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Lecture 1-The Cosmic Hierarchy, and Cosmic Influences.

Writer: Oregon Gnosis InstructorOregon Gnosis Instructor

Updated: Jun 27, 2024

This is the first lecture of the Cosmic Hierarchy and Cosmic Influences. Today we are going to discuss three of the cosmic orders (Angels, Archangels, Principalities), parts of the tree of life, three of the seven rays of creation, their chiefs and their influences.


First we are going to read from the Nag Hammadi scripures. 

The Spiritual Level Arranging all things, the Word first set himself up as origin, cause, and ruler of the things that had come into being, after the model of the Father, who was the cause of the preexistent establishment. Thereafter he established the images that already existed and that he had brought forth in thanksgiving and glorification. Then he arranged the abode of those he had brought forth by way of glorification, which is called “paradise,” “enjoyment,” “delight full of nourishment,“ and “delight <of> the preexistent ones,” reproducing the image of all the good things that exist in the Fullness. Then he arranged the kingdom, which is like a city filled with everything that is agreeable—brotherly love and great generosity—and which was filled [97] with the holy spirits and the strong powers that govern those the Word had brought forth, and thereby was established with strength. Then he arranged the station of the Church that is assembled in this place and possessed the form of the Church that exists among the aeons that give glory to the Father. After that he arranged the station of the faith and the obedience that arise [from] hope, the very things [the Word] had received when the light was revealed; and then the disposition of prayer and supplication leading to forgiveness, and the word about him who will be revealed. All these spiritual stations are set apart by a spiritual power from those who belong to the remembrance, a power that consists of an image of what separates the Word from the Fullness.38 The power is active in making them prophesy about the things to come, and it lets those who have come into being belonging to the remembrance <…>39 the preexistent ones, without allowing them to mingle with those who had come into being through a vision of the figures before him. The Two Lower Orders Now, although those who belong to the remembrance, which is excluded from this, are subordinate, they still reproduce the likeness of what belongs to the Fullness, and in particular because of their sharing in the names with which they are adorned. Subordinate to those who belong to the remembrance is conversion, and also the law of judgment, which is condemnation and rage, is subordinate to them. Subordinate to these again is the power separating those who are below them, which throws them far off and does not allow them [98] [to] spread upward to those who belong to the remembrance and conversion. This power is fear and despair, oblivion, confusion, and ignorance. Even these inferior ones, who have come into being as an imitation from an illusion, are called by the higher names, <although they have no> knowledge about the ones from whom they have issued through a presumptuous thought, lust for dominion, disobedience, and falsehood. To each <of> the two orders, moreover, he gave a name. Those who belong to the remembrance and the likeness are called “those on the right,” “psychical,” “fires,” and “the middle ones,” while those who belong to the presumptuous thought and the imitation are called “those on the left,” “material,” “darknesses,” and “the last ones.” After having established each one in his rank—the images, the likenesses, and the imitations—the Word kept the aeon of the images pure from all its adversaries as a place of joy. To those who belong to the remembrance, however, he revealed the thought of which he had stripped himself, with the intention that it should draw them into a communion with the material. This was in order to provide them with a structure and a dwelling place, but also in order that by being drawn toward evil they should acquire a weak basis for their existence, so that, instead of rejoicing unduly in the glory of their own environment and thereby remaining exiled, they might rather perceive the sickness they were suffering from, [99] and so acquire a consistent longing and seeking after the one who is able to heal them from this weakness. Over those who belong to the imitation, on the other hand, he placed the ordering word to provide them with form. He also placed over them the law of judgment, and, further, he also placed over them the powers that had their roots [in] the lust for dominion. He [placed] them to rule over them, so that the order should be kept in check either by the firmness of the wise word, by the threat of the [law], or by the power of the lust for dominion, all of which diminished that order’s evilness, until the Word was content with them as useful for the economy. The Hierarchy of the Cosmic Powers The Word knows that the two orders share a common lust for dominion, and he granted the desire of both these and all the others. To each he gave an appropriate rank for the exercise “of command, so that each would become the ruler of one station and activity and renounce the place of whoever is superior to himself in order to command by his activity the inferior stations, being in charge of the activity that it befell him to control on account of his mode of being. Thus, there came to be commanders and subordinates in positions of dominion and servitude, angels [100] and archangels, with a variety of different kinds of activities. Each of the rulers, with the category and the grade that came to be his lot in accordance with the way they had appeared, took his position, having been given his charge in the economy. And so none of them is without a command, and none is without a king above him, from the ends of the heavens to the ends of the [earth], as far as to the inhabited regions of the [earth] and those who are below the earth. There are kings and there are masters, as well as those whom they command; some are there to punish, others to give judgment, some to give relief and healing, others to instruct, and still others to keep watch. From the Tripartite Tractate of the Nag Hammadi Scriptures


