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  • Writer's pictureOregon Gnosis Instructor


Updated: Jun 27


Our topic today is investigate. We are going to dive into the world of investigation. To investigate is to carry out research, to discover and examine facts. When we investigate we are gathering facts, not theories, beliefs or ideas. We can investigate anything at any given time. For instance: when having a spiritual conversation with someone, we find that most of what we hear is based on beliefs or an experience that wasn’t fully understood. We, who practice Gnosis, wish to go beyond beliefs, theories and ideas. We aspire to know. Investigating oneself or any type of phenomena helps us know. We want to gather the facts about ourselves, with what we experience whether in the body or out of the body. Another example is that its common to find many people discussing lucid dreaming, astral projection, near death experiences, and many other types of outer body experiences. Many people share their experiences of what they see. You can find people sharing them on many of the social media sites. On many of the social media sites we also find individuals who call themselves gurus or masters. We find people who say they are awake and have many abilities. We find people who charge money to teach you how to have experiences. We find people who say they can tell you about your past lives. We find all kinds of people teaching things that do not help with the awakening of the consciousness. There’s a lot of confusion out there. Now, many of us do have experiences or have had experiences and most of the time we find it difficult to interpret them or we interpret them with our ego. Interpreting our experiences in the wrong way leads us to error. If we learn to investigate, we learn that not everything we experience in the internal worlds is as it seems. Most of the time what we see relates to our ego, to what we have within (fear, anxiety, anger, sadness, selfishness, lust, greed, gluttony, envy, vanity, laziness). When we begin to investigate ourselves, we come to understand the truth, that we are asleep, psychologically speaking, and because we are asleep we live from moment to moment dreaming. While the physical body is awake we daydream. We daydream about what we want or what we desire, our desires are conjured up by the ego and since we have ego we mostly perceive illusions. We also dream while the physical body rests and this means we are not awake within the inner worlds. Samael Aun Weor in many of his books and lectures discussed these factors. He expressed the importance of awakening and to no longer dream.

Samael Aun Weor stated:

“I acknowledge that the most important thing is to stop dreaming, since indeed, dreams are nothing other than mere projections of the mind and are, therefore, illusions; they are worthless.”


This is a profound statement that may trigger a response within most of us. Psychologically speaking, most people think that they’re awake and not asleep. Why? Because truly, we do not know what it means to be “awake.”

Samael continues:

“It is precisely the ego who projects dreams, and obviously those dreams are useless.”


Master Samael speaks in his books about people who have had dreams or experiences within the astral world where they experienced their spouse cheating on them and they thought it was real. Without first investigating the causes and effects, they believed their experience was true.

The mistaken individuals did not process or investigate their experiences and instead reacted to what they thought was true. Hate and anger toward their spouse was the outcome of interpreting their experience in the wrong way. They made mistakes because they did not first investigate what they had experienced. They did not reflect, retrospect, meditate and comprehend their experiences. If they had, they may have discovered their experience was an illusion of their own making. This is just one example, our experiences vary. We also may experience being attacked in our dreams, or some type of frightful event takes place and perhaps what is attacking us may look like someone we know. When we physically wake up, we may feel very emotional and our first thought is that “so and so is a black magician,” “they tried to harm me,” or “they’re going to harm me.” Our subjective reasoning, which is the reasoning of the ego leads us astray; we lead ourselves astray, we confuse ourselves with our anger, fear and pride. Interpreting our experience in the wrong way eventually leads to foolishly acting on our subconscious experience without any concrete proof. We lash out at whoever it may have been that we thought was attacking us and what are the results? Suffering. We also may have experiences that we come to believe relate to a future event. Without investigating what we experienced we come to believe we are a prophet and we go around telling people about our experience and that it’s a message from God. Maybe it is, but do you know for sure? When we utilize our subjective reasoning we make mistakes. The fact is, it’s very difficult for us to perceive reality if we are psychologically asleep and because we’re asleep we create errors, we cause suffering for ourselves and others. But many of us think we are awake. If we were truly 100 percent awake there would be no confusion, we would know, we would have direct experience of truth, reality, and we would not be confused. But because we are asleep, we fool ourselves into believing that we are in fact awake and we think that what we see is reality. It’s true that we may experience attacks from black magicians, but in most cases it is our own legion of “I’s” that are attacking us. Our egos look like many things and if we have ego, if we have anger, lust, envy, selfishness, etc, then we too can be labeled a black magician. We have many demons within us that we created. We call them egos, psychological aggregates, I’s, and until we experience them it will be difficult to understand what’s being stated here. This is why Gnosis of ourselves is very important. First we study the teachings so that we learn how to do the work and then we perform the work in order to experience what we’ve been learning. To study and learn intellectually is not enough, we need gnosis. When we gain some gnosis of ourselves we begin to understand parts of ourselves and how those diverse parts affect our inner worlds. If we live the teachings we eventually discover that we have a legion of “I’s” that infest and inhabit our minds and all the different centers within us. The “I’s” are different parts of ourselves that we have created through many different types of unconscious experiences. See Mark:5 and the chapter “the three brains” in Samael’s books “Fundamentals of Gnostic Education and Treatise of Revolutionary psychology.”

