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Religion, Intelligence, and the Being-the Innermost-God.

Updated: Jan 26, 2022

“All religions are precious stones strung on the golden thread of Divinity. All religions conserve the eternal values. False religions do not exist. All religions are necessary; all religions fulfill their mission in life. Religious principles never die. The religious forms can die, but the religious principles, in other words, the eternal values, can never die. They continue; they are re-dressed with new forms. Under the sun, every religion is born, grows, develops, multiplies into many sects, and dies. This is how it has always been and will always be.” - Samael Aun Weor

“Religious topics ought to be approached with more respect, with a great sense of veneration, with true creative intelligence. All religions comprise the same principles, the same eternal values, which only differ in their religious form. It is not intelligent for a Christian to scoff at the religion of Buddha, or a Hebrew religion or Hindu religion, because all religions rest on the same basis. Students have to know how to intelligently deal with people of all religions, schools, and sects, hence, it is not wise if they do not even know how to maintain the proper composure in a temple. The Satan that we carry within, this ego, this “I,” says; I have more money than him, I am more beautiful than her, I have more intelligence than him, I have more prestige, more astuteness than them, etc. Whosoever wants to truly comprehend what intelligence is must learn to feel it, must live it, and experience it by means of profound meditation. Intelligence is not attained with more bookish information, or with more experience, or more money, or more prestige. Intelligence can only blossom in us when we comprehend the whole process of the “I,” (EGO). When the “I,” dies, when the Ego is dissolved, then the only thing that remains within us is the Authentic Being, the true Being, who has the coveted, very difficult to acquire and authentic intelligence. People think the mind is creative, yet they are mistaken, because the “I,” (Ego) is not creative, and the mind is the basic nucleus of the “I,”. Intelligence is creative because it is of the Being; it is an attribute of the Being, therefore we must not mistake the mind for intelligence. Our true Being is love, and from such love is born real and authentic intelligence, which does not belong to time.” Let us distinguish between the mind, and a mind of Light. Let us distinguish between subjective reasoning, and objective reasoning. Objective reasoning is the reasoning of the Being. Subjective reasoning is the reasoning of the animal ego. Objective reasoning is possessed only by the one who has passed through the Buddhist Annihilation [the complete elimination of the ego: pride, lust, envy, avarice, laziness, jealousy, anger, etc]... The objective reasoning is the mind of light, it is real intelligence, exalted thoughts. Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to know in a concrete, clear, and definite manner, that two types of reasoning exist. We must denominate the first one as subjective reasoning, and we must qualify the second as objective reasoning. Unquestionably, external, sensory perceptions are the foundation of the first type of reasoning. Yet, the second type of reasoning is different. This can only be processed in accordance with the inner, vivid experiences of the consciousness.” - Samael Aun Weor

The root meaning of the word Religion is to unite or reunite with Divinity, our Innermost Being.

"The soul aspires for the union with his Innermost, and the Innermost aspires for the union with his Glorian." - Samael Aun Weor

We can experience the Being, the Innermost, only through profound meditation. The experience of the Being, the innermost, transform us radically. It is completely impossible to experience the Being—the Innermost, the Reality—without becoming true technical and scientific masters of that mysterious science called meditation. It is completely impossible to experience the Being—the Innermost, the Reality—without having reached a true mastery of the quietude and silence of the mind. Only when the mind is really quiet, only when the mind is in a true silence, can we then experience that which is the Reality, that which is the authentic Being, the Innermost.” - Samael Aun Weor

“The love that all mystic institutions of the world feel for the divine is noticeable: for Allah, Brahma, Tao, Zen, I.A.O., INRI, God, etc. Religious esotericism does not teach atheism of any kind, except in the sense that the Sanskrit word nastika encloses: no admission of idols, including that anthropomorphic God of the ignorant populace. It would be an absurdity to believe in a celestial dictator who is seated upon a throne of tyranny and throws lightning and thunderbolts against this sad human ant hill. Esotericism admits the existence of a Logos, or a collective Creator of the universe, a Demiurge architect. It is unquestionable that such a Demiurge is not a personal deity as many mistakenly suppose, but rather a host of Dhyan Chohans, Angels, Archangels, and other forces. God is gods. It is written with characters of fire in the resplendent book of life that God is the Army of the Voice, the great Word, the Verb. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. - John 1:1-3 For this reason, it is evident that any authentic human being who really achieves perfection enters into the Current of Sound, into the celestial army constituted by the Buddhas of Compassion, Angels, Planetary Spirits, Elohim, Rishi-Prajapatis, etc. It has been said to us that the Logossounds, and this is obvious. The Demiurge, the Verb, is the multiple, perfect unity. Whosoever adores the gods, whosoever surrenders worship unto them, is more capable of capturing the deep significance of the diverse divine facets of the Demiurge architect. When humanity began to mock the holy gods, then it fell mortally wounded into the gross materialism of this Iron Age.” - Samael Aun Weor