Below is an image of the tree of life. This image contains both Hebrew and Greek words. One of the words is Aeon. We find the word Aeon in the Gnostic Bible. Aeon is a Greek word and literally means "a duration of time." In Gnosticism, we find the word Aeon refers to a class of being (a Master of the Great Day) and a region or dimension.

Samael Aun Weor stated in his book the Pistis Sophia Unveiled:

"The Twelve Aeons or Twelve Cosmic Regions mutually penetrate and co-penetrate without confusion... We must make a clear differentiation between Firmament and Regions. Regions are equivalent to Dimensions. The twelve Aeons are the twelve Regions. Unquestionably, the Initiate must work in each one of the Thirteen Aeons, if he wants the Final Liberation. The First Aeon is Malkuth, which is here and in the submerged Abyss. The Second Aeon is Yesod, which is in our sexual organs and in the fourth dimension, within which is the Terrestrial Paradise, the Ethereal World. The Third Aeon is the Astral World, the Sephira Hod. The Fourth Aeon is Netzach, the Mental World. The Fifth Aeon is Tiphereth, the Causal World. The Sixth Aeon is Geburah, the Buddhic or Intuitional World. The Seventh Aeon is the World of Atman, the Ineffable one, the region of Chesed or Gedulah. The Eighth Aeon is Binah, the region of the Holy Spirit, the World of Shiva, the Third Logos. The Ninth Aeon is Chokmah, the region of the Logos, the Cosmic Christ. The Tenth Aeon is Kether, the Region of the Ancient of Days. The Eleventh Aeon is the Region of Ain Soph Aur, the Third Great Aspect of the Absolute. The Twelfth Aeon is the region of Ain Soph, the Second Aspect of the Absolute. The Thirteenth Aeon is the region of the Ain, the Unmanifested Absolute. Each one of the Thirteen Aeons must be Self-realized within ourselves. Pistis Sophia must Self-realize herself in these Thirteen Aeons, based on conscious works and voluntary sufferings." - Samael Aun Weor, The Pistis Sophia Unveiled

Within the Tree of life we find the Ten sephiroth. Each sephirah has a name. From the highest to the lowest, the Ten Sephiroth represent different levels of cosmic manifestation. Each has different laws that apply to everything that exists. The different levels have to do with different states of consciousness, dimensions, worlds, etc. All the different Sephiroth are a Universal vibration and emerge from the Ain Soph. The Ain Soph is the Microcosmic star.

Samuel Aun Weor said:

"The ten Sephiroth of universal vibration emerge from the Ain Soph, which is the microcosmic star that guides our interior. This star is the real Being of our Being. Ten Sephiroth are spoken of, but in reality there are twelve; the Ain Soph is the eleventh, and its tenebrous antithesis is in the abyss, which is the twelfth Sephirah. These are twelve spheres or universal regions that interpenetrate each other without confusion. The Sephiroth are atomic. The ten Sephiroth can be reduced into three tables:1. A quantum table of the radiant energy that comes from the sun 2. An atomic weight table of the elements of nature 3. A molecular weight table of compounds. This is Jacob’s ladder, which goes from Earth to heaven. All of the worlds of cosmic consciousness are reduced to the three tables. A Sephirah cannot be understood only in one plane, because it is of a quadruple nature. Therefore, the Kabbalists clearly express the fact that there are Four Worlds. The ten known Sephiroth come from Sephirah, the Divine Mother, who resides in the heart temple. The mantra of the Divine Mother is IO which is the 10 emanations of Prakriti, in other words, the 10 (ten) Sephiroth." Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah

Today we will begin with the second aeon.