Samael Aun Weor stated:

"In the mind there are many representations that we must take into account. Let us suppose we have the representation of a friend for whom we have much esteem in our mind. Somebody very important talks to us about that friend, and all kinds of gossiping and slander arise. We hear all this gossiping. Then, in fact, the image we have of our friend, the representation, becomes altered. Now we do not see her as the kind person whom we saw before, full of harmony, etc. Now this image in our understanding is the appearance that others have given it; possibly that of the bandit, that of the robber, that of the false friend, etc. At night, perhaps we dream of that friend. Now we will in no way dream with harmony; we see that she attacks us, we see that we attack her, we dream she uses a weapon against us, etc. The image of our friend is completely altered: a representation has been altered. It can be that those who had talked about our friend judged him incorrectly, consciously or unconsciously slandered him, etc., but the representation of the mind remains altered. This is very serious because this representation, in fact, converts itself into a demon which comes to hinder our esoteric advancement. It is a demon that gets in our way, a demon which is an obstacle to our profound inner development. This is, then, a serious error: to give an ear to gossip, to slander, to murmuring, to the "they say that," etc."


It's very important for us to understand that we create. We have the ability to not only create outwardly but also inwardly. We not only have outer actions, but also inner actions; when we think or imagine we are creating something inside. We utilize our sexual energy to create in many ways. Our creative energy gives us the power to feel, to think and to act. When we feel and think a certain way about someone we are creating something inside of us, whether consciously or unconsciously. Jesus gave us a great example of this in Matthew 5. It’s an example of taking an impression of someone and transforming that impression into lustful emotions and thoughts.

Jesus stated:

"Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."


When we are not investigating ourselves from moment to moment we receive impressions of someone and easily transform the impression into lust. Lust is driven by a craving for some type of physical, emotional, or mental sensation. When we transform the impression and energy in the wrong way; we transform the creative energy into something impure. “In esotericism lust is a modification of sexual energy.”

Another example where we learn that abusing the creative force has consequences is with the story of Samson. In this image we see Samson having his hair cut, this is symbolic for losing his sexual strength. His long hair is a symbol of chastity and sexual power. If we are chaste we are not abusing our sexual energy. When he abused the creative force he lost his sexual strength and became spiritually blind; the power of his pineal gland was lost and his level of perception fell to a very low level. The story of Samson teaches us that our lustful actions have consequences and this is called karma. The quote from Jesus and the story of Samson can relate to all of us, and it shows us that we create not only outside of ourselves but also inside. Here we see that our sexual energy not only relates to the reproduction of our species, but also to our feelings, thoughts and will, and that there’s consequences to utilizing our energies in the wrong way. By utilizing our sexual energy in the wrong way we create confusion, error, psychological aggregates, legion, psychological sleep and we become spiritually blind.

Samael continues:

"Moreover, not only do our psychological aggregates constitute a burden that we carry inside, but so do the living representations of our psychological defects.”


