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  • Writer's pictureOregon Gnosis Instructor

Receive help from your Divine Mother


First, kneel down. Second, sit on your heels in the Muslim style. Third, extend your arms to form the horizontal beam of a cross. Fourth, pray to your Divine Mother and bend your trunk forward, then backwards while keeping your arms extended and while remaining firmly seated on your heels.

After having comprehended this or that psychological defect in all and each one of the subconscious levels of the mind, we must pray for help to our particular Divine Mother; thus, we beg her to eliminate from the lunar bodies the “I,” the entity that personifies the defect.

Without the help of our Divine Mother, it is impossible to eliminate the demonic “I’s” that live within the lunar bodies.

Previous comprehension of any psychological defect is indispensable before our Divine Mother proceeds to eliminate the submerged entity that personifies it.

When the pluralized “I” has been absolutely eliminated, we depart from the atomic infernos and enter into the purgatorial molecular region.

We must fry or brown the seeds of the “I” within purgatory, because if these seeds are not burned, they will germinate again. Remember that the pluralized “I” can also resuscitate like the phoenix bird from within its own ashes.

The elimination of the protoplasmic lunar bodies is only possible when the pluralized “I” is dead and when the evil tendencies or seeds have been reduced (by means of fire) to cosmic dust.

“Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.” —Matthew 22:21

The lunar bodies belong to nature; she lends them to us, and therefore we have to return them to her.

-Revolution of the Dialectic

-Samael Aun Weor


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