Saint Paul said:

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? - 1 Corinthians 3:16
The “Spirit of God” is our Divine Spirit; it is the Innermost. Thus, the Innermost is the most divine thing that we have within ourselves. It is God among us. The Innermost is beautiful, sublime, pure. The Innermost has two things: the souland the body. The soul is in contact with the sympathetic nervous system. The Innermost is in contact with the cerebrospinal system; that is, with the cerebrospinal column. The soul suffers, enjoys itself, works, acquires experience, commits errors, is imperfect. The soul is sinful. The soul lets itself be carried away by passions, and suffers for this. Thus, if the soul wishes to become an Angel again, it has no choice but to put a stop to its defects, to become pure again, to purify itself, to cleanse itself to achieve unity with the Innermost. When the soul merges with the Innermost, that is, mingles with the Innermost, when it again becomes one with Him, then it becomes an Angel. The Innermost is a flame. The soul is another flame. When the two flames join, they form a single flame. This flame is an Angel. And thus, Angels are perfect people, repentant souls, people who repented their sins, their evil deeds, their fornications, their acts of adultery, their homicides, etc. God is the Innermost Spirit who is within us, the universal spirit of life. He is the divine fire which is in the rock, in the waters, in the air, everywhere in space. All infinity is animated by divine fire. God is a sea of burning fire. The burning fire is everywhere. Fire is God. Fire is Pentecost. It is God. The fire that Moses saw in the bush of Horeb is God. The Innermost that we have within ourselves is a flame of divine fire: it is God within us. The Innermost is the divine person. It is the heavenly person who is within us. When the soul mingles with the Innermost, it becomes Him. Then we become Angels. Angels are in nature, they are in the rivers, in the sea, in the clouds, in the volcanoes, everywhere.” - Samael Aun Weor

“Atman (Chesed), the Being, rends himself asunder into Buddhi (Geburah) and Manas (Tiphereth).”Chesed-The Innermost; according to the Hindus He is Atman. It has been said that Chesed is directly governed by Jupiter and nothing else. This is false, because the Innermost is Martian, a warrior, a fighter. This is not accepted by many Kabbalists, who might even consider it absurd. But, whosoever has a direct experience in Chesed knows very well that Chesed is a warrior. It is the Innermost who has to be in a struggle to the death against darkness, who has to fight very hard for His own intimate realization of the Self; He is always in battle. It is obvious that He has something of Jupiter, because He can grasp the scepter of Kings; I do not deny it, but it is a false statement that He is only and exclusively Jupiterian. Atman is our Innermost, our divine Seity, the seventh principle who is in all Beings, but who is not within all human beings. The Innermost is a true human being that lives incarnated within the human body, and that all of us carry crucified in our heart. When the human being awakens from his dream of ignorance, then he delivers himself to his own Innermost. Then the Innermost unites himself with the Christand the human being becomes powerful as the Absolute from where he emanated. The Innermost is God within the human being. The human being who ignores this great truth is only a shadow, a shadow of his Innermost. The symbol of the Innermost is the star of five points, the pyramid, the cross of equal arms, the scepter.” - Samael Aun Weor

Geburah is severity, the law, Buddhi, the Spiritual Soul, the Valkyrie that was spoken of by that illustrious Spanish writer Mr. Mario Roso de Luna; and Geburah is also the beautiful Helen, etc. Geburah, Buddhi, has exclusively been considered Martian. This is a mistake, because in the world of the Spiritual Soul, who is feminine, we find the lion of the law that is solar. Thus, we find the severity of the law in Geburah, but as well we find the nobleness of the lion. Therefore, the buddhic, intuitional world is completely solar. The Being, the Innermost, the Monad, has two Souls: the first is the Spiritual Soul, the second is the Human Soul. The Spiritual Soul is Dante’s Beatrice, Beautiful Helen, the Sulamite of the wise Solomon, the ineffable adorable wife, the Buddhi of Theosophy. Atman, the Being, rends himself asunder into Buddhi and Manas. Buddhi is our Valkyrie, our divine spouse (the Beatrice of Dante), the spiritual soul. Manas, the superior Manas (mistakenly called causal ego in Theosophy), is the human soul, the eternal spouse of Valkyrie. Buddhi and Manas are indeed the two twin souls, the two fish of the zodiacal sign of Pisces within the profound waters of eternal mother space. The opposites masculine-feminine are conciliated within the monad in order to form the immortal triad Atman-Buddhi-Manas.” - Samael Aun Weor

