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Return, ego, inner Christ and taking the light back.

Updated: Oct 3, 2023


The “I” (Ego) can never become better, and the one who covets virtues, strengthens their “I”. Perfection is born when we destroy the “I” ego on all intellectual, sub-conscious, and unconscious levels of the mind. This is how virtues are born within us, in a natural and simple manner. The ego is the memory and the memory comes from the mind. The ego continues to exist within cells, genes of our descendants. The path of life is made by the hoof prints of the horse of death. After death we have to return, to come back to this world in order to repeat the same drama of our existence. The hero’s, the guides reincarnate, all the rest of us return to the same dramas. The ego is the Satan of the Bible: a collection of memories, desires, passions, hates, resentments, concupiscence, adulteries, and inheritance of family, race, nations, etc. Many believe there is a superior “I” ego and an inferior “I.” Listen: superior or inferior are always two sections of the same thing. The superior and inferior ego are two sections of the same thing. The Divine Being has nothing to do with the “I” ego. The reason for the Being is to be the Being.”

- Samael Aun Weor

Who and what we are today is the sum-total of everything we have ever been throughout all of our existences; all the darkness (ego) and all the light (love, wisdom, understanding, virtues) that we have within. We can change, we have the ability to transform into a real human.

We become authentic humans when we perfect ourselves. We perfect ourselves by working with the three factors (Birth, Death and Sacrifice).

Birth- Birth of the Solar Bodies

Death- Psychological Death, Death of the Ego

Sacrifice- Sacrificing oneself for Humanity

Be therefore perfect, just as your Father who is in Heaven is perfect.” - Mathew 5:48

So, our baggage (egos) return with us. We repeat the same dramas from one existence to the next. Our egos return in order to fulfill desire.

Common and ordinary people understand by return the return to a new womb; this means that we as souls can reincorporate ourselves within a new human organism. It is not irrelevant to state that when we return we are born and continue to exist in the same manner, in the same way lived by us in our present existence. People do not remember their previous lives because their consciousness is asleep; it is clear that if their consciousness were awakened then they would remember their previous lives. The souls who still have the possibility of salvation can return to a new womb in order to re-attire themselves again with a new physical body; however when the case is lost, when we have become definitively evil, when already any punishment has no purpose for us, then it is clear that we no longer return, we do not return into a new body anymore, and instead we enter into the infernal worlds where only “weeping and gnashing of teeth” are heard.” - Samael Aun Weor

We return to this world with the purpose of becoming perfect, because unfortunately we are sinners and we need to end our errors. It is written with golden letters in the book of life that one returns to this world 108 times. Everything depends on the events of life. Sometimes we must return in a feminine body and others in masculine. This is according to the events of our previous lives. The present humanity is very old; it has been returning to this world for millions of years. Humanity will only be able to understand “the why” of returning when they attain the awakening of their consciousness. In each life, we return in order to repeat everything which we did in the previous life, but we suffer the consequences of the good and bad things we did in the last life; this is a vicious circle, a repetition of dramas, scenes, loves, encounters with the same people, etc. The angels of destiny send us to this world; they have written down in their books our good and bad actions. Heaven is a reward and a recompense for our good actions. However, when the recompense is exhausted, it is then clear that we must return to this world. As long as we do not attain perfection, the angels of destiny will send us to this world. All the sufferings that we have in this world are due to the bad actions from our previous lives. The “I” continues in its own seed; this means that we continue in our descendants. In other words, we return to the same family. The egos “return incessantly” in order to repeat dramas, scenes, events, here and now. The ego returns in order to pay karma and to satisfy its desires. The word reincarnation is very demanding. Nobody could reincarnate without previously having eliminated the ego. It would be absurd to confuse reincarnation with return. The humanoids return with their consciousness asleep, whereas masters like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, etc., reincarnate at will.” - Samael Aun Weor

