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Our fall, the tempting serpent, the forbidden fruit, how we can return to Eden - Ch - "Two Wombs"

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

May this chapter from "the secret teachings of Moses" produced by help enlighten you the way it did me. The purpose of sharing this chapter is in the hope of inspiring others and to guide you to a better understanding of why we suffer, why the world suffers, what we have done to ourselves and how we help end our suffering.

- The Two Wombs, Secret Teachings of Moses, by Aunel va Daath. Available at

The two types of mem - the closed mem and the open mem - are symbols of the two wombs that relate to the creative waters. Mem symbolizes water in Kabbalah, whether:

Shamayin/Daath: the waters above

Mayim/Yesod: the waters below

In our physical body we have a replication of what is above, therefore, what is above is here below. This is why when we see the symbolic graphic of the Tree of Life, we see how all of the Sephiroth are represented in the physical body.

There are two wombs; the man has one and the woman has two. Everyone knows about the womb in the belly of the woman, where our Garden of Eden is developed for nine months, but few realize that the spinal column is a womb. The spinal column is where God creates or elaborates Adam, the man made in the image of God. Only the intellectual animal that has three brains (Intellect, Emotion, Motor/Instinct/Sexual) can use the second womb; an irrational animal cannot because the soul, anima, needs to know how to create in this second womb, and in order to know how, the anima needs to develop intellect, reasoning, and willpower. The intellectual animal needs to learn how to fecundate the second womb, which is the spinal column, which relates to the Tree of Life. Thus, in order for us to fecundate the second womb, the spinal column, we must know how to utilize the two polarities: our own Adam and Eve. How do we fecundate the second womb? This is symbolically explained in the Bible.

Genesis states this as follows:

And Elohim said, Let the earth [the female principle, the genitalia] bring forth grass [Life Force], the herb [the liquefied Astral Light of the Cosmic Christ] yielding [the astral] seed [or solar creative power], and the fruit tree [the female creative power Obd] yielding fruit [the masculine creative power Od] after his kind [after their Aima Elohim from Daath], whose seed is in itself [in Ida/Obd/Eve, not expelled out], upon the earth [their spinal column]: and it was so. And the earth [their spinal column] brought forth grass [the life force of their Chavah/Eve/Obd], and herb yielding seed [the life force of their Adam/Od] after his kind [after their Aima Elohim], and the tree yielding fruit [the masculine active creative force of Jah], whose seed was in itself [in Pingala/Adam, not expelled out], after his kind [after their Abba Elohim]: and Elohim saw that it [the creation of Adam, the Man in his own image] was [the outcome of the transmutation of the waters of] good [Tob/Obd/Chavah, the sexual organ]. - Genesis 1:11-12

The woman is a fruit tree and the man is a yielding fruit tree. Only the male principle has the capacity of yielding, that is, to give the seed. Thus when a man gives or yields the seed-that is, the fruits of his own Tree of Knowledge (in his physical body)-then that seed, which is the sperm, penetrates into that other Tree of Knowledge (sex) of that woman's physical body, and the woman blooms and is a fruit tree, since when she blooms, she gives birth to the fruits of her womb. For this the activity of the two trees is necessary.

Thus, if in your spiritual womb (your spinal column) you want to develop "every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew" (that still are not yet developed because these are within us in potentiality), if you want to develop within your spinal column those spiritual archetypes, then you need the activity of your Ada and your Eve-brain and sex-because the two creative waters need to be in activity in order to create within the spinal column Adam, the man to till the ground of Eden has to be created.

The Fact that we have a physical body with a human shape does not give us the right to be called human beings or Man (Adam). The soul that we have within has the duty of developing all those archetypes, all of those elements, in the physical body in order to create that Adam, which is the man to till the ground. Adam is the man that has to name the animals and who is a king of nature.

The physical body is a replica of the whole cosmos. If we are not a King or a Queen of our own particular garden, how are we going to be kings and queens of the universe? We have to perform this alchemical sexual work within, because what is inside reflects in the outside; the interior is the reflection of the exterior, and the exterior the reflection of the interior. Therefore, to call the people from this day and age "human beings" is not correct, since they do not control their own Garden of Eden, we have to develop those elements, those archetypes within ourselves in order for the human being to exist, in order for the man to till the ground.

