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The 7 Primary Chakras and their corresponding Vowels

Updated: Sep 5, 2022

Today we are going to talk about the seven chakras and their corresponding vowels. Each chakra has a vowel that we vocalize in order to energize and awaken it. Let us first discuss the chakras. Chakra in (Sanskrit) Literally means, "wheel."

The names, locations, and vowels for each chakra and Church:

Chakra: Muladhara Church: Ephesus Region: Sexual Organs Vowel: S

Chakra: Svadhisthana Church: Smyrna Region: Prostate / Uterus Vowel: M

Chakra: Manipura Church: Pergamos Region: Solar plexus Vowel: U

Chakra: Anahata Church: Thyatira Region: Heart Vowel: O

Chakra: Vishuddha Church: Sardis Region: Thyroid gland Vowel: Eh

Chakra: Ajna Church: Philadelphia Region: Pituitary gland Vowel: I (ee)

Chakra: Sahasrara Church: Laodicea Region: Pineal gland Vowel: I (ee)

"Each centre in the body has its own note, and it responds when we sound it. He who sounds the proper vowels—the seven vowels of Nature—harmonises these centres.. To evoke the activity of our latent atomic centres we use the seven vowels of Nature, called mantra." - M

There are seven vowels IEOUAMS. Above we don’t find the vowel A which sounds like ahh when vocalized. The Vowel A corresponds to the Pulmonary chakra (Lungs and Thymus Gland). I asked a Gnostic Instructor once, why the pulmonary chakra has no name and the Instructor said, “the great breath is nameless.” Something for all of us to reflect and meditate on.

“The chakras are subtle centers of energetic energy. There are hundreds of chakras in our multi-dimensional physiology, but seven primary ones related to the awakening of consciousness.” - Gnostic Instructor

"The chakras are points of connection through which the divine energy circulates from one to another vehicle of the human being." - Samael Aun Weor

The vehicles that Master Samael mentions in the quote above are the physical, vital, astral, mental and causal vehicles or bodies. So, the divine energy is transmitted and circulates throughout these vehicles.

Samael in many of his books taught that the vocalization of each vowel with its chakra awakens certain senses or faculties latent within us.

Samael taught the following:

"Vocalize the vowels for one hour daily in the described written order. Each vowel must be prolonged as follows, emptying the lungs with each intonation. The letter I makes the pituitary and the pineal glands vibrate; thus, the human being becomes clairvoyant. The letter E makes the thyroid gland vibrate; thus the human being becomes clairaudient. The letter O makes the chakra of the heart vibrate; thus the human being becomes intuitive. The letter U awakes the solar plexus (top of the stomach); thus, the human being awakens telepathy. The letter A makes the chakra of the lungs vibrate; thus, the human being acquires the power of remembering his past lives. The letter M vibrates the prostatic/uterine chakra, which grants the power to consciously depart in the Astral Body. Every student must possess such a power, if not, it is mandatory for such a student to awaken this chakra. The vowel S efficiently helps in the development of all of the spiritual powers." - Samael Aun Weor

Samael Aun Weor taught us about the seven primary chakras in several of his books. We will begin with the Muladhara chakra. In his book Kundalini Yoga Samael taught the following.

“The Muladhara/Ephesus chakra resides at the very base of the spinal column, and is located between the sexual organs and the anus. This chakra is located at the very root of our genital organs. It awakens in the man and in the woman when they unite their enchantment in Sexual Magic. The Yogi/Yogini who does not have a spouse can activate the flames of his Kundalini with Pranayama and meditation. However, the complete, total, and absolute development of the seven degrees of power of the fire are only possible when practicing Sexual Magic with our priest/priestess-spouse.” - Samael Aun Weor

So, we cannot completely awaken our chakras without first awakening our kundalini. We awaken the Kundalini by performing sexual magic with our spouse. As our igneous serpent rises up our spine she awakens our chakras. A single person can still work with their chakras and develop them to a small degree, which is very important. Samael taught us that working with our chakras for one hour daily is more important than reading esoteric books. Why? Because it’s important to awaken our superior senses, such as intuition, etc. Reading and learning is important but putting the teachings to use in our daily lives is even more important.

