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Lecture two: The Cosmic Hierarchy and Cosmic Influences

Updated: Jul 22

Welcome to the second lecture of the cosmic hierarchy and cosmic influences. Our first lecture ended with Tiphereth the fifth Aeon/the sixth Sephirah.


Today we will begin with Geburah. In the Gnostic tradition Geburah is the sixth Aeon. In Kabbalah Geburah is the fifth sephirah. Geburah in Hebrew means “severity-power.” Geburah relates to justice, intuition, the spiritual soul, buddhi in the Hindu tradition, Guinivere in the Arthurian tradition, Brunhilde in the Germanic tradition, and many other names. The fifth sephirah is the Divine Consciousness within each one of us.

Samael Aun Weor stated:

“Geburah is Severity, the Law, Buddhi, the Spiritual Soul, the Valkyrie…” – Tarot and Kabbalah


Samael Aun Weor stated in his lecture “the Dimensions of the Tree of Life:


“The Buddhic or intuitional body of the universe is grandiose, sublime, it encompasses the entire solar system and much more. It is named “intuitional” because there we become powerfully intuitive; it is by means of intuition how one can apprehend (in that region) the transcendental, divine knowledge. Many kabbalists make the mistake of associating Geburah with Mars, Geburah is not ruled by Mars, but by the sun. It is the buddhic or intuitional world where we truly feel the unity of life, where we experience communion, we might say, with the whole solar system of Ors…”

Here we see that Samael stated “Geburah is the intuitive world and is governed by the sun.” The regent of the sun is Michael. “Michael is one of the seven primary intelligences of our solar system.” In our first lecture we mentioned that there are 7 rays of creation. Each ray is associated with various vocations and talents. Each Monad is related with one of the seven. “Every monad has its own inheritance, and we as souls have to work in order to inherit that inheritance; we want to cultivate its respective talents, in order to exert the vocation or ability which belongs to our Being.” Each one of us has a lost inheritance which is related with one of the seven. There are seven chiefs of the seven rays of creation within our solar system of Ors and Michael is the chief of the 4th ray. This ray is related with the law, high dignitaries, mystical matters, social status, high hierarchies.


Samael Aun Weor stated:

“Michael is the Genie of the Sun, Michael governs the Sun and under his command there are legions of beings (Virtues), creatures that control the Law. Our heart is the Sun of our organism and within its left ventricle we have a Spiritual Atom, the Atom Nous. We have to build an altar within our heart and to put our Being there, to pray to our Being to ask for help in order to act according to the law.” – The Dimensions of the Tree of Life


We who like to call ourselves human beings on this planet do not live by spiritual ethical laws. Perhaps some of us do, but the majority of humanity does not. We need to understand that Ethics never change. Ethical laws such as to not murder someone or to not fornicate never change. Why? Because no matter what they are harmful actions that will always cause suffering. Today we find many people state that it’s ethical to hurt one another, or it’s ok to gossip, commit sexual misconduct, commit acts of violence, experiment with many different types of drugs, partake in all kinds of activities that completely imbalance our bodies, hearts and minds. We are destroying ourselves physically and psychologically. We are breaking laws, laws that are far beyond any terrestrial law. We are breaking laws that imbalance ourselves, our planet, and our solar system. It will benefit everything if we learn how to truly live ethically, it will help everything if we learn how to balance ourselves, and if we put forth the effort to do this, suffering for ourselves and everything around us will lesson. We need to study and learn the great laws, the ethical principles that are taught by all the great religions. The religions of love were given freely to us by the masters so that we may know a better way of existence, a pure way to live. The great masters seek to bring peace and harmony to us and all of creation. It doesn’t matter which religion you follow, it doesn’t matter, the ethical laws are in them, study them, act on them, and change for the better. Bring balance and peace to your Being. Ethics are where we have to begin.

Samael continues:

“We cause disequilibrium because we do not allow our Monad to take over our consciousness, we want to control nature, this planet earth, and we are making a mess of it. The atmosphere is polluted, the seas are polluted, we are killing each other, we are justifying degeneration – chaos. We must learn to equilibrate ourselves.”