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up. - John 3:14

Nevertheless, in order to perform this alchemical sexual work, we have to defeat the tempting serpent of Eden, which enters into the physical body through the blood. The tempting serpent comes to us from the past, from the infraconsciouness of nature into our physicality, and tempts us to perform the sexual act as animals, because we still are animals.

For his battle we receive the commandment that we read with our intellect. An animal cannot read the Bible or any other sacred book to understand transmutation of sexual energy. This is why we receive the commandments, or the rules, in order to become human beings. This is why it is stated in Genesis:

And Jah-Chavah Elohim commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden the mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou latest thereof thou shalt surely die." - Genesis 2:16-17

This is written in code, so that only those who develop understanding can understand the alchemical sexual work, because we need to develop a certain level in our understanding of good and evil in order to develop that man within.

This is how it is understood in the Bible as follows:

Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast [or life] of the field [Yesod] which Jah-Chavah Elohim had Made. - Genesis 3:1

How did Jah-Chavah Elohim make that serpent? In the animal kingdom that serpent is active; it works through the instinctual animal generation. It is the sexual animal instinct that acts in any animal. The brute animal does not have reasoning, and fornicates; it reaches the orgasm. When we receive this human physicality, that serpent still enters through the blood. This is why it is stated that the serpent was more subtle than any beast (chaiah, which also means life) of the field (this field refers to Yesod, sex, in the physical body):

And said unto the woman... - Genesis 3:

Observe that it does not say, "and he said unto the man" -the brain. Remember that "the woman" -Eve, the genitalia-is below, and "man" -Adam, the brain-is above, in both sexes. Thus, the woman is the one who creates the physical body. In matters of creation, the woman has more responsibility than the man. The proof of this is the nine months she carries the child, Therefore, this is why the serpent is tempting "the woman" and not "the man." Nevertheless, it is not the physical body of a woman that the serpent is tempting, but the sexual organs of both male and female. This is precisely Chavah, Eve; the sexual organ is the giver of life (Chavah, the mother of the living), whether in the male or in the female.

Therefore, the serpent tempts the sexual organs, because the sexual organs is where you find the sexual hormones that carry your DNA or animal inheritance. When you develop physically in puberty, your start sensing your sexual hormones in your sexual organs and blood. A young man's voice starts to change in puberty.

In the Tree of Life, the three primary forces of the first triangle are related to the head, and Daath which is the Sephirah below, relates to the throat, the Logos, the Word:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word is God. - John 1:1

The Word is the power of the sexual energy pronounced through the throat. This is why when the man is reaching maturity his voice changes because he is manifesting the activity of the sexual glands in relation with his throat. But he is not only feeling the activity of his sexual hormones in the throat but also in his entire organism; thus he wants answers as to what to do with the sexual force. Unfortunately, boys in puberty find the wrong answers, since the tempting serpent of Eden that is tempting him through his sexual organs has already tempted the other men and women from whom the boy is seeking answers. Doctors will tell him to masturbate. The doctor has long been a victim of his own tempting serpent of Eden, from a young age. If we want to defeat the devil, Satan, then we have to start by not nourishing it through the bestial activities of our sexual organs. This is the start, since in the sexual organs is the beginning of our animal force, the sexual organs are the source of the force of our beast, which the book of Revelation calls the Beast 666. Everything in the beast is a mystery.


And [through the bloodstream] he [the serpent] said unto the woman [sexual organs]. Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? - Genesis 3:1

We can enjoy of the Tree of Life, one of the trees of the garden, because we can enjoy or share its fruits, which are the senses, but not of the tree which is related to sex.

And the woman [sexual organ] said unto the serpent [the blood-instinct that flows into sex from the animal kingdom], We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden [physical body]: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden [sexual organs], God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. - Genesis 3:1-3

"Neither shall ye touch it." Unfortunately, this tree which is the sexual organ is touched through masturbation; thus young people are already defeated by the serpent.

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. - Genesis 3:4-5

Thus, through the wrong use of the sexual energy, through Ida, we learn how to procreate as animals through the orgasm, and with time we learn how to manage the physical body. Yet, now we reach the orgasm for sexual gratification. And as a consequence, we lost contact with the fruits or psychic senses of the Tree of Life, since our physical senses are opened. This is what happened in the past. The eyes of the senses are opened. This is how we perceive this physical plane. Thus we identify with this physical world to the point that we forget our inner Self.