Continuing with the kundalini yoga book:

“The seven chakras are the seven churches mentioned in the book Revelation of Saint John. Now, we are studying the Muladhara chakra; this is the church of Ephesus. This is the fundamental or coccygeal chakra. This chakra nourishes all the other chakras with its sexual energy. The Kundalini is found enclosed within the Muladhara chakra. We must always withdraw from our spouse before the orgasm; thus, we avoid the seminal ejaculation. This is how the chakra muladhara awakens. This is how Devi-Kundalini awakens. Whosoever totally awakens this chakra and attains in-depth realization can receive the Elixir of Long Life and preserve the physical body for millions of years. The Kundalini grants us knowledge of the past, present, and future.” - Samael Aun Weor

Our next chakra that we’ll discuss is called Svadhishthana/Smyrna.

Samael taught the following:

“The Kundalini passes through chakra after chakra. This is how the different states of consciousness are opened. This is how the Sadhaka (aspirant) penetrates all the states of cosmic consciousness until finally acquiring the awakening of the Absolute Consciousness. The Yogi/Yogini acquires multiple Siddhis (powers) in accordance with the awakening of his superlative consciousness. In the internal worlds the word “time” is a synonym of “esoteric degrees of consciousness. ”Eighteen initiations exist: nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries and nine Initiations of Major Mysteries. When in the internal worlds we state that a brother is ten years old, we are simply affirming that he is an initiate of the first Minor Mysteries. When we affirm that a disciple is ninety years old, we are asseverating that he is an initiate of the ninth initiation of Minor Mysteries. When we state that a brother is one hundred years old, we are affirming that he is in the first initiation of Major Mysteries. The ages of more than nine hundred years are Logoic ages. Experience has taught us that any Master who has not yet reached the fundamental root of the hierarchy, that is to say, that has not yet reached the ninth initiation of Major Mysteries, is very weak. That Master does not yet possess that strong and unbendable moral structure of those who already have reached Logoic ages. In order to have the right to enter into the Absolute, it is necessary to possess the age of 300,000 divine years. The last cape that a Logos wears is the Starry Mantle, with which he gains the right to enter into the Absolute. Chronological time does not exist; what indeed exists is esoteric time, because life is an eternal instant. It is important to transmute the sexual energies by means of love, poetry, music, and through unselfish service to this wretched suffering humanity. The Kundalini awakens when we love our spouse and when following the path of the most absolute sanctity, when loving all living beings, and when we sacrifice ourselves in the Great Work of the Father. What the human being needs is upright actions, upright thoughts, and upright feelings; conscientious action, conscientious word, and conscientious feeling. What is important is to live life intensely in order to awaken the consciousness and to attain great realizations. What is best is to finish with our moral defects and to sacrifice ourselves for this humanity that suffers in this “valley of tears.” The Yogi/Yogini who meditates in this chakra never fears water; he learns to command the elemental creatures of the waters and he conquers occult powers. The Yogi/Yogini learns to recognize the different kinds of Astral entities with the awakening of this chakra. The Yogi/Yogini conquers death with the awakening of this chakra. This chakra awakens the prostate / uterus plexus which is fundamental in the performance of practical magic. An extraordinary, beautiful crescent moon is within this chakra. This chakra controls the kidneys, the abdomen, and the principal organs of the lower part of the abdomen. In the book Revelation of Saint John, this chakra is known as the church of Smyrna.”

Next is the Chakra Manipura/Pergamos.