“The lunar ego returns and, according to the law of recurrence, it repeats in each life the same actions, the same dramas of preceding lives. The spiral line is the line of life and each life is either repeated in a more elevated, evolving spiral, or in a lower, devolving spiral. Each life is a repetition of the past one, plus its good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant, consequences. In a resolved and definitive manner, many people descend from life to life on the devolving spiral line, until finally entering the infernal worlds. The one who wants to attain in-depth Self-realization must liberate himself from the vicious circle of the evolving and devolving laws of nature.” - Samael Aun Weor
“The Law of action and consequence (karma) governs the course of our varied existences, and each life is the result of the previous one.” - Samael Aun Weor

The Inner Christ

The fundamental objective of our esoteric studies is to reach Christification. Obviously, to Christify oneself is remarkable, it is sublime, it is what we really long for. Yet, in order to reach that Christification, it is necessary to know Christic esotericism. The inner Christ is what counts. Unfortunately, people only think about an historical Christ, and this is how they separate themselves from reality. They forget that Christ is what is, which always has been, and what will always be. They forget that Christ is the life that beats in each atom, as it beats in each Sun. They forget that Christ vibrates from instant to instant, from moment to moment. To incarnate Christ is fundamental. Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, Christification is basic, but it is necessary for the path to be known. It is difficult in the beginning, very assiduous in the middle, and frightfully dangerous in the end. It is possible that the one who tries to christify himself, to walk well in the beginning, it is possible for him to walk well in the middle, but it is possible that he can fail due to the forces of good or perhaps because of the forces of evil. It is possible to fail because of good, and it is possible to fail because of evil. For that reason, those who achieve Christification are very rare. Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. – Matthew 16:24 If those brothers and sisters dedicate themselves exclusively to sexual transmutation, they will obtain the creation of the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being; nevertheless, if they do not work correctly, eliminating the dry mercury, that is to say, the undesirable psychological elements that we carry in our interior, they will obviously fail, they will become, I repeat, hanasmusen with double centers of gravity, thus, they will lamentably fail. One could create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, but if one does not eliminate the ego, one could not become Christified, and Christification is what counts. Thus, my beloved brothers and sisters, the Sun of midnight, the Logos, invites you to Christification. We need to comprehend that by means of the Vulcanic lunar fire we can create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being (solar astral, mental and causal bodies), but is necessary to go beyond: it is necessary to create the three garments of glory - the garment of the Father, the garment of the Logos and the garment of the Holy Spirit - and this would not be possible if we do not eliminate from ourselves all the Dry Mercury (ego) that we carry within our interior. When one comprehends this work in an integral manner, unquestionably, by means of the transmutation of the Exiohehary - that is to say, the sacred sperm (sexual matter, whether male or female) - we elaborate the Mercury of the Wise. This Mercury, combined with Sulfur, which is fire with sublimated salt, ascends overwhelmingly through the spinal medulla to the brain. Once the Christ is already incarnated, in the beginning, he is born like an innocent, weak creature, but according to passing of time, the Chrestos develops and develops within our psychological, psychosomatic, and also even within the mystic-sensorial nature, and finally the Great Work is performed. The Chrestos must eliminate all the undesirable elements that we carry within our interior. He undergoes much suffering, working. He must live within us all the Cosmic Drama, as it is written in the Four Gospels. The multitudes ask for his crucifixion. The multitudes shout, “Crucifixia! Crucifixia! Crucifixia!” What multitudes? The multitudes of “I’s” that we carry within our interior. Finally, they capture him, they take him before the authorities, namely Pilate, Caiaphas, Herod, etc. Do not forget that we have “three traitors” within ourselves, namely: 1. First, the demon of evil will, Caiaphas. 2. Second, the demon of the mind, Pilate, who washes his hands, who declares himself to be innocent, he justifies his worst errors, he looks for evasions, etc. 3. Third, the demon of desire, represented by Judas Iscariot. The Chrestos must disintegrate the three traitors. The three traitors judge him. The Chrestos, the Logos, suffers the unspeakable when he incarnates. The Resurrected Chrestos within the Man unveils all the mysteries. Christ is I.N.R.I., that is to say, fire, solar fire, the fire that burns in the entire creation. Christ is beyond good and evil. Obviously, you still have to depend on the forces of good and evil. If you at this moment wanted to pass beyond good and evil, well, you cannot, you still cannot, but a day will arrive in which you will pass beyond the forces of good and the forces of evil, then you will comprehend my words. - Samael Aun Weor