Yesod (second Aeon)

Yesod is a Hebrew word that means foundation and is the ninth sephirah of the tree of life.

We are taught that within the macrocosmic universe, Yesod is the fourth dimension. In the microcosmic universe (man), Yesod corresponds to the sexual organs and to the Ethereal body. In the Bible, Yesod is Eden, the Promised Land, the etherial world. In Gnosticism Yesod is the 2nd Aeon and is governed by the moon.

"Yesod is the Vital or Ethereal Body. Yesod is the foundation of the Third Logos, the center where the sexual force of the Third Logos gravitates. The sexual forces which are the living foundation of our physiology gravitate in Yesod. The Holy Spirit abides in Yesod." - Samael Aun Weor

Within the fourth dimension (lower Eden) we find many Elementals.

"In the times of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, elementals of Nature were manifest everywhere, deeply penetrating our physical atmosphere. Many are the tales of elves, leprechauns and fairies, which still abound in green Erin, Ireland. Unfortunately, all these things of innocence, all this beauty from the soul of the Earth, is no longer perceived by humanity. This is due to the intellectual scoundrel’s pedantries and the animal ego’s excessive development." - Samael Aun Weor, The Great Rebellion

Samael states the following in his lecture "The Dimensions of the of the Tree of Life."

All creatures of the animal kingdom are organized. The Essences [consciousness] that are reincorporated incessantly in the different animal organisms are called “elementals." They attend their secret temples, which are located in “paradise," that is to say, in the fourth vertical. The elementals of plants (since each plant has its own) are organized in families. For example, one is the family of orange groves, another of the peppermint, another of the pine tree. Each of those vegetable families have temples in the ethereal world. They are instructed there by the devas [angels]. Those [elemental] creatures aspire to become human beings someday. In Eden, that is to say, in the ethereal world, in the "Garden of Hesperides" (as Don Mario Roso de Luna, the famous Spanish writer said), in the "Promised Land" of Moses, where the rivers of pure waters of life pour milk and honey, there are indeed incalculable beauties... One is enraptured when contemplating the gnomes among the rocks, those small creatures mentioned by Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim (Paracelsus)... One feels stunned when seeing the salamanders in the flames, those creatures that look like small lizards. They really animate the fire element...One cannot help but be moved when contemplating the playful sylphs of the ethereal world, who give capricious forms to the clouds... One cannot help but be really ecstatic when seeing the nereids of the immense sea, building their palaces at the bottom of the seas. We have been told that when one of them falls in love with a human being, she takes him to her home in the waters; she forms a home with him. It is obvious that the human disincarnates, since he has married a nereid...In the ethereal world we find insignificant creatures, but with an immense power. There are certain "animalcules" of such regions that it is enough to touch them with the edge of the flaming sword so that a storm can be released, or to stop or conclude a storm. Others have power over erupting volcanoes... The angels of life work in the ethereal world. They have the great mission of endowing a returning, reincarnating, or reincorporating human body with a vital body. Those Devas, obviously, have power over the amniotic waters and in general over all matter… - Samael Aun Weor

We also find different levels of Angels (Cherubim) in Yesod who help the elementals. When we say Angels we are describing different levels of cosmic beings and different levels of consciousness. Depending on what initiatic level the Angelic being is, or it's level of consciousness gives it the ability to enter into different worlds. For instance: if we traveled with our astral body into another world, or within a different dimension, right here and now, we'd perceive that world with whatever level of consciousness we possess. We all have different levels of perception, different levels of consciousness, and so do the different levels and orders of angels. Each Sphere in the tree of life has a different name for God. In the second aeon, the ninth sephirah, Yesod, the name of God is Shaddai El Chai, which means "The Almighty Living God," which is the sexual force.

Hod (third Aeon)

Hod, is the Eighth Sephirah, and is constituted by the Angels. Hod is the astral world and also represents the astral body. Hod resides within the 5th dimension and is a Hebrew word meaning glory.