Samael taught the following:

“Manipura is the third chakra of our spinal medulla. This chakra of our spinal medulla resides in the Nabhi Sthana (the navel area). The hepatic and splenic plexuses enter into activity when this chakra awakens. The deity that rules this chakra is Vishnu, and the Goddess Lakshmi is also intimately related with this marvelous lotus. This chakra is the telepathic center or emotional brain. The mental waves of the people who think of us reach the solar plexus; thereafter those waves pass into our brain. Therefore, the solar plexus is our receptor antenna. Our pineal gland is our transmitter center. This chakra collects the solar forces and nourishes all the other plexuses with them. The Yogi/Yogini who awakens this chakra acquires the sense of telepathy. The Yogi/Yogini who awakens this chakra will never fear fire and will be able to remain alive within the flames. - Samael Aun Weor

Next we‘ll discuss the Chakra Anahata/Thyatira. Samael taught the following:

“This chakra has complete control over the cardiac plexus. The cardiac fires control the spinal fires. The cardiac fires control the ascent of the Kundalini. The ascent of the Kundalini is performed in accordance with the merits of our heart. In order to get the benefit of only one vertebra in the spinal column, the yogi must submit himself to numerous trials and terrible purifications. The progress, development, and evolution of the Kundalini is very slow and difficult. With only one seminal ejaculation, the Kundalini descends one or more vertebrae in accordance with the magnitude of the fault. To re-conquer the powers of those vertebrae is terribly difficult. Our disciples must have a system of purification and sanctification. The heart is the abode of our Innermost. Disciples must make a list of all their defects. Then they must begin to amend them orderly and methodically. The disciple could dedicate two months to amend each defect. The hunter who wants to catch ten rabbits at one time will not catch a single one. It is necessary to attain the most absolute sanctity and the most terrific chastity to acquire the development, progress, and evolution of the Kundalini. Celibate (single) people should transmute their sexual energies with Pranayama. Married people (husband and wife) do not necessarily need to practice the breathing exercises, since Pranayama is condensed for them in the practices of Sexual Magic. Sexual Magic is only possible to practice between husband and wife in legitimately constituted homes. Whosoever practices Sexual Magic with different persons is an adulterer and a fornicator. Revelation of Saint John calls this chakra the church of Thyatira. Above the kidneys there are two plexuses that irradiate blue and white colors in the chaste people, and a bloody red color in the fornicators. Our inner Christ searches the kidneys and hearts and gives unto each one of us what we deserve.” - Samael Aun Weor

Our next Chakra is Vishuddha/Sardis. Samael taught the following:

“The chakra Vishuddha of our spinal medulla is situated at the base of our creative larynx. Whosoever learns to meditate on this chakra can know the highest esoteric knowledge of all the sacred books, including the Vedas. The Yogi/Yogini who learns to meditate on this chakra will reach the grand state of Trikala Jnani—that is to say, one who is capable of knowing the past, present, and future. This chakra of the church of Sardis belongs to the sense of occult-hearing, or clairaudience. The Mental Body is intimately related with the church of Sardis. Powers are flowers of the Soul that sprout when we have sanctified ourselves. For one step that we take in the development of the chakras, we must take a thousand steps in sanctity. We prepare our garden with the esoteric exercises so that we can make our marvelous chakras bloom with the perfume of sanctity. The Yogi/Yogini must water his garden daily by finishing with all of his moral defects. Do not covet powers because you will sink into the lunar abysses. It is better for those who do not want to sanctify themselves to withdraw from these teachings before it is too late for them. The Vishuddha chakra is related with the creative word. Sometimes to speak is a crime, and sometimes to be silent is also a crime. Delinquent silences exist and so do words of infamy. The most difficult thing in life is to learn how to control our tongue. - Samael Aun Weor

Next is the The Chakra Ajna/Philadelphia.

Samael taught the following:

This chakra is found connected to its marvelous center located between the eyebrows (pituitary gland). The chakra Ajna is the chakra of clairvoyance or psychic vision. Psychic clairvoyance is set as an open door before you; however, it is necessary for you to acquire strength and to keep the word of God so as to not fall into temptation. The Atom of the Son abides in the pituitary gland, whose exponent is the Nous Atom (the Son of Man) in the heart. - Samael Aun Weor

The next chakra is Sahasrara/Laodicea.