Christ is not a human nor divine individual. Christ is a Cosmic substance, latent in each atom of the infinite. The Christ substance is the substance of the Truth. Christ is the Truth and life. When a man assimilates the Christ substance physically, psychically, and spiritually, he becomes Christified; he is transformed into Christ; he is converted into the living Christ. We need to form Christ within us. It is urgent to incarnate the truth within us. Every person who succeeds in assimilating the Christ substance is in fact converted into a living Christ. The Truth wants to know itself in each man. Jesus of Nazareth is a living embodiment of the Truth. Jesus incarnated the Truth. Whoever incarnates the Truth becomes free. Those who incarnated the Truth founded the great religions and the great mystery schools. Buddha, Hermes, Krishna, Quetzalcoatl, etc. incarnated the Truth, and all those who dissolve the I and erect the columns of the temple upon the living rock incarnate the Truth. There is no higher religion than the Truth. Every person who is capable of experiencing the Truth is profoundly religious, even if he does not belong to any religion. Religion is the intimate relationship of the mind with the Truth. Only the religious man is truly revolutionary. The cosmic religion vibrates in each atom of the cosmos, because it palpitates in the heart of the suns, in the heart of man, and in that of the ant.” - Samael Aun Weor

Upon the cross of the martyr of Calvary, the mystery of Christ is defined in one word, consisting of four letters: INRI - Ignis, Natura, Renovatur Integra - Fire Renews Nature Unceasingly. The Advent of Christ into the heart of the human being transforms us radically. Even if Christ were to be born a thousand times in Bethlehem, it would serve no purpose if he were not born within our hearts as well. Although he died and was resurrected on the third day among the dead, this serves no purpose if he does not die and resurrect within our hearts as well. The Intimate Christ, the Heavenly Fire, must be born within us and, indeed, He is born when we have advanced sufficiently in the psychological work. From our psychological nature, the Intimate Christ must eliminate the very causes of error, the Causal “I’s.” As long as the Intimate Christ has not been born within us, the dissolution of the causes of the ego would not be possible. The Heavenly Fire must crystallize within us. It is the Intimate Christ, our profound innermost Savior. The Intimate Lord must take charge of our psyche, the five cylinders of the organic machine, all of our mental, emotional, motor, instinctual, and sexual processes.” - Samael Aun Weor

In the left ventricle of the heart rests the principal atom: that minute model the physical body must eventually conform to in its progress. This is a spinning body living within its own atmosphere and is called the Master Builder; for it has charge over all the constructive principles of our physical body. Like a general in command it has armies of atomic builders and engineers that carry out its directions. These are the Aspiring atoms who seek the Innermost as we do. This Master Builder has its staff of overseer’s who often sacrifice their own attainments for those beneath them in development. These atoms respect an honest mind; for dishonesty in our dealings inflicts disorder in their atmosphere and they avoid us if possible. Thus only pure aspiration can contact us to their consciousness. They also bring the influences of the Innermost to our illusioned minds imprisoned in the mirages of this world. It was the Nous atom or Master Builder that responded to the call of the Reality when asked to serve and incarnate into the lower stratas of the world before the coming of the sun to the mind. The Nous atom will never demand anything that is evil from us. On the contrary, it will suggest only those things that will be helpful for our inner development. Its work is to liberate us from our bondage in this illusion world. And as we are the architects of our own fate it is for us to decide. As the student develops he contacts those periods when man was enveloped in an atmosphere full of divine wisdom, and he again recalls the plan he had determined to accomplish in this world ere incarnating—a plan forgotten as he descended into the dense matter of this world. When the Master Builder or Nous atom leaves the body the body disintegrates. The Nous atom desires to establish laws that will cause the nations of the world to be as one. Our minds are collectors of decayed atmospheres of the past filled with the foulness that generates the taste for war and other great vices. In our practice these decayed conditions will give way to a Solar force that will burn them up. This fire will destroy those parasites that have inflicted their burdens upon us and cleanse us for our true minds to manifest. Throughout history a World Saviour has appeared at the end or beginning of an age, and when we can read our own inner books of remembrance we shall then know what illumination each teacher brought to us and to the world; also that they could work miracles through the magical manipulations of vowel sounds, and that their work had been to attune man to the higher vibrations released by these atoms. In every life we have had the same Nous atom, and in some lives obeyed its directions. The Aspiring atoms aid us in bringing to birth the latent energy within us: that sleeping force near our navel centre that liberates us from bondage. This force—similar to static electricity—is evoked, directed up the spinal tract, and opens our great hidden centres or schools; for in the central nervous system is the Sun (Christ) intelligence of our miniature universe where man can gain oneness with the Reality. We then come under the direction of a most powerful stream of intelligence that helps us to pass out of our bodies and gain information without resorting to normal methods. If we are observant we can scan the horizon of all endeavour and accustom ourselves to dwell inwardly regardless of the world's knowledge and partake of that inner nourishment we outwardly rejected. It is necessary to be always alert for any message coming from the Nous atom; and there is an old hermetic saying, "Be alert for your Master's voice as he is alert for yours." — M