THE MORE WE FORNICATE, THE MORE WE ATTACH TO THIS PHYSICAL WORLD. This is what we call the evil consequences of the Kundabuffer organ (the tail of Satan) that develops through fornication. This is why Chavah, the sexual organ, is called evil, as in the Tree of Knowledge of Tob, Good and Ra, Evil. It has the duality, because through Chavah, the sexual organ, is how we descend or fall into Klipoth (Hell). The Klipothic forces are called evil or devolving forces.

In Alchemy, we know that when Eve is tempted by the serpent, that is, by the sexual animal force, then Eve fornicates. That is, Eve ejaculates the creative water, which is the sexual force. Thus immediately the psyche no longer connects the physical body with the superior waters from the upper Eden, from "delight," Jah-Chavah, because Jah-Chavah is delight in Daath. Jah-Chavah Elohim, the Holy Spirit, works from Daath through Ida, which is the lunar serpent that in the book of Genesis is called Eve. When that channel of energy fornicates, it no longer receives the heavenly delight. This is how we poison our consciousness.

This is why Samael Aun Weor taught white sexual magic in order to cut that connection with Klipoth. As long as we are fornicating, we are connected through the sexual organs/Ida/Chavah to Klipoth (Hell) and receiving all of the negative devolving forces.

As it stated in the book of Genesis, when in the beginning the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters of Yesod, he said:

Let there be [the splendorous] light [of Shechinah, (feminine aspect of God, Divine Mother)]: and there was [the splendorous] light [of Shechinah]. And God saw the light [of Shechinah], and God divided the light [of Shechinah] from the darkness [of Klipoth]. And God called the light Day [Iom or Eon], and the darkness he called Night [Lilith]. And the evening and the morning were the first day [Aeon]. - Genesis 1:3-5

Genesis continues, narrating the seven days of creation. All the days were "good" with exception of the second day, since this is related with the waters of Yesod, the vital body. Thus, in the second day God did not say it was good; good was omitted on the second day, because through the orgasm of the beasts in Yesod, sex-the roots of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil-death was created.

And unto this people thou shalt say, Thus saith Jah-Chavah; Behold, I set [in Yesod, sex] before you the way of [the tree of] life [Otz Chaim], and the way of death [Klipoth (Hell)]. - Jeremiah 21:8

The sixth day of Genesis was "very good" (tob me'od). It was "very good" because tob relates to Obd, the feminine channel (Eve) of the lunar creative waters of Yesod, which are purified by me'od (Adam), the masculine channel, the solar forces of Od. In other words, death was vanquished through the solar waters of Od.

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, [the second] death [in Klipoth (hell)] is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law [of karma]. - 1 Corinthians 15:53-56

Tob me'od is the sixth day of Genesis, because in it God created Adam in his own image, in the image of God created he them:

  • Adam; male, Od, Pingala, the solar force

  • Eve; female. Obd, Ida, the lunar force

In other words, tob me'od, "very good," created he them. This is a solar creation-a creation of the light of the world, the Son/Sun, Christ. This is why we state that we have to create the solar bodies, which are related with the solar forces of Od/Pingala, through Obd/Ida. The three primary forces of Adam (the brain) act in us through Eve-the genitalia-within the second womb, which is the spinal column.

And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was tob me'od [Adam]. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. - Genesis 1;31

Nevertheless, Eve (Ida) likes to create in the first womb (the female uterus). The maternal instinct of procreation in this physical world is naturally feminine: a female cat loves to have kittens; a female dog loves to have puppies. Yet if we want to have children not as animals but as human beings, then we have to learn how to procreate in the human way, which is also enjoyable, but not animal. Unfortunately, intellectual animals do not want to learn the power of Kriya-Shakti, since we already know how to procreate through the animal way and it is easy. People think if the animals can multiply in that way then we can as well. Present humanity multiplies through animal orgasm, but if they want they can learn how to procreate in the human manner:

Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him... - 1 John 3:9

This is percisely what the Gnostics teach. For this, we must want to disconnect the psyche from the animal level and from Klipoth, because the tempting erpent that acts through our blood connects us-all of the time-to Klipoth (Hell).