If we don’t nature will do it for us in hell. Hell is a place where failures end up going, it’s a place where we no longer have the opportunity like we have right now, it’s a place where we are forced to be purified from all our psychological baggage. Hell is not a place where we will remain forever. How long we are there is determined by how much ego we’ve created, how much pain and suffering we have caused, our causes and effects will determine the length of our stay in hell and how long we decide to rebel against Divinity. So, lets learn to live ethically and stop abusing ourselves, each other, and our planet.

The solar ray is the ray of justice; it’s metal is gold, planet – sun, color orange or gold, day of the week is Sunday which is our current Wednesday. We stated in the first lecture that our days of the week were jumbled up long ago and this was most likely done out of ignorance in order to cause confusion and error. It’s good for us to know the correct days of the week. Currently we know them as Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, but that is incorrect. The correct days of the week are: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Knowing the correct days of the week is beneficial for us, especially when studying astrology or when invoking one of the seven. Those who have 4 lines across their forehead belong to the solar ray. Each planet affects us psychologically. “The influence of the sun gives us the quality faith and humility.” What is humility? Do we truly understand what it is to be humble? What about faith? We think of faith as mere belief. Belief is good for us, but eventually we need to experience our beliefs. Belief is only the beginning, it’s good that we believe in a higher power or something more than just the physical world, but, true faith comes from experience, from gnosis.

A Glorian Instructor stated:


“Faith relates to conviction of the truth, faith is not belief, but trust. Through experience. Truth can only be found through experience. What gives you your spiritual life? Faith in God – not God outside, but your Innermost. True humility and true faith are the greatest strength, the greatest armor, the greatest power. That is why the sun is in the middle of the seven planets; there are three on either side of the Sun. The Sun is the point of balance, the axis of the wheel, the organizer of the system.” – Defense for Spiritual Warfare

Humility is the opposite of pride. Most of us have a lot of pride. We aren’t very humble. Usually when circumstances arise that give us the opportunity to be humble we choose not to be, what usually surfaces from within us is pride. When someone tells us to do something we usually respond with pride. We say things like, “I don’t want to, who are you to tell me what to do.” Our pride makes it difficult for us to be humble. How about faith, the kind of faith we see now days, or what people think faith is, is really just blind faith. It’s common to find people following blindly after a guru, some type of leader, or we have blind faith in what he or she says, we hear gossip and believe it, we hear a priest, preacher, or parent say something and we believe; we believe without investigating things for ourselves. We follow blindly into the ditch of unconsciousness. Blind faith is not conscious faith, it is unconscious mechanical faith. It is not true faith. Blind faith is a type of hypnotic faith, fantasy, not reality. We become hypnotized by what others say, we want to believe so badly that what someone says is true. We fantasize about it, and create illusions within our minds and hearts. Sooner or later we either continue to follow blindly, or we choose to question things. Hopefully, at some point, something in us guides us out of unconsciousness, and we begin to question what we’ve been taught, and we begin a journey of exploration and investigation. We should stop following people and seek to experience things for ourselves.

Jesus stated:


“Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into a ditch.” – Matthew 15:14