We utilize energy in order to do anything. How we use energy is important, especially when we feel an emotion or think about something. If we feel negative emotions toward someone, we may think about them negatively and create negative thought forms within us that relate to that person. If we are working to awaken our consciousness, sooner or later we will come face to face with our creations. Our creations are a burden for many reasons and one only needs to investigate his or her own psychological state of being in order to gain some understanding of this.

Samael continues:

"Walkers of the path, for giving an ear to negative conversations, for being in huddles where only negative phrases can be heard, you usually deform many representations of understanding; and these, in the world of the mind, consist of real demons which form and create obstacles or a series of impassable obstacles for the awakening of the Consciousness. In this way, we can cite the case of many Gnostic students who, at night, usually have innumerable dreams of a negative type, sometimes they dream they kill another person, etc. It is a most serious matter to carry such enemies inside oneself, in one's own mind. Obviously, the most recommendable thing for our negative representations is to appeal to the annular serpentine power, to invoke Devi Kundalini Shakti so she will destroy these negative representations."


Our Divine Mother has the power to reduce our defects to dust, but only after we’ve investigated and comprehended them. In order to comprehend them we first need to become aware of them, gather the facts, investigate, and then we need to mediate on what we’ve discovered.

Samael continues:

"Unquestionably, we must not have such representations, negative or positive, within our minds. The mind should create certain serene attitudes that are at the disposition of the Being, but for that to happen, we need the human personality to become passive. A passive personality is a receptive personality, it receives the messages that come from the higher parts of the Being."


What do we need in order for us to have a serene attitude? Where do we begin? We begin with ethics, we meditate, we discover what is harmful, what is disturbing our hearts and minds. We discover what needs to be renounced. In this way we come to know why we are not serene; we find that we have consumed too much garbage and that we are disconnected from reality. Through this process we learn how to connect with our Being and trust in its guidance. We have become dependent on our own reasoning which in most cases causes chaos, mass confusion and errors. We learn that we’ve built egotistical defense mechanisms, which in most cases are masks that we hide behind that relate to the ego and our lunar personality. In our present life we have created a personality. The type of personality we built was created through our experiences during our life. The personality we created is a mask that we wear. Our personality in most instances is controlled by our ego. If we are doing the work, we are studying ourselves from moment to moment, and through self-observation we discover how the ego utilizes the personality. When we are around certain people we may observe that our personality changes without us being in control of the change. This is a great discovery, because now we begin to understand what is happening to us. Now we can study what’s happening and take back control little by little. By being aware of ourselves from moment to moment we discover many defects. We find that when we’re around certain people we may change the way we talk or behave. If we are observing ourselves when we’re around others we might find that we behave like them without meaning to. We do it mechanically. I’ll give you some examples: Others are cussing so we cuss. Observe how you feel when you do this. People are gossiping and then we join in on the gossip. Some of us look up to certain people and want to be like them. We mold our personality into being like someone else. One reason we do this is because we think other people will like us more, but truly we don’t have to follow anyone or try to be like so and so. By investigating how our egos utilize the personality, we discover the when’s, where’s and how’s. We take note of what’s happening to us. How do we behave when we’re around our friends, family, strangers, anyone for that matter? If we’re around someone who’s using profanity, do we begin to speak in the same manner without being aware of it? Why? How about when we’re around spiritual people, do we try to act spiritual and adopt a spiritual attitude that is not genuine? If so, why? These are all things we should profoundly meditate on. By investigating ourselves we come to understand what’s happening and then change our behaviors. We take note of what egos are motivating us to behave a certain way, to think or feel a certain way. Overtime, as we eliminate ego, we become capable of utilizing the personality to express ourselves in a way that is beneficial for others and ourselves. If we have a passive personality, then, we are in control, we are present and aware of ourselves; we express ourselves better when we have a receptive personality that receives intuitive information. Intuitive information comes from the highest parts of our Being. 