Through the bloodstream we are tempted in the sexual act, as it is written:

And when the woman [Ida] saw [through the bloodstream in the sexual act] that the tree [of knowledge] was good for [spiritual] food, and that it was pleasurable [an Eden] to the [spiritual] eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she [unfortunately, through the orgasm] took of the fruit thereof [ejaculated the semen or creative waters of Yesod], and did eat [like the beasts], and gave also [this orgasmic pleasure] unto her husband [the brain] with her [fornication]; and he did eat [absorbed the Klipothic consequences]. - Genesis 3:6

When Eve (the sexual organ) fornicates, the Klipothic elements that through the orgasm are attracted by "Ida" into the physical body go up into the brain and infect Adam; that is, the sensation of the orgasm that we feel as animals in the sexual act is transmitted to the brain. When the brain receives the information of that bestial sensation, Adam (the brain) likes the sensation. Eve is the first that receives this bestial sensation; so, thereafter the sexual organs (Eve) transmit that orgasmic sensation to the brain (Adam).

And the [eyes] of them both were opened... - Genesis 3:7

Their eyes were opened: ayin, is both "eyes" and the letter ayin, which represents perception/sensation. Through this mistake, the eyes were opened to Klipothic "evil." The word in Hebrew is ra, which actually means "pollution." Thus, through the orgasm, the eyes are opened to pollution, ra, and the positive fire of Ra-the letter reish-is transformed into the negative fire of ra, the inverted sexual fire also called the Kundaffer organ. The positive, divine fire Ra is inverted, and begins creating through the negative ra.

The negative fire of Klipoth creates "ego": lust, anger, pride, jealousy, fear, etc. The ego is all the rotten fruits from Klipoth, created because of the orgasm.

Once "Adam and Eve" are out of Eden, the intellectual animal no longer can create the man (superior manas) to till the ground of the Garden of Eden; instead, the intellectual animal crates Cain within. Cain also tills the ground (physical body), yet he is a fornicator. Thus, the elements that Cain (the bestial mind) collects are from beneath the ground (Klipoth), which God does not like at all. This is why it is written about Cain:

And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto Jah-Chavah... But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell [into Hell]. - Genesis 4:3-5

God is goodness (Gedulah, the Ruach Elohim), the Spirit of God that wants to create the man in his own image to till the ground. But when Eve falls into the temptation of the serpent/animal instinct, we develop egos, devolving entities. This is also explained in Greek mythology. Reember that when the man was created by Prometheus, Pandora was sent by the Gods or Elohim. Pandora is Eve: the sexual organs. Thus when Pandora opens the sexual box, all of the evil of the world of Klipoth is released into our physicality and our psyche. Thus, through the orgasm of the beasts, evil (ra, pollution) enters into the world. Meanwhile, we blame the governments of our societies for the evil things that are happening, but it is through our bestial actions that we open the doors for those evil things, the ego, to come into the world.

The egos, which are the animal elements that we carry within, are created and strengthened through the sexual spasm, orgasm. Now that we are in the humanoid kingdom we should not fornicate (orgasm), because through the orgasm we enter into devolution (the second death). As intellectual animals, we are at the top of mechanical evolution. Thus, when we continue generating ourselves like animals, then we start devolving. This is how we absorb the elements of devolution that are from Klipoth into our physicality and we make a corrupted society such as the one that we have now.

The Lord's Prayer reads:

And [in Yesod (sex, Yesod is the vital or ethereal body. Yesod is the foundation of the Third Logos, the center where the sexual force of the Third Logos gravitates)] lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from [Klipothic] evil: For thine is the kingdom [Malkuth], and the [sexual] power, and the glory [of Hod], forever. Amen. - Matthew 6:13

Jesus represents the Nous atom within our heart that connects us to "delight," to Jah-Chavah in Daath the upper Garden of Eden. Regrettably, our psyche is not connected to the upper Eden, and not even to the 48 laws of Malkuth (see chapter the "law of three," Spiritual Power of Sound), but instead is connected to Klipoth the infernos, since we have the creation of Satan, which is the ego.

This is why it is written:

And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. - Genesis 3:7

"And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked," means that the goodness of Gedulah-God, the fiery garment of the soul-was no longer within them. Before, they were nourished by the Tree of Life, yet when their eyes were opened to see evil they became naked of good, that is, without the knowledge of their superior Self.

"And they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons." The leaves of the fig tree are related with the sexual feminine forces. This is why in the Bible, in the gospels you find that Jesus of Nazareth condemned a fig tree:

And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away. - Matthew 21:19

Jesus, the Nous atom, wanted to harvest figs but the tree was no longer ripe. There was nothing thereon, but leaves only. The fig tree symbolizes the feminine sexual forces, the sexual organs, the feminine creative forces This is why when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons in order to protect their shame.

