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The Divine Mother


First let’s discuss a little bit about the Being, the Monad

V.M. Samael Aun Weor stated the following in the Yellow Book:


God does not have any form. God is co-essential to the abstract absolute space. God is that… that… that. God has two aspects, wisdom and love. As wisdom, God is Father; as love, God is the Mother. Christ is the Son of God. Christ is not an individual but an army, the Army of the Voice, the Word. Before the dawn of the new cosmic day, Father, Mother, and Son were one; that… that… that. God as Father resides in the eye of wisdom. This eye is situated between the eyebrows. God as Mother resides in the temple of the heart. Wisdom and love are the two principle columns of the great White Lodge. Within each human being there exists a soldier from the Army of the Voice. This soldier is the Internal Christ who exists in every man that comes into the world. The human being with seven bodies is just the sinning shadow of the soldier from the Army of the Voice.” – Samael Aun Weor, The Yellow Book


Our seven bodies that Samael mentions are the (1)physical body, (2)the vital body, (3)the emotional or astral body, (4)the mental body, (5)the causal body or the human soul, (6)the buddhic body or Divine Soul, and (7)the Spirit body or better said the Atmic body. The Atmic body is related with the sephirah Chesed. If you are not familiar with the Kabbalistic tree of life Glorian has plenty of lectures pertaining to the tree of life that you can research. Tree of life. The Atmic body is the superior body of our Inner Being. The Being is “our Father who art in heaven,” the Being is the Father contained within the Trinity of each Monad. The Atmic Body is the seventh body. The Being is difficult to describe intellectually and is better understood through conscious experience.


Samael Aun Weor stated the following in his book “the Spiritual Power of Sound.”


“The mind only serves as a hindrance to the Being (the Innermost). The mind does not know anything about Reality. If thought knew Reality-the Innermost, the Being-then all people would already be comprehensive. We can experience the Being, the Innermost, only through profound meditation. The experience of the Being, the Innermost, transforms us radically. It is completely impossible to experience the Being-the Innermost, the Reality-without becoming true technical and scientific masters of that mysterious science called meditation. It is completely impossible to experience the Being-the Innermost, the Reality-without having reached a true mastery of the quietude and silence of the mind.” - Sameal Aun Weor, The Spiritual Power of Sound


  So, meditation is profoundly important and through the process of meditation we are able to truly experience the Being. We are capable of “experiencing the Reality when our mind is silent, when we’ve reached the quietude of the mind.” This is how we will better understand that which is not easily definable.


Samael Aun Weor goes on to say:


“The experience of Reality is completely different, distinct from everything the mind has experienced, ever. The experience of the Reality cannot be communicated to anybody because it does not look like anything that the mind has experienced before. When one has experienced Reality, one then comprehends very deeply the disastrous state in which one is abiding, and then one only aspires to know oneself without wanting to become more than one is.”


Now let us discuss the Divine Mother; the Divine Mother is the Divine Feminine aspect of our Being and also the Divine Feminine aspect of the Being of our Being.

Samael states the following in the Yellow Book:


“The Cosmic Mother has no form, but will take on any form in order to answer the supplicant. She can present herself in the form of Isis (Egyptian), Rhea (Greek), Tonantzin (Aztec), Mary (Christian), etc.” - Samael Aun Weor, The Yellow Book


We find the Divine Mother in many great religious teachings throughout the world.


“Among the Aztecs, she was known as Tonantzin, among the Greeks as chaste Diana. In Egypt she was Isis, the Divine Mother, whose veil no mortal has lifted. There is no doubt at all that esoteric Christianity has never forsaken the worship of the Divine Mother Kundalini. Obviously she is Marah, or better said, RAM-IO, MARY. What orthodox religions did not specify, at least with regard to the exoteric or public circle, is the aspect of Isis in her individual human form. Clearly, it was only taught in secret to the Initiates that this Divine Mother exists individually within each human being. It cannot be emphasized enough that Mother-God, Rhea, Cybele, Adonia, or whatever we wish to call her, is a variant of our own individual Being in the here and now. Stated explicitly, each of us has our own particular, individual Divine Mother.” -Samael Aun Weor, The Great Rebellion


It’s important to comprehend that within each one of us is our own particular individual Divine Mother. Before finding these teachings, perhaps, some of us were not aware of this factor. Truly, it is something marvelous and wonderful to comprehend.