Samael continues:

"Unquestionably, such messages go through the higher centers of the Being before entering the mind. This is the advantage of having a passive personality. The mind, disgracefully, is found to be totally controlled by very heavy elements, very difficult aggregates which are related to the world of ninety-six laws, also known as the region of Tartarus. The personality is active because it is controlled by aggregates of hate, pride, envy, and horrible lust. In real truth, we are nothing but miserable worms in the mud of the earth. If we achieve the elimination of such heavy psychological elements from our psyche, our human personality turns passive and the mind becomes receptive to the messages that descend from the highest parts of the Being through the higher centers of our psyche. Now you comprehend, my dear friends, the necessity to eliminate those elements which are too heavy. With Devi Kundalini Shakti, in other words, the igneous serpent of our magical powers, we can, in fact, eliminate these heavy elements. It is a triumph, because in this way we can receive the direct messages that come from the highest parts of the Being. Because of this, I say you must work on yourself."


Samael mentions “the world of 96 laws.” We learn about this world in his books and many of his lectures that you can read on the Glorian website. This world relates to part of our own inner hell or whatever word you want to use. This is a complicated world and relates to our lust, cravings and desires. This world within us is very dense because we have been rebelling, committing crimes against others, ourselves and Divinity. This world within us came into being by focusing our energies on frivolous activities relating to cravings, desires, and lust. You can see this all over the world. We are all chasing our desires. Our cravings and desires cause disturbances and confusion. If we truly want to walk the path of self-realization and aspire to not be confused or deceived, then we need to investigate ourselves and eliminate the ego that we have within.

Samael continues:

"A receptive mind should be created, a mind that never projects itself, that is always receiving instead of projecting. Obviously, it would be good to accept positive or negative representations in the distinct depths of understanding; such a mind would only bring the messages that come from the highest part of our fellow men. In so much as we continue giving food to the distinct representations of understanding, it will never be a prodigal mind, a progressive mind. In reality, truly, the mind is conditioned by time and by pain. Analyzing in this way we will see that not only must we eliminate the undesirable psychological aggregates, but we also have a very difficult problem I see for inner illumination, and this is that we carry too many representations, apart from all the inhuman psychological aggregates. If we carefully study the life of dreams, we will find so many vague and incoherent things in them, various subjective and imprecise aspects, so many absurd things, such poor events with no reality. The only motive for their incoherence must invite us to reflection. As a Gnostic, one must have clear concepts and lucid ideas, radical illumination without vagueness, without any kind of subjectivity. Disgracefully, the representations and the diverse aggregates we carry inside ourselves condition the Consciousness in such a way that they keep it in the very disagreeable state of sub-consciousness, even in infra-consciousness. I invite you to reflection, I invite you to comprehend these indispensable things."


When we behave egotistically our mind is not receptive it is trapped. When we are angry, prideful, greedy, etc, our minds are conditioned and are not capable of perceiving reality. When we are close minded our mind is not receptive and ready to receive. Our minds are closed because we have prejudices, preconceived ideas, theories and beliefs. Our experiences throughout our lives have conditioned our minds and hearts. There are many types of beliefs out there, and most of them condition our minds. Many people only believe in what the bible says or the Quran, etc. Many people only believe in what they’ve learned in books. It’s good for us to investigate what we read, that way, we don’t fall into blind faith. How can we learn anything new if we already think we know it all? Belief in something is good, but it shouldn’t end there. If we want our minds to be receptive and ready to receive, then we need to eliminate our conditioning. When we tell ourselves that we “Know it All,” we are conditioning ourselves, by lying to ourselves. When we think we know it all, we are lying to ourselves. We should become aware this, of the lies we’ve been telling ourselves for years and investigate the causes and effects of them. We lie to ourselves in many ways, for instance, there are many individuals who feel or think that they are awake. We hear many people on social media, and tv who state that they are awake or that they are a Master. When we investigate what they’re saying or teaching we find that they are quite confused. We need to understand that if we dream or if we’re confused by what we experience, or if we’re not chaste, then, we need to understand that we are not consciously awake, we are psychologically unconscious, asleep. When come to the realization that we’re psychologically asleep, then, there is only one logical thing to do? Wake up right? and the way we wake up is by doing the work; the work of the revolution of the consciousness, the three factors (death, birth, sacrifice). Psychological death; to eliminate our psychological aggregates, vices and errors. Birth of the solar bodies, we need solar emotions, a solar mind, and a solar body of will. Without them we remain trapped in subjective reasoning, confused, and disconnected from Divinity. We want to perceive objectively and not subjectively. From time to time we may experience objective reasoning without them, but it is difficult. When we are calm, alert, aware, and ready to receive we may perceive objectively. We may experience objective reasoning while self-remembering, self-observing, during meditation, when our mind is calm and serene. In those states of being we are ready to receive and perceive the reality of our circumstances, whatever we’re facing. But most of the time we are trapped in subjective reasoning, because our ego is very dense, and in most instances we cannot see through our own illusions. Sacrifice relates to sacrifice for humanity. We sacrifice our egotistical will and learn how to perform the will of our Being. What we need to understand is this, we will remain in confusion as long as we have the ego alive within us. We will continue to perceive illusion, maya, if we do not eliminate our ego. As long as our ego is influencing our thoughts, emotions and impulses we will continue to perceive subjectively which keeps us from truth, reality.