Samael taught the following:

“The chakra Sahasrara is the Crown of Saints. It is the abode of Lord Shiva and corresponds to the pineal gland. The Crown of Saints is attained when Devi Kundalini reaches this chakra. The atomic Angel of the Holy Spirit shines within the chakra Sahasrara in the pineal gland. We open the diamond eye (the pineal gland) by means of internal reconcentration; thus, we enter into the superior worlds of fire where the truth reigns. Each one of the seven chakras of the spinal column is governed by an atomic Angel. “And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire.” - Revelation 10:1 That mighty Angel is our Innermost, crowned with a heavenly rainbow, the chakra Sahasrara of the pineal gland, whose resplendency is terribly divine. Each one of the seven Angels of the seven churches sound their trumpet; they sound their key note as the sacred fire of Devi Kundalini ascends throughout the Brahmanadi of our Sushumna canal.” - Samael Aun Weor

Master Samael taught the following in his book The Divine Science.

“In ancient times, the seven vowels of Nature: I E O U A M S resounded within the human organism. But, when humanity came out of the “Jinn” lands, rhythm and harmony were lost. Therefore, the human being must be aware of the urgent necessity for the seven vowels of Nature to vibrate once again within the organism; they must resound with intensity within the resonating internal chambers, as well as in each of the plexus or chakras of the Astral Body. Clairvoyance is developed with the vowel I. Clairaudience is awakened with the vowel E. The heart center that develops inspiration is developed with the vowel O. The pulmonary chakra that allows us to remember past reincarnations is developed with the vowel A. The vowels M and S make all of the internal centers vibrate. These vowels combined with certain consonants integrate the mantras that facilitate the awakening of all the chakras.

In Samael’s book the divine science he describes 4 different sets of mantras. Today we are going to discuss one of them.

Samael continues:

Here is a series of these mantras: IN: Clairvoyance: frontal chakra EN: Clairaudience: laryngeal chakra ON: Intuition: heart chakra UN: Telepathy: solar plexus AN: Memory of past lives: pulmonary chakra. Vocalization: Prolong the sound of each vowel and give a strong sounding bell-like intonation to the letter N. Students must vocalize for one hour daily in order to effectively awaken their chakras. Dr. Krumm-Heller stated that one hour of daily vocalization was enough. One must vocalize during one’s whole life, this in order to keep the chakras in intense activity! The coronary chakra engenders polyvoyance. The frontal chakra, located between the eyebrows, engenders Clairvoyance. The laryngeal chakra, clairaudience. The heart chakra grants inspiration and intuition. The solar plexus chakra, telepathy. The pulmonary chakra allows us to remember past lives. The prostatic/uterine chakra grants the power to consciously depart in the Astral Body. Every student must possess such a power, if not, it is mandatory for such a student to awaken this chakra. Exercise for the Prostatic/Uterine Chakra: While focusing on the prostatic/uterine chakra, the disciple must submerge himself into profound meditation. Imagine the chakra as a lotus flower, as a magnetic disc that spins clockwise while vocalizing the letter M, as when a bull begins to bellow but without decreasing the sound of the M and lengthily sustaining it. In order to provoke such a sound, inhale the air deeply then pronounce the M while having the lips hermetically sealed, until the last particle of breath is exhaled, as follows: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. - Samael Aun Weor

Exercise for the Muladhara/Sexual Organ chakra uses the same technique as the prostatic/uterine chakra. Instead of vocalizing m, we vocalize s. Ssssssssssssssssss. Sounds like Hisssssssssssss.