When we feel love, compassion, empathy, etc, we feel our Mother. Our Mother is Love!


Samael states:


“The Divine Mother is not a woman, nor is she an individual. She is in fact an unknown substance. Any form that she takes disintegrates afterwards – that is love. God, the Mother, is love. God the Mother adores us and loves us terribly.” – Samael Aun Weor, The Yellow Book


Samael Aun Weor teaches us that the Divine Mother has five primary aspects:


“Devi Kundalini, the Consecrated Queen of Shiva, our personal Divine Cosmic Individual Mother, assumes five transcendental mystic aspects in every creature, which we must enumerate: 1.   The unmanifested Prakriti 2.   The chaste Diana, Isis, Tonantzin, Maria or better said Ram-Io 3.   The terrible Hecate, Persephone, Coatlicue, queen of the infernos and death; terror of love and law 4.   The special individual Mother Nature, creator and architect of our physical organism 5.   The Elemental Enchantress to whom we owe every vital impulse, every instinct.” – Samael Aun Weor, The Mystery of the Golden Blossom


Mulaprakriti the unmanifested Divine Mother Space:

We have to different sankrit words within this name of the Divine Mother; Mula and Prakriti and when put together means, the “root or origin of nature; primary cause; original root or germ out of which matter or all apparent forms are evolved.” Mulaprakriti is the abstract, unmanifested, Cosmic Divine Mother.



In Samael Aun Weor’s book Endocrinology and Ciminology he states the following:


“In the books of Genesis, the primordial matter (Mulaprakriti) is represented by the waters.” – Samael Aun Weor, Endocrinology and Criminology


Samael also stated:

“The Chaos is the raw matter of the Great Work. The Chaos is the Mulaprakriti, the primordial matter. Mulaprakriti is christonic semen, from which the universe emerged. We have Mulaprakriti in our sexual organs, and from it springs up life.” - Samael Aun Weor, Kundalini Yoga: The Mysteries of the Fire


The primordial matter within us is our sexual waters, our creative energy, the force that has the ability to create. The Primordial matter is also called Akasha.


Samael in his book Endocrinology and Criminology states the following:


“The Ether is the condensation of a substance called Akasha. The Akasha, is the first radiation of Mulaprakriti, which is its root or insipid and undifferentiated primordial matter.” - Samael Aun Weor, Endocrinology and Criminology


Mulaprakriti is the sexual potential, she is the womb of creation. Mulaprkariti is the unmanifested Prakriti which means the emptiness of Divine Mother Space. This aspect of the Divine Mother, Mulaprakriti relates to the unmanifested, abstract, absolute space, the Ain Soph.

Samael Aun Weor states in his book “Tarot and Kabbalah the following in regards to the Ain Soph:


“All of creation emanates from the Ain Soph, but creation, in essence and in potency, is not equal to the Ain Soph. The Ain Soph irradiates intelligence, a power by means of its divine Uncreated Light; Unto this first spiritual emanation of the Ain Soph the Kabbalah gives the name the ineffable Ancient of Days who is the Being of our Being, the Father/Mother within us.” – Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah


In a Glorian Lecture called “the Precepts of Alchemy” it states the following:


“We find in Hinduism that Mulaprakriti is the primordial substance from which all the universe is created-with Parabrahman-the abstract intelligence within the Absolute. Mulaprakriti, the primordial substance is what we call the chaotic matter. In Kabbalah, we are taught that Mulaprakriti, the root of Prakriti, is the Ain Soph. We can say that the  Ain Soph is Mulaprakriti, which is the root of the Divine Mother Prakriti, the manifested, Cosmic Divine Mother. Prakriti emerges from Mulaprkriti. Like we said the word “Mula” means root and “Prakriti” means matter. All the possibilities for creation are within the Ain Soph, the unmanisfested Divine Mother Space.”