Samael Aun Weor states the following:

"Beyond the vital world we find the astral world. One becomes astounded when contemplating that region. The Astral Light is the "Azoth" and the "Magnesium" of ancient Alchemists; it is the "Flying Dragon" of Medea, the "INRI" of the Christians, the "Tarot" of the Bohemians. It is the fire detached from the nimbus of the Sun and fixed to Earth by the force of gravity and the weight of the atmosphere. One is astonished when contemplating the immense region of the astral world. It has seven regions. In the astral world we find two perfectly defined sections: we could call the first "superior astral" and the other (as the Hindus say) the "inferior kamaloka.” In the astral world we find the souls of the dead, the deceased, those who have already left their corporeal covering. There we also find the devas of nature. In the astral world we can invoke the creator gods of the universe and they will come to our call. In the astral world there are many temples of mysteries; the masters of the universal White Fraternity meet in them. We have methods and techniques in order to enter into that world at will. There is nothing that does not have its astral counterpart; even the planet Earth has its counterpart in the astral world… In the upper region we find many mahatmas, many splendorous and happy angels. In the lower section we can find all the witches sabbaths of the Middle Ages, all the temples of black magic, the grieving souls, the suffering creatures, all those who moan and cry, and also all of the perverse ones." - Samael Aun Weor, the Dimensions of the tree of life

The name for God in Hod, the astral world is "Elohim Sabbaoth," which means "Army of Gods and Goddesses." Elohim means "Gods and Goddesses." Sabbaoth means "host or army." Within our solar system there are seven cosmic creator Elohim; Angels who are regents and chiefs over the seven rays of creation. The seven rays represent the fundamental law of seven, the law of cosmic action and organization. As an expression of a law of nature, the seven rays can be seen in all levels of manifested nature, whether formless or with form.

"When our Inner Being (our Monad) first emerged from the Absolute, that ray of light that came from our Ain Soph passed through a prism, a spiritual prism related to the seven planets. These seven planets gave as gifts to this ray of light their colors, qualities. All of us have this inside as an inheritance in our consciousness, and we experience them because we are alive and we all have them. The qualities are virtues or attributes that are modified according to our conditioning." - Glorian Gnostic Instructor

Samael Aun Weor said:

"There are seven rays of cosmic evolution: 1. The Lunar ray 2. The Mercurian ray 3. The Venusian ray 4. The Solar ray 5. The Martian ray 6. The Jupiterian ray 7. The Saturnian ray. Each master evolves and unfolds in his own ray, and never changes rays. In the internal worlds, each of the seven rays has its temple of mysteries." —Samael Aun Weor, The Seven Words

"The Law of Seven is the fundamental principle of the organization of everything that is created. Thus we have seven primary colors, seven primary chakras, seven primary notes, seven primary planets, etc." -, Glossary-Law of Seven

The astral world is governed by the moon.

The Regent or Chief of the first ray (lunar ray) is Gabriel. Each ray has a primary color. The first ray's color is (white, silver). Each day of the week is related to one of the seven, and Monday is Gabriels day. Long ago our days of the week where switched around. Our Sunday is really Monday. This ray also has to do with conception/procreation. We find in the Bible that Gabriel was sent to give Mary a message.

"In the sixth month, Gabriel the Angel was sent from the presence of God to Galilee to the city whose name was Nazareth, To a virgin who was engaged to a man from the house of David, whose name was Yoseph, and the name of the virgin was Maryam. The Angel entered her presence, and he said to her, "Peace to you, full of grace, our Lord is with you; you are blessed among women." But when she saw him, she was alarmed at his word, and she was wondering, "What is this greeting?" And the Angel said to her, "Do not fear, Maryam, for you have found favor with God, For behold, you shall conceive and you shall give birth to a son, and you shall call him Yeshua (savior)." - Luke 1:26-31

We find within this scripture Gabriel announcing an important birth. The ray of the moon correlates with procreation, birth, with all living things; forces. We also receive energies from all around us. From the cosmos, the earth and each other. Our own inner tree of life physically speaking, constitutes or represents our spine and our entire nervous system. Our entire nervous system receives, transforms and transmits energies constantly. Right now we're discussing the moon. What we do with the energy we receive from Gabriel depends on the state of our psychological wellbeing. Normally we should receive altruism (selfless concern, generosity) if we are receiving transforming and transmitting the energy from the moon in the right way. If we fornicate, adulterate (abuse the creative energy), then we find ourselves receiving and transforming the energy from the moon in the wrong way. This energy then is transformed by the ego and strengthens our avarice (greed, selfishness, etc).