Our chakras should be rotating clockwise. This isn’t true for most of us. Most of us have our chakras rotating counter clockwise. Our chakras are rotating the wrong direction because we fornicate, abuse the creative force and are egotistical, negative, etc. We cause our chakras to turn the wrong direction and absorb negative energies when we are angry, greedy, lustful, prideful , envious, etc, etc. If we want our chakras to rotate in the right direction, then we need to work with them and adopt upright actions, upright emotions, and upright thoughts. We need to make an effort to be conscious, alert, cognizant and work in an upright manner with our energies, ethics, chastity, transmutation, comprehension of our psychological defects, and sacrifice for others. There are many factors that come into play if we truly want to awaken our superior senses. We have discussed a few of them. For more information please read the Divine Science, the Perfect Matrimony, Kundalini Yoga, Sexology the Basis of Endocrinology, treatise of Sexual Alchemy, the Narrow Way, Mystery of the Golden Flower, and many other books written by Samael Aun Weor.


Today we are going to vocalize the seven vowels together.

There are several ways that we can vocalize the vowels. The lecture “Yoga of Devotion” describes three ways that we can vocalize mantras:

"There are three ways that one learns to use a mantra, to repeat prayers or sounds. They are quite simple: aloud, quietly, or silently. 1-Vaikhari Japa: verbal, loud 2-Upamshu Japa: whispered or hummed 3-Manasika Japa: mental, silent, without moving."

We can also sing our mantras if we like.

Today we are going to vocalize out loud.

Let’s begin with mantra IN which corresponds to the Pineal and Pituitary glands. Next EN which corresponds to our thyroid gland located in our throat. Then ON which corresponds to our Heart. Then UN which corresponds to our solar plexus. Next we’ll vocalize AN which corresponds to our lungs and thymus gland. Then we’ll vocalize M which corresponds to our prostate/uterus and last but not least we’ll vocalize S which corresponds to our sexual organ. We will not vocalize them for an hour together but we will vocalize them at least 3 times together. If we are new to this exercise one hour may be to much for us. We recommend that we vocalize each vowel at least 7 times daily. We should visualize a gathering of energy where our chakra is located while we are vocalizing each vowel. Something that I personally visualize is not only the gathering of energy but also that energy spinning in the correct direction, which is clockwise. If we were capable of seeing clairvoyantly, when looking at the back of someone, we would be able to see their chakras rotating and spinning. With the individuals back facing us, we should see their chakras rotating clockwise. If they were facing us, their chakras would be rotating counter clockwise. Anyways, this is something that I personally visualize and you don’t have to do that but visualizing a gathering of energy while vocalizing the vowel is a good practice. In the beginning, visualization may be difficult. What’s important is that we do our best. My own experience with the Chakras has taught me that we should vocalize the vowels out loud in the beginning. The physical vocalization causes the glands and organs to physically vibrate. I feel that this is very helpful in the beginning, perhaps for the first year or so. Obviously, we should follow our own intuition with these matters. Internal vocalization is much more powerful than external vocalization. But in the beginning external vocalization can be very helpful with the awakening process. We can also vocalize a few times out loud then a few times internally.

Now let’s begin our exercise:

We are going to vocalize

IN, EN, ON, UN, AN, M, S.

IN sounds like ean in clean

EN sounds like en in Ben

ON sounds like the on in phone

UN sounds like the oon in spoon

AN sounds like the awn in spawn

M sounds mm in yum

S sounds the sss in hisss

Remember to concentrate on the area of the chakra with its corresponding vowel. If you can, try to visualize a collection of energy in the specific area. This exercise will help us charge our chakras with energy by vocalizing it’s key note. Let’s do our best to concentrate on each specific area while we vocalize each vowel. First: sit or lay down comfortably with your spine straight and Samael Aun Weor taught us to face the north if we are sitting and to have our head pointing toward the north if we are laying down. Second: let’s close our eyes and take some time to humbly pray with our heart to our Divine Innermost to help us awaken, energize and help our chakras rotate in the correct direction. Third: let us now begin the vocalization starting with IN, EN, ON, UN, AN, M, S.

Inhale through your nose until your lungs become full and then exhale through your mouth while vocalizing the vowel mantras one at a time.


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