This means they cleaved to the shadows of that tree from which they ate to coverthemselves, as the so-called "leaves of the tree" give shade to those underneath them. The verse continues: "And made themselves loincloths." Because they acquired knowledge of this world and became attached to it, they saw that this world was governed by these leaves of the tree. Thus, they made themselves a stronghold to strengthen themselves with these leaves in this [Klipothic] world. They became acquainted with all sorts of sorcery and wanted to protect themselves with weapons made form the [Klipothic shadows of the] leaves of the tree. - Zohar

Thus, they were covering themselves with the Klipothic forces of fornication, because the fig tree (sexaul creative force) was used in the wrong way. This is how we all cover our shame before God. In this physical world we only look for covers to hide ourselves. We look for one leaf or another, such as "success" in the physical world, in order to hide our shame and our spiritual nakedness.

In the past, in Lemuria, the sexual organs were acting in the right way; Lemurians were transmuting their sexual force. yet now because of sin, we cover our sexual organs with leaves of fig trees; in other words, we cover them with the shades of Klipoth, the immoral forces of Hell, the Infernos.

And now also the axe [which in alchemy represents the feminine and masculine sexual forces] is laid unto the root [Yesod] of the trees [of life and good and evil]: every tree [every person] therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit [from Chavah, Eve] their sexual organs - symbolized in the fig tree] is hewn down, and cast into the [devolving Klipothic] fire. - Luke 3:9


And they heard the voice of Jah-Chavah Elohim walking in the garden in the cool of the day. - Genesis 3:8

Regardless, we still feel the solar force of God from our breath that still walks in the bloodstream of our physical body. In other words, we as human souls feel within our physical body the solar life, because the body still receives the solar life, the breath of God, which is within the blood of our physical body.

And Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of Jah-Chavah Elohim amongst the trees of the garden. - Genesis 3;8

The trees of the garden are all of the light forces of God that we have in the physical body.

And Jah-Chavah Elohim called unto Adam, and said unto him, "where art thou?" And he said, "I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself." And he said, "Who told thee that thou wast naked?" "Has thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?" - Genesis 3:9-11

God within knows that if the soul is afraid, it is because the sexual energy is no longer nourishing the soul. The soul is afraid because God is no longer with her; thus God asks: "Who told thee that thou wast naked?"

And the man [the brain] said, "The woman [sexual hormones] whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me [the pleasure of the orgasm] of the tree, and I did eat." - Genesis 3:12

In other words, the sexual organs that God divided in two bodies gave to the brain through the sexual act the sensation of the orgasm and the brain did eat. As you see, the brain and the sexual forces nourish each other, but because the sexes were divided they needed the sexual act.

And Jah-Chavah Elohim said unto the woman [or sexual organ], "what is this that thou hast done [did you fornicate, did you ejaculate the creative waters of Yesod]?" And the woman said, "the serpent [that comes through the bloodstream from the liver] beguiled me, and I did eat." - Genesis 3:13

This is the excuse that all of us have; we say we don't know what to do with the sexual energy, so we masturbate and fornicate, thus the brain, Adam, is the one that receives the consequences of the orgasm. Since the three atoms of God are in the brain, through them, God realizes our mistake: "Where art thou?" The atom of the Father, the atom of the Son, and the atom of the Holy Spirit, which are in the magnetic root of the nose, in the pituitary gland, and pineal gland respectively, realize the hindrance of the brain, They wonder why Adam, the brain, is no longer wise, why it is that only 10% of the brain is in use. When the Klipothic forces from below infect the brain through Ida, we become dumb.

And Jah-Chavah Elohim said unto the serpent, Because thou has done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life... - Genesis 3:14

This is what we do. Since the sexual forces are acting in the wrong way, they go down into Klipoth; thus, we are shamefully writhing within the mud of the earth. We are receiving through our sexual action of fornication all of this Klipothic dust from the earth. So, the serpent "Ida" is cursed because of the orgasm, in other words, through fornication we fall into damnation. Thus we are damned because of such a sexual transgression until we stop.