There are three primary forces, in Hinduism they’re called Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. In Christianity they are called Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Samael Aun Weor teaches us that each one of us has our own particular Ain Soph and that within our own Ain Soph we have the three primary forces or the three primary atoms that relate to the law of creation. When these forces manifest within our Universe they are what we call the Trinity. In Hebrew they are called Kether, Chokmah, and Binah. So, Prakriti is the primordial substance, Prakriti is the matter itself that exists in all of creation.

We mentioned Parabrahman which is the “abstract intelligence of space.” This intelligence brings things into existence because of the primordial substance “Prakriti.” This intelligence springs into action and creates different levels of the Universe. In us we can utilize these forces to create something beautiful, such as the solar bodies, and we can utilize them to eliminate the Ego. We can also utilize these forces in the wrong way and thus create the ego, our inner children of chaos. The three primary forces also relate to the three Gunas in Hinduism which are called Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Sattva relates to light, Rajas to action and Tamas to the possibility for creation.


You can see in the image the three gunas which are symbolic for the three primary forces that are within MulaPrakriti. Master Samael Aun Weor teaches us that in the beginning of creation the three gunas enter into disequilibrium, and that we can only equilibrate the three gunas within ourselves by working with our Divine Mother, by penetrating within Divine Mother Prakriti which is the primordial substance that exists within all of creation. In the beginning the three primary forces within us do not know how to control creation or better said Genesis. Overtime we further corrupt the three gunas and this is mostly because we are asleep, because we do not know ourselves. Through vice and error they become what is known as the three traitors. In Christianity the Three Traitors are known as Judas, Pilate, and Caiaphas. Samael Aun Weor teaches us that the three gunas become perverted in us because of desire within our three brains, which causes these forces to become even more imbalanced. Samael teaches that we need to learn to balance the three primary forces within us. That we need to learn how to control the forces of creation within us. Overtime, with hard work and dedication we learn to balance the three gunas which also relate to our three brains. It’s very important that we learn to balance our mental, emotional, and physical energies; especially our sexual energy which is the root energy. If we don’t, we continue to pervert our energies and create egos. Our ego is the root of our suffering. For more info on gunas:


So, the unmanifested Divine Mother Space is the Mulaprakriti, which is the womb of all creation and where all things emerge from the emptiness, the abstract space. The manifested Divine Mother Space is Prakriti, which is the primordial substance of nature, from which all things are created. All the manifested aspects of the Divine Mother are what we call Prakriti.

There are different names for each of the manifested aspects of Prakriti and the first one we’ll discuss is Divine Mother Kundalini, the Wife of the Holy Spirit.

In Samael Aun Weor’s book “the Yellow Book,” he states the following:


“The adorable Mother Kundalini is the burning fire of the Holy Spirit. She is Mary, Maya, Isis, Adonia, Insoberta, Rhea, etc. She has thousands of adorable names. She is love, electricity, universal magnetism, cosmic force. The laws of cohesion and planetary gravity were created by the Mother of all adoration. All of the brilliant, sparkling, and palpitating planets in the inalterable, adorable, infinite space rest within the delectable bosom of the blessed Mother Goddess of the world. The Lady of supreme adoration takes Her children by the hand and guides them along the dangerous path of the razor’s edge. The Divine Mother is entwined three and a half times within the coccygeal church (church of Ephesus).” – Samael Aun Weor, The Yellow Book


In this quote Samael states that The Divine Mother Kundanlini is coiled three and a half times within our coccygeal chakra known as the Muladhara chakra. The coils represent the three gunas we mentioned earlier. We also stated that these forces are imbalanced within us and because of this we have created many egos. Samael teaches us that we need to awaken the Divine Mother Kundalini within us because she is the one who helps us balance our gunas, the forces within us and she is the one who will help us destroy our egos. We awaken the Kundalini within us by means of sexual magic, by working with chastity and love. Sexual magic can only be performed by husband and wife. One man and one woman who love each other.