Netzach (fourth Aeon)

Netzach is the seventh sephirah of the Tree of Life; it represents the Mental World; the Mental Body, and is within the fifth dimension. Netzach is a Hebrew word meaning victory. The Archangels constitute the fourth Aeon (Netzach).

Archangel: (Greek) From arch, chief or primordial, and angel, messenger.

Samael stated in his lecture "the Dimensions of the tree of life the following:"

"Far beyond the astral world we have the world of the cosmic mind. In the mental world we find many temples where the works of Hermes Trismegistus are described, where his miracles and wonders and great deeds are mentioned, etc. In the world of Netzach we understand how much we have to work in order to truly reach enlightenment. Netzach [Hebrew נצח, “victory”] is called the world of victory. Why? Because to achieve victory one has to triumph and free oneself from the mind. And to achieve it, that is the most difficult task. Yet, one has to do a great work in the depths of Netzach. In the world of the mind we must remove from our mind every unworthy particle, every inhuman element, every perversity. Whosoever achieves liberation from the mind is a victorious one, a Buddha. In the world of the mind there is an extraordinary temple; there we see the counterpart of the deep seas and the continents. With the mental body we can travel throughout the solar system, and even far beyond. We can travel there. The temples of Hermes, with their gates of glory, shine among the fire of the whole universe. This is where we can discover all the great works that master has done."

In the fourth aeon, the mental world , the name of God is "Jehovah Sabbaoth" which means "Army of Jehovahs." We've already stated that Sabbaoth means "Host" or "Army."

In the book "Secret Teachings of Moses" we read the following:

"In Kabbalah, Jehovah is pronounced Jah-Havah, because the name shows the two polarities: Jah is masculine and feminine. Havah means "to become" in Aramaic. Havah is read "Eve," which is also feminine. So when we say Jah-Havah, we are naming an androgynous entity who is becoming, and is related with the Elohim, which is plural for Gods and Goddesses."

Netzach, the Mental world is governed by Mercury.

"Netzach is the Mental World, the cosmic mind, the mind of the human being. The mind is found to be Mercurial. Anyone can realize that the mind is Mercurial, because Mercury gives wisdom, gives the word, etc." - Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah

The Regent of Mercury is Raphael. Raphael is the Chief of the second ray (Mercurian ray). The color yellow, medicine and health relate to the ray of mercury. Raphael's day of the week is Wednesday and our current Monday is really Wednesday. Once again, how the energy from Mercury (Raphael) influences us Depends on our psychological state of being (how we've polarized the creative force within us). If we've polarized the creative energy within us in a positive way, then we receive an influence of diligence. This quality helps us to be alert, cognizant and conscious. Not only externally but also internally. If we are diligent, then we are capable of being aware of our thoughts, emotions, actions and there is a continuity of purpose (we continue to observe ourselves and do our best to remain awake). Mercury helps us with this. For most of us this is not the case. Instead of diligence we receive sloth. Because we are transforming the influence in the wrong way. When studying ourselves we may find that we are consciously lazy and it takes a lot of effort to remain awake (conscious). This discovery is good because it gives us gnosis of how psychologically asleep we are. It's important to know where we stand.

Tiphereth (fifth Aeon)

Tiphereth is the 6th sephirah and in Hebrew Tiphereth means beauty or compassion. Tiphereth is the Causal World and is within the 6th Dimension. Within the fifth aeon, Tiphereth, the Causal world we find the Principalities.