It’s really important that we learn to think for ourselves, to question and investigate. We can experience what’s stated in spiritual scriptures and sacred texts. We don’t have to follow blindly after anyone or any theory or any belief. We don’t have to deny or be skeptical either, we don’t have to get puffed up with pride about everything we think we know. We cannot come to know the truth if we behave egotistically and because we are egotistical we usually receive the influence of the sun which is “faith as humility” negatively. Instead of the influence of the Sun strengthening our humility and faith, we polarize it to strengthen our pride, and skepticism. We unconsciously utilize the influence to empower our egos and this causes us to be more prideful and to not believe in anything other than what our outer senses perceive. This is why in the Gnostic tradition we teach to develop our inner senses, to be conscious, to strengthen the consciousness, to develop the consciousness, so that our level of awareness and perception will rise and these causes and effects will help us experience divinity. Through experience we gain gnosis, and gnosis (knowledge from experience) is what ends unconsciousness, ends blind faith, ends ignorance of the facts and helps us become more aware of the influences that we are receiving. So, how do we develop our inner senses? We develop our inner senses as we awaken our consciousness. Our inner senses like intuition and clairvoyance help us experience truth and we develop and strengthen our inner senses in the right way by eliminating our ego. When we eliminate egos we liberate parts of our consciousness. Right now our consciousness is conditioned and trapped. A good majority of it is trapped in blind faith and pride. As we comprehend different aspects of our pride we begin to be more humble and as we comprehend our blind faith we begin to see how it has us trapped in an unconscious mechanical state of being; we begin to see outside of the box, we begin transforming vices into virtues. Many of us believe the astral world exists, but when we experience the astral world for the first time we no longer have to believe in it, because we know it exists, and this is true faith; faith from experience. We now have total faith that the astral world is real because we experienced it.

Geburah is located within the sixth dimension and in the book “Secret Teachings of Moses” we find that the name of God in the fifth sephirah, Geburah, is “Elohim Gebur,” which means, the might of the Gods and Goddesses. When Elohim is in the initiate, he/she is a warrior.” 

We find both the heaven of Mars and the Sun in Geburah. The Virtues are related with the Heaven of the Sun and the Potencies (Powers) with the heaven of Mars.

Samael Aun Weor stated in his book “Tarot and Kabbalah:”


“Within the world of the Spiritual Soul, who is feminine, we find the lion of the law that is solar. Thus, we find the severity of the law in Geburah, but as well we find the nobleness of the lion. The buddhic, intuitional world is completely solar. The world of Geburah is based on justice. The masters of karma base themselves on the consciousness in order to judge in the tribunal of karma. The masters of karma are judges of consciousness. Justice is beyond good and evil. When you reach the light you will know what love is, you will know how to love, and will comprehend that conscious love is the law. Justice is the supreme mercy and the supreme mercilessness of the law. To evade justice is impossible because the police of karma are within us, this is the Kaom. Karma is not a mechanical law, it can be forgiven. Perform good deeds in order to cancel your debts.”


Next we have Chesed, Chesed in the Gnostic tradition is known as the seventh aeon. In Kabbalah, Chesed is the fourth sephirah and in Hebrew Chesed means mercy or loving kindness. The fourth sephirah is related with the Atmic world, the Atmic Body, the Innermost, the Inner Spirit, our Divine Father and is in the sixth dimension. We also have a picture here that you can see of Abraham, in kabbalah Abraham represents the sephirah Chesed, our Innermost Being.


“When Abraham appeared, as he is the secret of Chesed.” - Zohar


Samael Aun Weor stated:


“Chesed, in himself, is the Innermost; according to the Hindus He is Atman.”


Atman in sankrit means “Self.” Atman is our true Self, and this Self has nothing to do with the ego or any type of psychological conditioning. Here we are using the term Atman as our Innermost Self, our Spirit, our Being, our Inner God, Chesed, who is the son of God, who longs to return to that which is beyond what the intellect can fathom. We can refer to Atman in a few ways, one being our Innermost and the other which is related to the Absolute. Our Atman longs to return to that which is reality. “The Ultimate Reality is the Absolute, the Absolute is the Being of all Beings.” But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. So, when we say the “Self,” understand that this “Self” has nothing to do with any type of egoism.

Samael continues:


“The Being Himself is Atman, the ineffable. If we commit the error of giving the Being the qualifications of superior “I,” alter ego, subliminal “I,” or divine ego, we commit blasphemy, because That which is Divine, the Reality, can never fall into the heresy of separability. Superior and inferior are two sections of the same thing. Superior “I” or inferior “I” are two sections of the same pluralized ego (Satan). The Being is the Being, and the reason for the Being to be is the same Being. The Being (Atman) transcends the personality, the “I,” and individuality.”