Samael continues:


“She, the adorable Lady of love, is the only one who has the power of awakening Her children within the womb of the profound Universal Spirit of life. The Divine Mother has the power to open up all of the chakras. Perfect couples lift Her up through the medullar canal by means of love. Take care of your seminal liquor. We sincerely believe that the greatest thing in life is love. Within the delights of love, men and women can enchant and awaken the sleeping beauty, the divine serpent Kundalini. When one woman and one man adore each other sexually, they accumulate the terribly divine power of the Cosmic Mother.”


So, we awaken our own individual Divine Mother Kundalini with love and sexual magic performed only between married couples, man and woman. When we work with sexual transmutation whether single or married we are working with the energy of the Holy Spirit which relates to our Divine Mother and her counterpart Jehovah Elohim or Shiva. If we are chaste, if we are not indulging in the orgasm, then we are working with the Holy Spirit and our Divine Mother in the right way. We stated that we need to awaken the Kundalini, so obviously, this tells us that the Kundalini is asleep within us but this magnificent power needs to be awakened positively.


Samael Aun Weor states:


“No living being can awaken the positive powers of Kundalini unless supreme chastity has been reached.”


As a single person when we transmute, we send up sparks of her energy. When performing our transmutation exercise we visualize the energy moving from our sexual organs up our spine to the sacred chalice of the brain and then from our brain to our heart. This is also true for married couples, except, instead of a spark, it’s more like a flame. Our transmuted sexual energy rises up through the two sympathetic cords that are entwined around the spinal medulla. These are known as the Caduceus of Mercury or Ida and Pingala. After raising the energy to the brain we then direct the energy towards our heart. Behold, sexual magic is how we awaken this aspect of our beloved Divine Mother and with it we also help balance the three forces within us known as the three gunas.


Samael states:


“The code or key of human redemption is found in the seminal liquor. The seminal energy must be sublimated towards the heart. The Divine Mother finds Her Son-the internal Christ-within the heart. The Mother and Her Son live within the heart temple. There must be a sexual connection between the couple; however, it is better to die than to commit the crime of spilling the semen. When the magician spills the Glass of Hermes (orgasm), the terribly divine forces of the Goddess Isis withdraw. Then, these forces fuse within the universal currents and the human being submerges into the Abyss.” – Samael Aun Weor, The Yellow Book


We can now begin to understand that through the orgasm we create our own internal hells, which relate to the Ego. If we indulge in the orgasm, this wonderful power of our Divine Mother that we have within us withdraws and goes to sleep within us or worse, it polarizes negatively and creates the Kundabuffer organ (Tail of Satan).

Samael goes onto say:


“The Kundalini is the igneous serpent of our magical powers. The Kundalini is the Divine Mother. The Kundalini is the Pentecostal Fire. The Kundalini develops, evolves, and progresses within the aura of Mahachohan (the Holy Spirit).”


The Maha-Chohan is Lord Shiva the Holy Spirit or Jehovah Elohim who unfolds itself into Shakti, Isis, Ram-Io, the wife of the Holy Spirit.

Samael continues:


“The fires of the spinal medulla are Jehovistic. The fires of the heart are Christic. The fires of the head (between the eyebrows) spark the terribly divine rays of the Father. The ascent of the sacred serpent through the medullar canal is controlled by the fires of the heart. The Kundalini evolves and progresses according to the merits of the heart. When the solar and lunar atoms unite (by means of sexual magic), we drink the nectar of immortality because the Kundalini has awoken. The solar and lunar atoms unite in the triveni, which is located near the coccyx. Then by way of electric induction, the union of these atoms awakens the Kundalini.”