Samael stated the following:

"Beyond the world of the mind is the causal world. This is how it is called, because that is where the causes and effects are processed incessantly within an eternal now, within an eternal present. That world is characterized by an intensely deep, extraordinary blue color. The causal body shines beautifully. The mountains there saturated with an ineffable blue. It is a world of causes and effects. There, we see karma in action. There, we see how each cause has its effects, as each effect has its cause, and the process of causes and effects within the eternal instant of life. It is the causal world, a world, we might say, of waves, actions, and consequences. There, the Principalities handle karma with great wisdom. In the causal world the Principalities work intensely; there we see the Archons of the law. It is a world, I repeat, where the causes and effects are joined within an eternal now, within an eternal present. It has been said, quite clearly, that the human soul (Tiphereth) is completely Christic, and that it is in Tiphereth where we come to eliminate even the last elements of the “I”. That is right, because there we finish with the very causes of the ego, of the myself, of the self-willed." - Samael Aun Weor, the Dimensions of the tree of life

The name for God in the Causal world is "Eloah va Daath Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei, which means "Goddess, and the Knowledge of Iod-Havah."

The causal world is governed by Venus.

Samael Aun Weor taught the following:

"Some Kabbalists presume that Tiphereth, the world of the Human Soul, or properly called the world of the Son of Man, is governed by the Sun. Really, this is not so, because it is governed by Venus. This is why Christ is crucified on Holy Friday, and this is something that we must meditate upon. The world of Tiphereth is the world of willpower. In that world only the will of the Father is done, done on earth as it is in heaven. Music and sound prime within this world; Here we find the temple of the Music of the Spheres. One of the guardians of that temple is a great master who, when he was alive in the physical world, was called Beethoven. He is a great initiate; his nine symphonies are marvellous." - Tarot and Kabbalah, Samael Aun Weor

The Regent of Venus is Uriel. Uriel is the Chief of the third ray of creation (Venusian ray). The color green, love, art and music relate to the ray of Venus. Uriel's day of the week is Friday and our current Tuesday is really Friday. The influence that our consciousness receives from Uriel is chastity. Chastity is pure sexuality (without orgasm and lust). If we’re chaste, and not abusing the creative force, then when we receive the Venusian influence, we'll transform and transmit it in the right way. The energetic influence that we receive will help us with chastity.

If we have ego, if we have the psychological defect of lust, then what happens is we receive the influence but we transform and transmit it in the wrong way. In an inverted way, because we have ego.

Instead of it helping us with chastity, it’s utilized by our ego to strengthen our lust. We all have ego and having an abundance of ego makes it difficult for us to receive the influences in a positive manner.

If we are working on ourselves psychologically, if we are working to transform our darkness into light, our lust into chastity, then the force, the energy, the influence, that we receive from Venus will help us.

We all have energy centers that are called chakras.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel. We teach that there are seven primary chakras. The seven primary chakras are located along our spine and correlate with our glands, organs, vital, astral, mental and causal bodies. If you are not familiar with what they are please see our lecture called "the seven primary chakras." So our chakras (energy transformers and transmitters), are spinning and they're supposed to be spinning clockwise. If we had the superior sense of clairvoyance we'd have the ability to see each others chakras and we'd be able to see which way they are spinning. When looking at someone's back we should see someone's chakra spinning clockwise. For most of us this isn't the case. Most of us have our wheels spinning counter clockwise and this is because we have a lot of negativity going on within us (ego). Our egos, our self-created errors, our lust, pride, anger, laziness, selfishness, etc, etc, causes the chakras to spin the wrong way. Our negativity effects our chakras and causes our energy centers to absorb and transform cosmic influences and energies in the wrong way.

This is why Samael Aun Weor and Dr. Krumm-Heller stated the following:

"One hour of daily vocalization is better than reading a million books of pseudo-esotericism and pseudo-occultism."

Samael in his books the "Divine Science, and the Three Mountains," teaches us to work with the chakras by vocalizing the seven sacred vowels. The vowels I, E, O, U, A, M, S correspond to our seven primary chakras. The vocalization of these vowels with their corresponding energy centers will help put our chakras into activity and helps them spin in the right direction. Again if you are not familiar with this exercise please see our lecture "the seven primary chakras" or the books by Samael that were mentioned. You can also go to and search for lectures pertaining to chakras. To me, from my own experience, chakra work is profoundly important, because it helps our wheels absorb and transmit energy in the right way. It also helps us to awaken our superior senses. Our superior senses are clairvoayance, clairaudiance, intuition, telepathy, etc. If we are not working to develop these faculties (superior senses) then how will we become aware, how will we be conscious and cognizant of all the different influences, forces and energies that we're receiving from moment to moment? There are many methods taught by Samael that will help us but right now we're talking about chakra work, because it's important to develop our superior senses and its important to receive, transform and transmit energy in the right way. When we work with our chakras, we are taught to be conscious and aware of the the energy center we are working with. We are taught to focus on the energy of that center and if possible utilize our imagination by visualizing a collection of energy, concentrating on a specific chakra and visualize it spinning in the right direction. This exercise will help us become conscious of energies both inside and outside of us. It will also help us awaken our superior senses.