Samael continues:

"We, as a whole, must be Being. Why must we have things that are not of the Being in our mind? I do not see why we must carry intruders in it. I have comprehended that only the Being must be in the mind, that is all. But as long as that temple is full of strange elements, things, games, huge cabinets of representations and aggregates, it can be said that there exists a deep sleep in the Consciousness, this is unconsciousness. "A man is known by his dreams," said Plato in one of his books. The day we stop dreaming, the cockroaches we carry in our brain turn into fire. All those absurd incoherencies do not exist, all those morbid, vague, imprecise, tasteless, insubstantial, and odorless states do not have any kind of existence. Joyful is the day in which we stop dreaming, the day in which we no longer dream. When a person dreams no more, he has triumphed. As long as there exist dreams in the mind, as long as he goes to the psychological space to project imprecise, absurd dreams, this indicates to us that we have a mind full of garbage, full of all kinds of rubbish. True illuminates have no dreams. Dreams are for those who are asleep. True illuminates live in the higher worlds, out of the physical body, in a state of intensified wakefulness without ever dreaming. The true illuminate, after the death of his physical body, is awakened in the psychological space. In this way thus, we should reflect on the necessity of getting to the stillness and silence of the mind."


When we meditate, when we observe ourselves, we experience what’s in our mind. What we usually see is chaos, we see conflict, fear, and we discover all kinds of desires. When we dream we come face to face with them and if we are dreamers, we need to understand, we need to comprehend, that we are asleep. We are not awake or woke like so many people think. Let what Master Samael stated motivate you to one day no longer dream. Imagine entering into the higher worlds at will “in a state of intensified wakefulness,” without dreaming and not every once in a while or a few times here and there, but every time, naturally. Don’t let that become a desire but something to aspire for. The fact is, if we still dream, then we are not Masters, we are not awakened people, and we are not perceiving reality. We are trapped in many different illusions of our own making. When our physical body rests, our psychological state connects us with a certain place. Within that place we project out what we have within or better said, we perceive what we have within and most of the time the place we find ourselves in is what we call the abyss. We have our own inner abyss. A place where our psychological aggregates reside. When we are capable of investigating ourselves within the internal worlds we discover that we are in different regions related to our subconsciousness, and what we see are different parts of ourselves, our own creations, trapped and conditioned. Earlier we mentioned that we have a legion of “I’s” well the word legion doesn’t mean one or two or three, it means many, very many. Legion means a vast host of people or things. Our legion consists of many different things and we experience different parts of our legion when we dream. We also experience our legion throughout the day, we may not see them, but we can feel there desires and hear them in our minds. If we observe ourselves we will discover this. When investigating any part of our legion, it’s important that we learn how to be brave. If we are brave enough to face ourselves in the physical world, then eventually we will be brave enough to face ourselves in the internal worlds. Samael stated that “within us are many inhabitants, cities, worlds, etc.”