We already stated that the Kundalini is awakened through love, chastity and sexual connection by husband and wife. She cannot be awakened positively any other way. The Kundalini doesn’t awaken right away but it awakens gradually. Our Divine Mother tests us to see how pure we are. She wants to see how we will respond and behave. She tests us in the internal worlds, within our mind, the heart and in our physical lives.

Samael continues:


“The Kundalini awakens with sexual magic combined with pranayama, concentration, meditation, profound devotion, willpower, comprehension, and sacred mantras. The Kundalini cannot be awakened if the yogi spills the semen. The ascent of the Kundalini through the medullar canal is a very slow and difficult process. The path of the igneous serpent from one vertebra to another signifies terrible ordeals, trials, frightful sacrifices, and supreme purification. We must not only kill desire, but moreover, we must kill the very shadow of desire. Our motto is Thelema (Willpower). When the Kundalini reaches the pineal gland, which is situated in the upper part of the brain, we obtain perfect ecstasy. We must be made aware of the fact that even though the Kundalini has the form of a serpent, in front of the devotee it can also take the form of the Divine Mother Isis, Rhea, Mary, etc. When the Kundalini awakens, it develops all of the powers of the soul.”


The next aspect we’ll discuss is the Divine Mother Death


This aspect of the Divine Mother is called Kali in Hinduism. Here we see that Kali looks pretty terrifying. Most images of Kali are depicted with her skin as usually black or purple, she has her tongue hanging out, she’s holding a decapitated head, she has a bloodied blade, she has many decapitated heads as a kind of necklace which represent the death of the ego. This aspect of the Divine Mother represents destruction, and it relates to nature. If we study nature we come to comprehend that nature both is constructive and destructive. Nature is dual; it creates and destroys. In the image we see that Kali is standing on top of Shiva because Kali is part of the power of Shiva. Shiva represents Binah on the Tree of Life, the Holy Spirit. Binah in Hebrew means intelligence or understanding. If we meditate on nature we come to comprehend that there’s a force, an energy, and an intelligence within all of nature. We may also come to understand that the intelligence within nature helps balance all of creation. Earlier we stated that there are three gunas within us and that they are imbalanced within us. If we are doing the work, Kali, Mother Death will help us balance these forces within us. When studying ourselves, we begin to comprehend that we’ve been utilizing the energies within us in the wrong way, for quite some time and now that we know we can study ourselves even further. With daily self-observation we discover our egos in our daily life. Moment to moment Self-Observation is profoundly important. It is important to be aware of how we think, feel and act throughout the day. It’s important to be aware of what is motivating us to do anything at any given moment. Before we go to sleep we can perform what we call a Retrospection exercise, where we review our day through the process of meditation. While we perform this exercise we may discover psychological aspects, defects that we may have missed while self-observing throughout the day.


While meditating on certain aspects of ourselves; namely our egos, we may achieve some  level of comprehension and comprehension is what our Divine Mother needs from us. She also utilizes our transmuted sexual energy. When we’re done performing the retrospection exercise we can pray with all that we are, with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength; with all of our love to our Divine Mother for elimination of the comprehended psychological defect. Our Divine Mother Death is the one who has the ability to destroy and reduce to dust our egos. Like I said, she also utilizes our transmuted sexual energy. She utilizes the energy to destroy the defects we’ve comprehended. We will only create more defects and strengthen the one’s we already have if we are using our sexual energy in the wrong way (fornication, adultery, etc).