Another important exercise that will help us is the transformation of impressions.

As we've stated, we are receiving energy/influences from the planets in our solar system. So far we have discussed three. The Moon, Mercury and Venus. Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel send us influences. We've stated that our psychological wellbeing determines how those influences effect us. Our egos transform the influences; they invert them. Instead of receiving them in a positive way we transform and transmit them in a negative way. Well, Thankfully Samael Aun Weor taught us the transformation of impressions.

Samael taught the following in his book "Revolution of the Dialectic:"

"Transformation signifies that one thing changes into something else. It is logical that everything is susceptible to change. In Gnosis, we consider the human being to be like a factory with three floors that normally absorbs three types of nourishment. Common nourishment, which is a matter related to the stomach, is the first type, which corresponds to the inferior floor of the factory. Naturally, air is related with the second floor and this second type of nourishment corresponds to the lungs. Indubitably, impressions are associated with the third floor or the third type of nourishment and this corresponds to the brain. The fermentations of nature vary because of the action of the solar light. Unquestionably, the sensitive film of life (which normally extends over the face of the Earth) conducts every universal force towards the very interior of the planetary world. Therefore, each plant, each insect, each creature, and the intellectual animal himself (who is mistakenly called human) unconsciously absorb, assimilate, specific cosmic energies, which are then transformed and transmitted towards the interior layers of the planetary organism. Such transformed energies are intimately related with the whole economy of the planetary organism in which we live. Indubitably, every creature (according to its species) transforms specific energies that are then transmitted into the interior of the Earth for the economy of the world. Therefore, each creature that is in existence fulfills the same function. To transform our impressions would be magnificent. However, the majority of people, as they are seen in the field of practical life, believe that this physical world will give them what they yearn for and seek. Indeed, this is a tremendous error, because life in itself enters within us, into our organism, in the form of mere impressions. Therefore, the first thing that we must comprehend is the significance of the esoteric work that is intimately related with the world of impressions. One cannot really transform ones own life unless one transforms the impressions that reach the mind. If we see a person who pleases or displeases us, the first thing that we obtain from that person’s character are his pleasant or unpleasant impressions, isn’t that true? This we cannot deny. Therefore, life reaches us in the form of impressions. How could we achieve a psychological transformation on ourselves? We do it by performing a psychological work upon the impressions that we are receiving at each instant, at each moment. We need to transform ourselves internally each day. When we want to transform our psychological aspect, we need to work upon the impressions that enter into us. The work, for instance, on negative emotions, on angry states, on identification, on self-consideration, on the successive “I’s,” on lying, on self-justification, on excuses, on the unconscious states in which we are in, is all related with the transformation of impressions and what results from it all. Normally, or better said supra-normally, the transformed impressions themselves would lead you to a better life, depending naturally on how concerned you are with this work. Thus, the impressions would no longer act upon you as they did at the beginning of your own transformation. But as long as you continue thinking in the same way, that is, receiving life in the same manner, it is clear that there will be no change in yourself. To transform the impressions of life is to transform oneself. This totally new manner of thinking helps us to carry out such a transformation. This entire dissertation is exclusively based on the radical manner of transforming oneself. Thus, if one does not transform oneself, nothing is achieved. You will comprehend, indeed, that life demands from us a continuous reaction towards it. Thus, all of these reactions form our personal life. Therefore, to change one’s life is to really change one’s own reactions towards it. Exterior life reaches us as mere impressions that incessantly force us to react, we would say, in a stereotypical way. If the reactions that form our personal life are all of a negative type, then our own life will be negative as well. Life consists of a successive series of negative reactions that happen as incessant responses towards the impressions that reach the mind. Therefore, our task consists of transforming the impressions of life in such a manner that they do not provoke this type of negative response. However in order to achieve this, it is necessary to observe oneself from instant to instant, from moment to moment. Therefore, it is urgent to study one’s own impressions. If one manages to transform the impressions that reach one’s mind at the moment of entry, then one obtains marvelous results that benefit one’s existence."