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. - Genesis 3:15

As we see, it does not say enmity between Adam (the brain) and Eve (the genitalia); but between thee (the sexual animal instinct) and the woman (the sexual organs); in other words, "and I will put enmity between this bloodstream that comes from the liver, spleen, etc., and the sexual organs." That problem exists now because we are opened to Klipoth; thus even if we perform the alchemical solar work, there is an enmity here within us. This is important to know. That enmity is between the seed of the serpent and the woman's seed. The seed of the serpent is lust, anger, envy, pride, greed, gluttony, laziness, etc.--all of that egotism that we have within. Such an enmity is still within us when we receive Daath (Gnosis), the knowledge of good and evil, and we start transmuting the sexual libido, when we know how to be connected with tob, with goodness (Gedulah/Chesed). Nonetheless, previously we created a lot of ra (evil, pollution) inside so now we have enmity within, as Paul of Tarsus said in his Epistle to the Romans:

For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. For I know that in me [that is, in my flesh,] dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin [the ego] that dwelleth in me. I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man [of Genesis]: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? - Romans 7:15-24

Whom is at fault? Upon whom does the fault descend? If falls on us. There is an enmity between this tempting serpent of Eden--which is the orgasm, lust, the Kundaffer organ--and the serpent of bronze: the Kundalini. We have to disintegrate the seed of the serpent that we created not only in this life but also in other lives, since we bring that ego from our past lives.

The seed of the woman in this case is that woman--that sexual force of Shechinah that we need to transmute. It is our Divine Mother Kundalini. Remember that the Divine Mother Kundalini also polarizes negatively: as negative, she is the destructive force of the serpents that bit the Israelites:

And [Jehovah] sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died. - Numbers 21

Thus if we fornicate, that force goes down and creates an enmity inside us. The tempting serpent of Eden is the seed of evil, but the serpent that healed the Israelites in the wilderness is that woman, the Shechinah that goes up and that creates within the spinal column, which is the second womb.

Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against Jehovah, and against thee; pray unto Jehovah, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people. And Jehovah said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he loocketh upon it shall live. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. - Numbers 21


Unto the woman [this damnation falls into the feminine physical body] he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. - Genesis 3:16

Adam (the brain) should rule over Eve (the sexual organs). When you receive the knowledge, then the brain starts controlling the sexual organs, because it is lust when sex (Eve) controls Adam (the brain). When we start creating children or creating inside of us spiritually, we create with pain, because there is a lot of lust, a lot of sins within us; thus, we have to defeat that which comes from our own Chavah, our own sexual organs. So, Adam (the brain) must control Eve (Sex), as it is written "thy husband shall rule over thee"; this is precisely what we need--to rule over Chavah, which is possible when we comprehend the knowledge, Daath. However, if you translate this literally you might think that the man must rule the woman in the home. Yet, if you see the reality in the life of any couple, in any part of the world, the truth is that the man does not control the woman; instead it is always the woman who controls the man. If you do not control your own Chavah (sexual organ), how are you going to control the feminine force that has more strength? The feminine body has more strength because it attracts the forces of nature and the cosmos more, so the feminine body is more receptive, even though men might be more physically strong. Yet indeed the internal psyche of the woman is stronger than the man.

The commandment or statement that says: "thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee" means that we must do what Adam, the brain, knows is right--and Adam learns this from God. When you feel desire in your sexual organs, this means that the bloodstream from the liver, from the past, from the animal level, is nourishing sex, and thus tempting you through your Eve, sexual organs. Thus if you follow Chavah, Eve, your sexual organs, and eat of the fruit, then when are you going to start commanding yur own body? The brain is the one that has to do it and not the sex. Understand that through the brain, through knowledge (Gnosis), is how we learn to control and transmute the sexual energy.

And unto Adam [the brain] he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife [your sexual organs], and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground [physical body] for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life... - Genesis 3:17

Thus, after the brain follows the sin of Chavah in both Adam and Eve--that is, when the brain followed the voice of his (sexual organs)--They were cast out of the upper Garden of Eden. This means that before eating from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, we were enjoying the forces of the upper Eden, in the vital/ethereal body, the lower Eden; thus, the senses of the Tree of Life were connecting us to the internal worlds. But when we started eating the forbidden fruit (orgasm) from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (the sexual organs), we were cast out from within the internal worlds. We still have the vital body, yet there are people in this physical world that no longer listen to the voice of their inner God, because they lost connection with the internal superior worlds, with that "delight" or Daath, the upper Eden. There are people who do not even believe in God, even though, thanks to the three primary forces of God, they are physically alive. They do not believe in any creation or God because they are disconnected. They are no longer connected because their vital body (lower eden) is completely dislocated; they scarcely can sense the vital body, not to mention the Astral body, and Causal bodies, and the rest of the Sephiroth above. So most of humanity is--psychologically and physically speaking--out of the lower Garden of Eden (Yesod, pleasure) and out of the superior Sephiroth, and the upper Eden (Daath, delight).