Samael Aun Weor Stated in The Yellow Book:


“The Divine Mother will teach Her devotees, She will take them by the hand and guide them along the difficult path of the razor’s edge. This path is full of hazards from within and from without. You must know, oh brothers and sisters, that the Divine Mother will always respond. Without Her grace, it would be impossible.” – Samael Aun, Weor, The Yellow Book


So, Divine Mother Death, Kali, is the destroyer, she is the active power of Shiva, the Holy Spirt. The Holy Spirit is a force or energy that can create or destroy. When we talk about Kali, we are talking about the force or energy that destroys. She is the destructive aspect of Divinity, of Nature and she has the ability to clean our psyche. Divine Mother Death is the aspect of divinity that helps us convert the multiplicity of our Ego into a united force; into a unified divine force. She helps us break down all the undesirable elements that we comprehend so that we can unite with our Inner Divinity. She also is the force within us that helps us digest the food that we eat. There’s a mantra that we can utilize that helps us digest our food and it helps us be mindful while we are eating.

Krim - Pronounced Krrrrriiiiiiiiimmmmmmmm.

This is a mantric vibration of Kali. This mantra can be utilized all the time and not only for extracting elements out of the food we eat but also for facing tests, ordeals, and when we perform sexual magic. When we utilize this mantra we should remember our Divine Mother Kali. It is an act of worship and remembrance of her. This mantra helps us to restrain our egoic impulses. We can perform the mantra internally or externally. We don’t have to roll the R. Self-remembering is key with performing any mantra. Remember during our last lecture we stated that mantra means “mind protection.” It is Divinity that assists and helps us while performing any mantra.


Our next aspect of Prakriti is Divine Mother Nature

Divine Mother Nature is the creator of our body. We can say that she is a reflection of our superior Divine Mother. We are taught that we are a microcosm; a miniature universe. When we are in our most purified state of Being we reflect the universe within. As we are now we mostly reflect the infernos that we have within, because we have created a lot of ego.  But we can say we are a universe in miniature. “As within, so without, as without so within.” “As above so below.” Our Divine Mother is within us, Divinity is within us. The entire Tree of Life is not only outside of us but also within us. All the worlds, all the dimensions, forces and energies are within us.



Samael Stated in his book light from darkness:


 “Every atom is a world, every atom is a true universe in miniature. Every atom is a trio of matter, energy, and consciousness.” – Samael Aun Weor, Light from Darkness


Think of how many atoms our bodies are made up of.  How many do you think we have? Reflect on that for a minute.


Suzanne Bell who is an analytical chemist at the University of West Virginia, estimates that a 150 pound human body contains about 6.5 octillian (6, 500, 000, 000, 000 , 000, 000, 000, 000, 000) atoms. Scientist also estimate that our Universe has approximately 200 sextillion (200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000). That’s 200 billion trillion stars within our universe. Obviously we don’t have a complete precise number but it’s still pretty mind blowing. The Divine Mother Nature is the creator of our body.


Samael Aun Weor states the following:


“She is the author of our days, the true artificer of our physical body… She was the one that in the human laboratory joined the ovum with the sperm in order for life to have sprouted… She is the creator of the germinal cell with its forty-eight chromosomes… Without her, the cells of the embryo would not have multiplied, neither would the cells have formed… Even when suffering surrenders your soul, keep yourself firm, oh disciple! Humbly deliver yourself to your Mother Nature…”  - Samael Aun Weor, The Three Mountains


Sometimes we feel alone but truly we are not alone. It’s an illusion that we are separate from creation.

Luke stated:


“The Kingdom of God is within you.” – Luke 17:21


Rumi stated:


“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean, in a drop.” “Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.” – Rumi


So, we can say that the All is within us and that our Mother is within us. We’ll end this aspect of the Divine Mother with a quote by M, from his book the Dayspring of Youth.


“We have to learn about the trinity in Nature, as well as the trinity in man. Each person has an individual atmosphere, and in all occult work we have to be guided by our own (Inner) intelligence. The student becomes a child entering a new world of experience, and is protected by those powers he has awakened. When we feel inspired and an added strength is given us it is this force that we call Nature’s Oversoul. We find in Nature a quality of that Motherly love that relates us to all those who have been our mothers during countless incarnations, and as we review this attribute of motherhood we feel within us a power that evokes all our reverence and purity.” – M, The Dayspring of Youth


The last aspect we’ll discuss is the Elemental Enchantress Divine Mother.