So, it is difficult for us to receive the pure influences from the planets we've spoke of thus far, because of our egos. Our egos of lust are inverting the influences that we receive. Our ego is transforming the influence of chastity from Venus into lust. Instead of receiving diligence from Mercury we get laziness. Instead of altruism from the moon we get selfishness and thus the ego and the divine are like oil and water (they do not mix). For example: Monday which is our Sunday is Gabriels day. On that day we receive a stronger influence from Gabriel. If we know that we have egos of selfishness, then we can prepare ourselves to be ready, to be alert to their influences over our psychological wellbeing. We can also wear the colors of that ray which are white or silver. Wearing these colors can help and also be a sign of veneration to the chief of that ray. We can also pray and invoke our innermost and the chief of the ray we are working with for help.

"Angels are the interface through which a man interacts with the awesome Light of the Creator. However, our senses of perception are, by design, restricted and limited. Consequently, the force called "angel" remains unobservable to the naked eye and illogical to the rational mind. Like the unseen wind, however, it's influence is very real. Positive actions of sharing, tolerance & compassion ignite positive angels. Selfishness intolerance & hatred rouse negative angels." - The Zohar

Pranayama is another example we can discuss briefly pertaining to energy. Pranayama is a breathing exercise that helps transmute the sexual energy. Prana is the "life force, the breath of life." Prana is energy. Prana is Christ because Christ is an energy, a force that exists in everything. I don't want to go into Christ to much yet but Prana is the energy of existence, just like Christ is the force, the energy of life and light. Yama means "self-control, restraint." To perform pranayama is to work with energy. It is to work with the vital energy both inside and outside. We are breathing in energy, transforming and transmitting it. We are transforming and transmitting the energy we bring in through our nostrils and then transmuting the sexual energy from our sexual organ rising it up our spine to our brain. We then hold the energy there, keeping control of it and then we exhale sending the energy to our heart. This only works if we are conscious and cognizant of what we are doing and this is another example of why it's so important to pay attention to how we us our energies. Prana also moves through our chakras. When we work with our chakras we are breathing in the prana and directing it to each vortex or energy center. The exercises we have mentioned help us pay attention to ourselves and work with energy. They help us to awaken and eliminate our egos.

So, we have to work very hard; to pay attention to ourselves from moment to moment; to question the impressions that we are receiving. If we are receiving impressions or if something is motivating us to be lustful, or lazy, or selfish, then we can transform them into chastity, diligence, and altruism. We should pay attention to our thoughts and emotions throughout the day. We may find that our thoughts are coming into our mind without being the one who actively brought them there. If we observe ourselves, we may discover that we are not the one who is modifying our thoughts, emotions and behaviors. The only way we will discover these factors, is if, we are paying attention to ourselves from moment to moment. There are many ways that we can work on ourselves. We gave a lecture pertaining to the psychological work on oneself called "cleaning our psychological house." You can also read the "Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology" and the "Revolution of the Dialectic" by Samael Aun Weor. We eventually want to be capable of receiving, transforming and transmitting energies in the right way. Not only for ourselves but also for those around us and our planet.

We have went over three of the seven rays of creation.

1) Chief of the Lunar Ray: Gabriel

2) Chief of the Mercurian Ray: Raphael

3) Chief of the Venusian Ray: Uriel

Each of us belongs to one of the seven rays and we will go over that and the other rays in other lectures.

Things to study in order to further your understanding of what we have discussed thus far:

  • Oregon Gnosis Lecture "cleaning our psychological house."

  • "The treatise of revolutionary psychology"

  • "The Revolution of the Dialectic."

  • "The Secret Teachings of Moses."

  • "The Divine Science."

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