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  • Writer's pictureOregon Gnosis Instructor


Updated: May 25

“Peace cannot emerge from the mind because it is not of the mind. Peace is the delectable perfume of the tranquil heart. Peace is not a matter of projections, International police, United Nations, International treaties, or invading armies that fight in the name of peace. Peace is not a matter of romantic fantasies or beautiful Day dreams. Peace cannot be bought or sold, nor can it be acquired with a system of appeasement, special controls, police, etc. Violence begets more violence, hatred produces more hatred. Peace cannot be conquered; peace cannot be the outcome of violence. Peace comes to us only when we dissolve the “I” the Ego, when we destroy all of those psychological factors within ourselves that produce wars. Peace is born within us when in an-inner-manner we have radically changed. As long as hatred, covetousness, envy, jealousy, the spirit of acquisition, ambition, anger, pride, etc., continue to exist with each individual, there will inevitably be wars. Supreme beauty can only be born within us when the ego has died in a radical total and definite manner. If we want authentic peace we must reduce the ego to cosmic dust. This is the only way to acquire inner beauty within. The enchantment of love and the true peace of the tranquil heart are born from such beauty.” - Samael Aun Weor

“True peace is an atomic substance that emanates from the entrails of the Absolute. This atomic substance is completely unknown to the “scientific ignoramuses. It is impossible to possess this type of atomic substance within our psyche as long as the psychological “I” continues to exist inside of us. This is because all the factors that produce war, namely: cruelty, egotism, greed, ambition, hatred, astuteness, etc., exist within our psychological “I.” Peace is not a matter of propaganda, nor of paladins with Nobel Prizes. Peace is an atomic substance that none of us can possess as long as the factors that produce war continue to exist within our psyche. Individual egotism becomes collective egotism. Individual covetousness becomes collective covetousness. Individual hatred is transformed into collective hatred. This is how wars, fights between monopolies, destructive covetousness, passion for conquest, etc., come to be.” - Samael Aun Weor

We must look at the picture in its complete structure. The problem of the world is the problem of the individual, thus if the individual does not have peace within, then society, the world, will inevitably live in war. People have never experienced true peace; they only have absurd opinions, romantic ideals, and mistaken concepts about peace. So, each person forms within their mind some fifty thousand absurd fantasies about peace. Yes, each person tries to build around themselves a selfish wall made of false ideas, beliefs, opinions, and absurd concepts about peace. Each one wants peace according to their way, according to their cravings, according to their likes, according to their habits, or mistaken customs, etc. Each one wants to lock themselves within a fantastic protective wall, with the purpose of living within their own mistakenly conceived peace. Yes, people fight for peace, they desire it, they want it nevertheless, they do not know what peace is. People want only to be undisturbed in order to be able to very peacefully do their devilish things at ease. This is what they conceive as peace. It does not matter what devilish things people do, since each one believes that what they do is good. People find justification even for the worst of crimes. If the drunkard is sad, he drinks because he is sad. If the drunkard is happy, he drinks because he is happy. The drunkard will always justify the vice of alcoholism. Thus, this is how all people are: they find justification for every crime. No one considers themselves to be perverse; all of them boast of being just and honest. So, there exist millions of wrong opinions and concepts about peace. Thus, in this painful world in which we live, each one seeks their fantastic peace, the peace of their opinions. People want to see in the world the peace of their dreams, their special type of peace, even when each one continues to carry inside their mind the psychological factors that produce wars and enmity of all kinds. As long as hatred, covetousness, envy, jealousy, the spirit of acquisition, ambition, anger, pride, etc., continue to exist within each individual, there will inevitably be wars. It is absurd to seek for peace amidst the mistaken walls of our prejudices, beliefs, preconceptions, desires, habits, etc. True peace will not exist as long as the psychological factors that produce enmities, disagreements, problems, and wars continue to exist within the mind. Authentic peace comes into us in a totally natural and simple manner when we re-conquer innocence within the mind and within the heart, when we become like delicate and beautiful children, who are sensitive to everything beautiful as well as to everything ugly, to everything good as well as to everything bad, to all that which is sweet as well as to all that which is bitter. It is necessary to re-conquer our lost infancy, as much in the mind as in the heart. Peace is something immense, immeasurable, infinite. It is not something formed by the mind, thus it can be neither the outcome of a caprice nor the product of an idea. Peace is an atomic substance that is beyond good and evil, a substance that is beyond any morality. It is a substance that emanates from the very bosom of the Absolute.” - Samael Aun Weor

So, peace, authentic peace comes from within and can only come about when we eliminate all the causes of our own suffering. What are the causes of our own suffering? Putting it simply, “ego .” It is our own ego, which is a multiplicity. What is the ego? To sum it up, “pride, hatred, anger, ignorance, lust, greed, vanity, envy, selfishness, gluttony, laziness, covetousness, error, etc, etc. It is a legion of “I wants, I needs, me, myself, mine.” If we want peace, if we want a better world, then each one of us needs to work to eliminate these types of psychological aggregates that we have within our minds and hearts. Look inside of yourself psychologically speaking, what do you find? What do you discover when you concentrate on your mind (thoughts), how about your heart (emotions)? Do you find serenity? Work to become diligent, empathetic, compassionate, selfless, content, happy for others, charitable, chaste, wise, and loving. When we do the work, when we study ourselves, when we investigate the causes of our anger, the causes of our suffering, when we understand them and comprehend them we will change, and little by little we will become more peaceful, more serene. Our lives will become better as we work on our psychological wellbeing. We can eventually be surrounded by chaos and still remain calm and in a state of peacefulness.

For more information please study

  • Fundamentals of Gnostic Education,

  • Introduction to Gnosis, treatise of

  • Revolutionary Psychology

  • Revolution of the Dialectic Samael Aun Weor. You can find these books at


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