Christ is related with the Master or Nous Atom.

The sun has an atomic central nucleus, which is the Atom Nous, and this atom is the dwelling of Brahma within us. This atom is the first vital center which functions in the fetus and also the last atom which stops living in our organism. This atom contains the mind, life, energy and will power of the human being. It has an opal-like luminous aura which irradiates and shines.” - Samael Aun Weor

Taking Back the Light

With the help of our inner Christ, we must take the Light away from the darkness. We have abominable elements within the Abyss, monsters of the inferno, that must be put to death by the inner Christ. This is how we can take from within those tenebrous abominations (Ego) the light that has been stolen from us. The light and the Divine powers return to the initiate when the infernal aggregates (Ego) which were created by our errors die. The powers of the initiate are renewed in the light of the inner Christ.” - Samael Aun Weor

“But by your perseverance you shall possess your souls.” - Luke 21:19

Undoubtedly, it is urgent to comprehend the necessity for the crystallization in us of that which is called soul. I have to tell you that soul is a conjunction of laws, principles, virtues, powers, etc. People have the Essence, the psychic material to elaborate soul or better said, to crystallize the soul since they do not have soul yet. Obviously, whoever wants to have that which normally is called soul will have to disintegrate the undesirable psychic aggregates that we carry within, namely: anger, greed, lust, pride, vanity, envy, laziness, gluttony, etc. It is written that Jesus of Nazareth threw seven demons out from the body of Mary Magdalene; these defects represent seven capital defects, and multiply themselves constantly. This affirmation (of the Christic gospel) means that the inner Christ threw out the different inhuman psychic aggregates that Mary Magdalene had. Each of those aggregates is organized in a manner very similar to the human personality. Each one has three brains: intellectual, emotional, and motor-instinctual-sexual. Indeed, each aggregate looks like a person. If we say that many persons live within our human person, we would not be exaggerating. All of those aggregates fight amongst themselves. They fight for supremacy. Each of them wants to be the owner, the lord, the one that will overcome the rest, the one who will be able to control the five cylinders of the organic machine in a determined moment, the one who believes he is the only one; however, moments later, he is overthrown by another who takes his place. So, indeed, every person is not the same person, not even for half an hour; this seems to be incredible, but it is true! Why? Because the psychic aggregate that controls the organic machine and that began by taking a seat was displaced by another that is now listening to me. If I said that you are the same one that began, I would be abusing your mind and mine also. Therefore, truthfully, the psychic aggregates change constantly. Suddenly, one of them controls the capital centers or brains, and then another, and another; they never are the same. About the Essence, it is the most worthy and decent of what we have within us, and that is obviously the consciousness. It is trapped within and among all of those multiple aggregates, and is processed according to its condition. So, each one of you is legion. However, how can one access the soul? One attained it by means of disintegrating of the psychic aggregates in a definitive form, because the soul and the aggregates are incompatible, are like oil and water: they cannot be mixed. Therefore, if we do not attain the disintegration of the psychic aggregates, living personification of our psychological defects, we loose the soul. When one disintegrates the psychic aggregate of lust better said, all the aggregates of lust, because they are many then, the soul, that precious virtue of the soul known as chastity, crystallizes in the Essence that we carry within. When one attains the destruction, the annihilation, of the psychic aggregate of hatred, then the precious virtue of love crystallizes in oneself. When one reduces to cosmic dust the psychic aggregate of egotism, then the precious virtue of altruism or Christ-centrism crystallizes in oneself. When one annihilates the psychic aggregate of pride, then the ineffable virtue of humility crystallizes in us. When one disintegrates that psychic aggregate of pride, then obviously humility which is the most precious virtue crystallizes in us. Each time we eliminate a psychic aggregate, a virtue, a power, a law, a faculty, etc., crystallizes in us. This is the manner for the soul to crystallize little by little within us. Whosoever attains the complete disintegration of the undesirable psychic elements that we carry within will crystallize in themselves 100% of their soul. Even the mere physical body has to be transformed into soul. Therefore, my dear friends, we need to work on ourselves if we want Christification, if we want to possess that which is called soul.” - Samael Aun Weor