The Sephirah Chesed is the Atmic world, the world of Atman and Samael Aun Weor stated:


“In the region of Atman, the Innermost, the ineffable is incalculable joy. Atman is the Innermost in us. The Innermost is almighty. In Chesed the world of Atman one knows the stark reality of the world. In Chesed the world of Atman, all is reduced to numbers, to mathematics; there we know how many atoms are in a given thing, there we will know the atoms of wisdom that typify each of the words that are written in books, and finally, everything in Chesed is reduced to numbers. Therefore, the world of Atman is a world of a stark reality. One is overwhelmed when consciously entering into the world of Atman for the first time, because one finds a world of the most shocking reality. One knows in the world of Atman how many atoms are in a temple, and their atomic quality. It is the world of mathematics, it is a world of overwhelming reality. When we move ourselves in the Atmic vehicle, we know exactly how many atoms are within anything we perceive, what principles, what degree of consciousness each molecule has, what elementals relate to it and what development they have.”

The Atmic world, Chesed, is governed by Mars. “Mars is the fifth Heaven, and is the abode of the Potencies, Powers.” Within Chesed we also find the heaven of Jupiter and at that level of consciousness we find the Dominions. But Chesed, the Innermost, is Martian, and in our tradition Mars is a warrior; to be Martian means to be a warrior. When we say warrior we are not describing someone in the physical world that kills people. This type of warrior is far superior to what we understand. There are many things we perceive as warrior qualities but most of them are mistaken; most if not all are not the warrior qualities of the Being. Anyone can pick up a sword, a gun, or any type of weapon and murder someone with it, but that doesn’t make them a true warrior. Killing people isn’t heroic, it isn’t divine, and in most cases is murder. There are many who follow the path of the demon and consider themselves to be warriors, perhaps they are in their own way, but, it’s not the type of warrior we are describing right now. Our Innermost is an upright warrior. Our Innermost struggles and goes through many battles; our Innermost is a true fighter. What does our Innermost fight? Our psychological darkness. Why? Because the Innermost is fighting for the betterment of humanity, for peace, for love, for the end of suffering, for self-realization.

Samael Aun Weor stated in his book Tarot and Kabbalah:


“It has been said that Chesed is directly governed by Jupiter and nothing else. This is false, because the Innermost is Martian, a warrior, a fighter. Whosever has a direct experience in Chesed knows very well that Chesed is a warrior. It is the Innermost who has to be in a struggle to the death against darkness, who has to fight very hard for His own intimate realization of the Self; He is always in battle. It is obvious that he is something of Jupiter, because He can grasp the scepter of Kings; I do not deny it, but it is a false statement that He is only and exclusively Jupiterian. In the world of Atman, one has the feeling of being a complete human being. The initiate feels full of immense plentitude. This is the world of the real human being in the most objective sense. The Innermost is God within the human being. The human being who ignores this great truth is only a shadow, a shadow of his Innermost.”