Tiphereth is the groom of the bride; it is the Superior Manas of Eastern Theosophy; it is none other than the Human Soul, the causal body. It is that Soul who suffers and gives that very human part onto us. We must distinguish between what the Human Soul is and what Tiphereth is in itself. It is very easy to mistake Tipherethwith the causal body. The causal body becomes the vehicle of Tiphereth. Some Kabbalists presume that Tiphereth, the world of the Human Soul, or properly called the world of the Son of Man, is governed by the Sun. Really, this is not so, because it is governed by Venus. This is why Christ is crucified on Holy Friday, and this is something that we must meditate upon. The wedding of Guinevere, the divine Amazon, the Divine Soul, to the knight, who is the Human Soul, is a marvellous event within which we experience a radical transformation. This is because Buddhi is like a fine and transparent glass of alabaster within which the flame of Prajna (the Being) is burning. Esoteric Hindu texts constantly mention the famous trimurti Atman-Buddhi-Manas. This trimurti is the Innermost with his two souls, the feminine Spiritual Souland the masculine Human Soul. The source and foundation of High Magic is found in the perfect betrothal of Buddhi-Manas within the purely spiritual regions or in the terrestrial world. The initiatic colleges teach with complete clarity that the beautiful Helen is Buddhi, the Spiritual Soul of the sixth Venustic Initiation, the feminine Shakti potential of the internal Being. The beautiful Helen of Troy is the same Helen in the Faust of Goethe. Helen clearly signifies the betrothal of Nous (Atman-Buddhi) with Manas (the Human Soul), a union through which consciousness and willpower are combined. Therefore, both souls are bestowed with divine powers as a result of such a union. The essence of Atman, who is the primordial, universal and eternal divine fire, is found within Buddhi, who in complete conjunction with Manasdetermines “the masculine-feminine. She and He, Buddhi and Manas, are the twin souls within us (even when the intellectual animal still does not have them incarnated). They are the two adored children of Atman. They are the eternal bride and groom who are always in love. The eternal lady, the Spiritual Soul, always demands from her knight, the Human Soul, all types of outrageous sacrifices and prodigies of courage. Fortunate will be the knight that after the hard battle will celebrate his betrothal with Guinevere, the queen of the “Jinn knights”! The world of Tiphereth is the world of willpower. In that world only the will of the Father is done, done on earth as it is in heaven.” - Samael Aun Weor

Divine Mother

Devi Kundalini, the Consecrated Queen of Shiva, our personal Divine Cosmic Individual Mother, assumes five transcendental mystic aspects in every creature, which we must enumerate: 1. The unmanifested Prakriti 2. The chaste Diana, Isis, Tonantzin, Maria or better said Ram-Io. 3. The terrible Hecate, Persephone, Coatlicue, queen of the infemos and death; terror of love and law. 4. The special individual Mother Nature, creator and architect of our physical organism 5. The Elemental Enchantress to whom we owe every vital impulse, every instinct.” Among the Aztecs, she was known as Tonantzin, among the Greeks as chaste Diana. In Egypt she was Isis, the Divine Mother, whose veil no mortal has lifted. There is no doubt at all that esoteric Christianity has never forsaken the worship of the Divine Mother Kundalini. Obviously she is Marah, or better said, RAM-IO, MARY. What orthodox religions did not specify, at least with regard to the exoteric or public circle, is the aspect of Isis in her individual human form. Clearly, it was taught only in secret to the Initiates that this Divine Mother exists individually within each human being. It cannot be emphasized enough that Mother-God, Rhea, Cybele, Adonia, or whatever we wish to call her, is a variant of our own individual Being in the here and now. Stated explicitly, each of us has our own particular, individual Divine Mother. God does not have any form. God is co-essential to the abstract absolute space. God has two aspects, wisdom and love. As wisdom, God is the Father, as love, God is Mother. The Cosmic Mother has no form, but will take on any form in order to answer the supplicant. She can present herself in the form of Isis, Rhea, Cibeles, Tonantzin, Mary, etc. The Divine Mother is not a woman, nor is she an individual. She is in fact an unknown substance. God the Mother is Love. God the Mother adores us and loves us tremendously.” —Samael Aun Weor

“The whole cosmos is directed, watched, and animated by a series of almost interminable hierarchies of conscious beings. Each one of them (whether they are called by one name or another, such as Dhyan Chohans, Angels, or Devas, etc.) have a mission to accomplish, and are messengers only in the sense that they are agents of the karmic and cosmic laws. They vary in their respective degrees of consciousness and intelligence infinitely. All of them are perfect humans in the most complete sense of the word. Multiple angelical services characterize divine love. Each Elohim works within his specialty. We can and must appeal for angelical protection.” - Samael Aun Weor

For more information study books by Samael Aun Weor.

Here are a few:

Fundamentals of Gnostic Education

Beyond Death, Spiritual Power of Sound, Tarot and Kabbalah, Mystery of the Golden Flower, The Divine Science, The Three Mountains.


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