for the good that could be done, yet is left undone.

- Each evil action is a bill of exchange that we sign in order to pay in the next life.

- When an inferior law is transcended by a superior law, the superior law washes away the inferior law.

- Let no one cheat himself. Whatever a human being sows he will later reap, and his actions will follow him. - Galatians 6:7

- The Lords of Karma in the tribunals of objective justice judge souls for their deeds, for the concrete, clear, and definitive facts, and never for their good intentions.

- Results always speak for themselves. Good intentions are worthless if the facts are disastrous.

- During the esoteric initiatic processes of the fire, I had to comprehend in a complete way the following statements:

The lion of the law is fought with the scale.

Whosoever has capital with which to pay, pays and does well in their negotiations.

Whosoever does not have capital to pay with must pay with pain.

Perform good deeds so that your debts can be paid.

- Samael Aun Weor

“As when I have seen, they who cultivate with sin and sow pain will reap it.” - Job 4:8
7Do not err; God is not put to shame, for anything that a man sows he reaps. 8Whoever sows to the flesh reaps destruction from the flesh, and whoever sows to The Spirit shall reap eternal life from The Spirit. 9And when we do what is good, let it not be tedious to us, for there shall be a time when we reap, and that will not be tedious to us. 10Now therefore, while we have time, let us do good to every person.” - Galatians 6

“Cause and effect is not a theory or a belief, it is a law. As a law, it does not matter if you have heard of it, believe in it, or ignore it. Everything about you is subject to the law of cause and effect. Laws manage everything that exists, and there is no more fundamental law than cause and effect. Everything that exists depends upon cause and effect. There are no exceptions to cause and effect, though there are many cases where we lack the ability to perceive particular causes. Nonetheless, the law of cause and effect is universal. Through action, we create results. Everything that we are now is a result of actions already taken. To be that which we aspire to be, we have to know what actions we need to take in order to produce the results we want. Moreover, we need to establish the conditions within which those actions, those causes, can bear fruit. The human being has an infinite potential, yet to develop it one must know how. Cause and effect is at work in the physical world according to the laws of physical matter. It is different in the internal worlds. What happens internally—psychologically, spiritually—is more powerful. We are not merely physical; we are multidimensional. Every physical action has ripple effects, not only physically, but in other dimensions. Thus, the results are far greater than the action. Thus, if what we want is a better life, we have to develop the capacity to change how we manage our energy. To do that, we need to become aware of ourselves here and now. The key to conquering suffering and establishing happiness is in this: being conscious of what we do both physically and internally, from moment to moment. Through conscious (superior) actions, we overcome unconscious (inferior) actions and their consequences. It is easy to experience the reality of karma. You can test it every day. All you have to do is pay attention to the effects of your actions. The first, most important way for us to act for the benefit of self and others is to stop performing harmful actions. That means harmful actions towards ourselves or other people. Most importantly, you have to study your heart. The truest guide for action is our own conscience. But to be guided by it, we have to learn to hear it. We have to stop harmful action, to restrain ourselves from any act of negativity. Yet, if the harmful action is restrained, then a beneficial action can emerge. A beneficial action—whether inside or outside—has incredible power. In us, by far the majority of our thinking is self-concerned. Most, if not all thoughts, are about ourselves and what we want. Most if not all thoughts are coming from selfish desire, from concern about “myself, me, what I want.” It appears that we cannot control this tendency. Even when we seem to be doing something for someone else, our own interests still come first.

The outcome of our self-interest is actually quite logical: if everyone is thinking only about themselves, the result will be strife, disagreement, fighting, and inequality. When people think only about their self-interests, then violence will reign, and the strong will take from the weak. Is this not the state of our world? This may be what we consider “normal,” but we only think it is normal because we have forgotten what normal really is. We have grown accustomed to our cage of suffering. The truth is that our society has been made by choice. It does not have to be as it is. Many of us may think that karma only applies to actions like stealing or murder. But really, cause and effect applies to everything in life. Our habits of thinking, habits of feeling, and habits of action are all self-centered. When we are concerned only with ourselves, or our own interests, who are we stealing from to do it? Who are we hurting in order to serve ourselves? What imbalances are we creating? Observe the state of the world, the imbalances from culture to culture, and observe this in our city, in our families... It is quite evident that the state of our world is a result of this habitual fascination with “me, myself and I.” Suffering begins the moment we act from self-will. Remember the story of Adam and Eve: mankind was cast out of perfection when we acted from desire, and went against the law. Thus, we began to pay for our actions. Previous to that, we were in balance. It is urgent for us to recognize our responsibility for our life. Everything in our lives is ultimately our responsibility, whether we like it or not. The sooner we recognize our responsibilities, the sooner we can change our life. It is only by recognizing that we create our own lives that we can begin to create a better one. If someone thinks well of you, this creates an impact on you. The thoughts and feelings of that person have consequences.

If someone screams in anger at you, it will have an undeniable effect on you. Even if someone feels anger toward you, you will sense it. Even if someone thinks angry thoughts about you, it will affect you. Each stage—from intention, to feeling, to action—affects the angry one as well as the object of the anger. Anger is a handleless sword; it cuts the one who holds it. This is so because everything we feel, think, and do is energy. Our bodies, our minds, our feelings, our thoughts, our dreams, our desires, our intentions, our wishes, everything is energy. A thought is energy. A feeling of love is an energy. Likewise, as you think and feel there are energies that are being processed: all of this exchange of energy is a process of creation and destruction.In all transformation, there is birth and there is death.

When you think, something is created.

When you feel, something is created.

Karma is not limited to mere physical action. When you eat, you destroy mineral, plant, and animal life. When you eat, you create life: your own, and all those you support in turn. Therefore, even eating is karma: cause and effect, in which death and life are balanced.

The law of karma is the law of the balance. The lion of the law is combated with the scale. If you want to conquer the suffering in your life, you need to tip the scale in your favor. All creatures exist in order to come to know their own Innermost Being, their Inner Star.

Those who cycle through existence from life to life without awakening and developing their consciousness are simply cycling through aeons of suffering. They accumulate karma and they pay karma, and in the end, they gain nothing because they never gain cognizant knowledge. Those who want to develop all of their latent abilities and incarnate their inner divinity must settle their accounts with the law of karma, neither owing nor being owed. Those who want to know their InnermostBeing must learn how to negotiate their karma.

For the beginners, each step of development is made by paying karma.”

- Nikias Annas

“What you are is what you have been. What you’ll be is what you do now.” - Buddha

To learn more study Tarot and Kabbalah, Mystery of the Golden Flower, Beyond Death, Major Mysteries, Hell, the Devil and Karma by Samael Aun Weor and Karma is Negotiable by Nikias Annas.

Picture from Visio-Art


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