The regent of Mars is the High ranking Angel Samael. Samael is the chief of the fifth ray of creation, which is the Martian ray of our solar system. The Martian rays metal is iron, color is red, day of the week is Tuesday which is our current Thursday. The fifth ray is the ray of strength and war against darkness. The Martian ray is related to wars, military matters, police matters, leaders, etc. Those who have five lines on their foreheads belong to the Martian ray. Master Samael Aun Weor is the son of his Father Samael/Ares, chief of the fifth ray of creation. The image you see is of Ares and the child at his feet is his son, his bodhisattva (Samael Aun Weor). Samael (Mars/Ares) is the God of war. In Greek mythology the God of War is known as Ares. When we read about Ares we usually discover that he’s labeled as a warmonger, someone who loves death and destruction on the battlefield, but truly this is incorrect. The positive influence of Mars is selfless love. Who of us can place their hands over their heart and state that they love selflessly. Most likely none of us can truthfully state for a fact that we are capable of selfless love. Usually we want something in return for what we consider to be an act of kindness, for any type of work that we do for someone, even our Innermost. The truth is we’re riddled with desire, we are plagued with all types of desires, rare is it that we actually do something selflessly, without any expectations. We want to be noticed and congratulated for what we do. When we say selfless, we are not saying to be without our true self, the Being, we are talking about the false sense of self, the ego. If the ego is involved with what we are doing for anything or anyone, than it is not a selfless act. It is polluted with some type of expectation or desire; seeking something in return. An awakened Bodhisattva doesn’t work this way. A true Master of the straight path works selflessly for those who are suffering and seeks nothing in return. Love is what motivates them to act, not ego. So, we need to understand that those of us who have ego receive the influence of Mars which is selfless love and polarizes it negatively. Instead of the influence strengthening our love for each other, it strengthens our anger and hatred for each other, our anger gets empowered and we go to war with one another. This is because we are inverted beings. We are tritocosmoses and not microcosmoses. A tritocosmos is the abyss or hell. A tritocosmos is what we call our subconsciousness, unconsciousness, and infraconsciousness. We have our own hell within, our own inferno. The psyche we have now is more of a hell than a heaven. Our essence, our consciousness is trapped and imprisoned in mostly ego and this is why we receive the influences from the planets and invert them. We are psychologically asleep and we need to wake up. “In Universal Gnosticism, the term microcosmos refers to the human being, the true human being is a universe in miniature.” The true man within us is the microcosmic star and the ego we have within is the inverted microcosmic star, the inferno that we have within. If we were a microcosmos, a true human being, we would receive the positive influences of the planets and utilize them in the right way. We would then polarize the force of Mars positively and that force is love. An example of humanity polarizing the force of Mars negatively is when we go to war and kill each other or when we express anger and hatred to one another. We do this all the time, sometimes in catastrophic ways, but also in very subtle ways. We argue with each other all the time over the most selfish things. We argue with ourselves. The average person has a lot of anger and hatred. We need to become aware of this, become aware of when you feel anger and hatred toward yourself and others. Become aware of this and transform it. Study what’s happening to you and why, and know that selfless love is the positive force of Mars, Ares, Samael, chief of the Martian Ray. Pay attention, be mindful of your anger, be aware, it really doesn’t feel good to be angry. Anger and hate drain us of our energies, they hurt us psychologically and physically. Hypertension is a huge issue for many people, violence is also very common, and that’s just physical, emotionally, anger hurts not only you but other people as well. Pay attention to what happens, be aware of how people feel when you are angry. How about mentally? When you think angry thoughts you are hurting yourself and you are creating psychological aggregates in the world of your mind. Those egos are very dangerous. If you are in the internal worlds awake, you may come face to face with some of your angry creations and experience what they are. You also experience what you have within yourself when you dream and have a nightmare of someone hurting you or expressing some type of anger at you. It’s important that we meditate and comprehend our anger, we need to transform anger into love, that way we will eventually have no anger. It’s important that we utilize the force of Mars in the right way. When we eliminate egos of anger we replace them with love and the force of Mars will help us defeat our egos of anger; love conquers anger and hate.


In the book “Secret Teachings of Moses” it states:


“The fourth Sephirah, Chesed, the name of God is [El]. Chesed means love, mercy. [El] means God, our own particular Spirit, our own Innermost who emerges from the Holy Trinity (Kether, Chokmah, Binah). El is the Monad. Within “El” the Monad are the three atoms: the atoms of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. “El,” the Monad, has cosmic consciousness.”


So, Chesed, our Innermost that we have within is our own Divine Father, our Atman. It’s important for us to comprehend that we have our own Divine Father within. Our Divine Father is fighting a war for us, our Innermost Being is trying to guide us through this giant obstacle course we call life. The war that our Innermost Being is waging is the fight to return to the light, it is a fight that we need to help with, we need to comprehend our psychological darkness and transform it into light. We need to enter into this battle, we need to fight for our Innermost. We need our Beings help and our Being also needs our help. We perform the Great Work together, we conquer our egos together, we are a unity, remember your Being and fight. Victory over ourselves leads to psychological freedom.


May All Beings Be Happy!

May All Beings Be Joyful!

May All Beings Be at Peace!


Inverential Peace!

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