“A percentage of psychic Essence is liberated when a defect is disintegrated. Thus, the psychic Essence which is bottled up within our defects will be completely liberated when we disintegrate each and every one of our false values, in other words, our defects. Thus, the radical transformation of ourselves will occur when the totality of our Essence is liberated. Then, in that precise moment, the eternal values of the Being will express themselves through us. Unquestionably, this would be marvelous not only for us, but also for all of humanity." - Samael Aun Weor

We need to take the light (essence) back from our egos. Liberating the light (consciousness) is not easy. Freeing our essence is challenging and many battles must take place before we achieve liberation. Our light is imprisoned within each psychological defect and we have to fight hard if what we seek is freedom. We need to change our lives (ethical discipline, renunciation). Our actions must change. It is urgent to study oneself from moment to moment. What are our minds and emotions doing? What is motivating us to do anything at any given moment? What defect is in charge at this moment? We need to learn how to meditate and comprehend our egos. We need to adopt a chaste life style. Chastity is to not abuse the sexual energy in any form; not physically, emotionally, and mentally. We can fornicate and adulterate with our thoughts, emotions, and actions (internal and external) abuse of the creative force.

Jesus stated:

But I am saying to you, everyone who looks at a woman so as to lust for her, immediately commits adultery with her in his heart.” Mathew 5:28

We need to meditate and transmute our sexual energy daily. Whether we are single or married Pranayama breathing exercises are great ways to transmute. If we are married we should learn how to transmute with our life partner (of the opposite sex) who we love and adore. We need to build a relationship with our Divine Mother. Building a relationship with our own individual Divine Mother is profoundly important. Our Divine Mother Kundalini utilizes our transmuted sexual energy to reduce egos to dust after we gain comprehension of them. When we transmute with our spouse the energy is also used to create our solar bodies. Little by little we perform the great work (three factors, purification). Our Being (Innermost) will guide us to opportunities where we can sacrifice and be of service. Our own Individual Guiding Star shows the way!

“And fight in the good contest of faith and seize eternal life, to which things you are called, and you have professed a good profession before many witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12
Those who do not work on themselves waste their life in sadness or in vain pleasures which leaves only deceptions. Thus, their life is wasted away in sighs. We must work on ourselves and trust in our innermost God.” - Samael Aun Weor

Learn more by reading:

The Perfect Matrimony, Fundamentals of Gnostic Education, Christ and the Virgin, Beyond Death, Revolution of Beelzebub, Revolution of the Dialectic, the yellow book, the Pistis Sophia Unveiled, the Narrow Way, Practical Astrology, Kundalini Yoga, the Great Rebellion, the Divine Science, Light from Darkness by Samael Aun Weor and The Dayspring of Youth by - M.

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