The Elemental Enchantress Divine Mother that we have within gives us every impulse and flow of energy, in every level. Samael Aun Weor states that “we owe every vital impulse, every instinct to the Elemental Enchantress Divine Mother.” She relates to our vital energy and within the tree of life the vital energy relates to Yesod. Yesod means foundation, and within us it is our sexual energy. We can say that she works with our foundational energy which is our sexual energy. This aspect of the Divine Mother is also known as the Instinctual Female Magi. We can invoke her and ask for help with performing sexual magic. The Elemental Enchantress will help us with transmuting our sexual energy as long as we are working to be chaste and not abusing the creative force. Samael Aun Weor describes in his book “The Three Mountains,” an experience he had with seeing her as a pygmy (fairy) which is an elemental soul. This aspect of the Divine Mother has been a part of us since our evolution throughout the elemental kingdoms.

What’s most important for us to understand about this aspect of the Divine Mother is that she originated our instincts, she gives us the sexual force which moves through our entire organism.


We will end our discussion about the Elemental Enchantress with another quote by M from his book “The Dayspring of Youth:”


“Our supply of energy is within the keeping of Elemental Nature, and if we disturb her functions within our system we shall not be assisted unless we are ignorant that we have broken her commandments; for Nature, the great Mother, tempers her justice with mercy. If we insist in doing things against our health (abuse of energy), Nature will refuse to give us the use of her reserve energy stored for critical periods.” – M, The Dayspring of Youth


On the website you can find a lecture within the Hindu Course called “The Divine Mother,” within it, we read the following:


 “The universal Divine Mother is reflected within us as an individual Divine Mother. That means we have our own individual Divine Mother, who has been our individual Divine Mother for eternity. She always has been, and always will be. She is a particle of the universal Divine Mother, but she is our Divine Mother. She is our original creator. She is our sustainer, and she is our destroyer.” – Glorian Lecture, Hindu Course-The Divine Mother



It is profoundly important that we build a relationship with our Divine Mother. We cannot achieve victory without her. The Great Work is unachievable without her. The Divine Mother Kundalini/Shakti(wife of the Holy Spirit) and the Divine Mother Death (Kali) are two fundamental aspects of the Divine Mother that we need in order to achieve liberation from suffering, ego death, and the awakening of the consciousness.

 Kali (Divine Mother Death) has the ability to reduce our psychological defects to dust. But only if we are chaste, transmuting our sexual energy, and comprehending our egos during meditation. Our Divine Mother Kundalini also needs us to be chaste. She utilizes our transmuted sexual energy in order to help us awaken our consciousness.


It is important to pray to our Divine Mother daily. Communicating with her helps us build a relationship with her. Swami Sivananda gave us a great prayer regarding the Divine Mother that we can utilize during meditation:

“Oh Divine Mother, I am all yours; You are my only refuge and support. Protect me, guide me, have pity on me.” – Swami Sivananda


We should do our best to pray with our heart, with all our love and adoration. We can also simply pray with our own words. It’s not necessary to identify with an aspect of her in order to pray to her. It doesn’t have to be difficult, but instead simple and pure; like a child. We can communicate with her to help us with transmutation, with the elimination of an ego, to help us feel love, compassion, empathy, and pretty much anything of a pure nature. It’s important that we communicate with her. Our Divine Mother is love. Many of us may not completely understand what love is. Love is spoken about in many of Samael’s books. Love


 “We very sincerely believe that the greatest thing in life is love. Love is ineffable. Love is terribly divine. Love is not guilty of the discords between the lovers who adore one another. Discord belongs to the psychological “I” (Satan).” – Samael Aun Weor, The Yellow Book


“Love is infinite tenderness… Love is the life that beats in every atom as it beats in every sun. Love cannot be defined because it is the Divine Mother of the world. Love is felt within the depts of the heart. No one has been able to define love; it has to be lived, it has to be felt.” – Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony


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