Some people believe that this physical world is the only reality and all of those internal and superior worlds are just illusion. This society is cast out from the Garden of Eden. We are identified with this physical world, which is completely connected to Klipoth, Hell, the inferno or inferior dimensions.

In ancient times, when this entire humanity was in the Garden of Eden of Nature, which is located in Yesod (the fourth dimension), Malkuth (the physical body) was within Yesod (the vital body); both were one. Malkuth and Yesod were one garden. Yet, when that humanity fornicated and fell into what we already know, meaning, into animal generation (orgasm), then Malkuth (the physical body) fell from Yesod. So Yesod is where it should be, but Malkuth is fallen below where it should be. Malkuth is a fallen Sephirah. The entire planet is fallen. Our physical body is fallen. We need to reconnect our physicality to Yesod, the lower Garden of Eden (pleasure) by learning how to transmute the sexual energy; thus little by littel our physical body will reconnect. But in order to perform this reconnection, we have to disconnect the Chavah, the serpent "Ida" from Klipoth.

We disconnect ourselves from Klipoth by no longer fornicating. This is how we start performing tob--that is to accomplish what Genesis says, "and God saw that it was good."

We have been eating evil from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil for a long period of time. Humanity needs to forget about the evil way and to learn to transmute the sexual force, which is the good way, in order to reconnect our psyche to tob, goodness, the Sephirah Gedulah/Chesed. This is how we will return to the lost paradise described by Milton, the lower Eden in Yesod, and to reconnect to Jah-Chavah, which is in the upper Eden, in Daath. This is a long journey, thus we have to learn how to do this reconnection to Yesod and Daath.

Our soul comes from Daath, since the soul is part of that Ruach Elohim (Ruach: Hebrew - wind, breath, spirit; Elohim: Gods and Goddesses; The Ruach Elohim: Son's and daughters of the Elohim, the Cosmocreators). Yet our soul is, as the Bible says, in exile, in "Egypt" -this is not the Egypt of the Middle East, but Mizrahim, which represents our physical body.

And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which [are] in Mizrahim [translated as Egypt], and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows... - Exodus 3:7

Mizrahim represents our physical bodies. We are in exile from the superior worlds, and in order to return we need willpower: Moshe, Moses. Moses symbolizes willpower, is drawn from the waters.

And she called his name Moses: and she said, "Because I drew him out of the [pure, transmuted sexual] [Mayim] water [Yesod, the lower Eden]." - Exodus 2:10

Thelema, or willpower, is the only one that can take us out of misery. Thus, we have to develop our own particular individual (Moshe) Moses.

End of chapter

By eating the forbidden fruit we have created darkness within ourselves and thus learned all about impurity. We have learned the nature between good and evil. We have gained knowledge of purity and impurity. We have been guided to these teaching and now it's time to stop indulging in the orgasm. It's time to stop eating the forbidden fruit and face what we've created; our shadow self (error, sin, ego, Satan) and work with the three factors (death, birth and sacrifice). It's time to study ourselves, to comprehend our psychological defects, aggregates, vices and errors. It's time for us to wake up, "fight the good fight," "the Holy War," which is the war against ourself, our own sinning shadow. This is a psychological fight against our own diabolical creations (Ego), pride, anger, lust, greed, vanity, envy, laziness, gluttony, etc.

"To Battle, to Battle, to Battle." - Samael Aun Weor

"Onward and upward out of darkness and into the light." - Thoth

To further our understanding of what is being taught in this chapter please read the book "Secret Teachings of Moses," by Aunel va Daath. Available at

The Zohar by Rav Shimon bar Yochai

Tarot and Kabbalah by Samael Aun Weor

And many other lectures you can find on and,


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1 Comment

Sep 30, 2022

Thank you for the illuminations, brother … my day is blessed 🙏

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