Samael also stated:

“Inside of us live many people, many ghosts of ourselves, many I’s. Every one of those I’s is a complete person in itself. That is to say, within a human body live many persons. The “I hate” lives there, the “I love,” the “I envy,” the “I’m jealous,” the “I have lust,” etc, ect, etc.”


When we learn to investigate ourselves we come to comprehend that this statement is true. When we dream or meditate we may experience things. When we dream we may experience different types of people, places, and things. Some of our experiences may be beautiful and some are not. In the beginning, when we experience things, we think it’s something from somewhere else, and perhaps sometimes it is, but really, in most instances, what we experience belongs to us, it’s part of us, it is usually something we created. Many times we mistake what we experience as being something that is apart from us.


Samael continues:

“It is clear that the subconsciousness always projects not only houses, buildings, or things of the sort: to be clear, it also projects its own memories, its own desires, its own emotions, passions, ideas, experiences, etc. The projector-mind projects dreams, and it is clear that projections will exist as long as the subconsciousness continues to exist. When the subconsciousness ceases to exist, when it has been transformed into consciousness, then projections cease, they can no longer exist, they disappear.”


For instance: Many of us can recall a time where we watched a scary movie and then went to sleep shortly after watching it. While we were sleeping, we experienced nightmares that related to what we had watched. Why? We received impressions unconsciously through our senses of the scary movie. The impressions got stored within our subconsciousness, and were mixed with what we felt, such as emotions of fear and anxiety. We unconsciously gave life to something within us as we watched horrific scenes that disturbed our hearts and minds. Later that night our subconsciousness projected what we feared from the movie into our dreams. If we were aware of what we were doing to ourselves while watching violence and murder we would not want to take in those kinds of impressions anymore. Another example is when we go to bed angry at someone. We go to bed emotional, we feel anger, pride, resentment, we imagine the events in our minds and then we dream about them. Whether we are conscious of what we’re doing or not, we are still creating something within us. We unconsciously give life to angry thought forms. We trap our consciousness within them. We imprison parts of ourselves. With these types of feelings and thoughts we create abominable things within us. We give life to our own inner Frankenstein’s. Our inner Frankenstein’s are egos of anger, hate, violence, selfishness, passions, desires, memories, and we experience them in our dreams. We need to learn how to stop giving life to ego. We need to learn to renounce the activities that help us create them and stop strengthening the ones we already have. We need to become aware of what we’re doing and what we have within. If we are not aware of the types of things that we have within us, then it will be very difficult for us to comprehend what we’re doing to ourselves from moment to moment. It will be difficult for us to understand why we suffer. This is one of the many issues we as a humanity face, we are unaware of the causes of our suffering.   


We can talk all day about the ego, energy, consciousness, and still not comprehend what any of it means. We need to experience and that is what Gnosis is all about. When we experience a little bit of what we’re discussing today, we will begin to comprehend that we are the source of our own pain and most of what we see in our dreams or during our conscious astral projections relates with what we have within ourselves. We who are asleep, project dreams, and what we see needs to be investigated.

Samael continues:

"The roots of pain are in the ego, and when the ego is terminated, all that remains in us is beauty. That beauty transforms itself into that which is called love and happiness. When the mind reaches these heights it is calm, in silence, it is no longer a mind that projects itself, it is no longer a mind that reacts just because of anything. It receives the messages that come from above, from the superior parts of the Being, it is a mind full of plenitude. What we need at this present time is to stop our mental laziness and work very hard on ourselves."


Our ego, we can say, is our dark side, it is our darkness, vices and errors that we've created through many existences. It is "our own sinning shadow.” In the beginning we come to understand this intellectually. We can intellectually understand that we have anger, greed, lust, pride, etc. We can recall times that we’ve acted selfishly, or lost our temper. We can remember times when we felt rage, or felt lust, but if we haven't meditated on any of these diverse circumstances, then it will be difficult for us to comprehended what the ego is on a deeper level. This is why investigating our impulses, emotions and thoughts is so important. It’s important for us to comprehend why we suffer. It’s important for us to know through conscious experience what we have within ourselves. Investigating ourselves helps us become aware of why we feel a certain way, think a certain way and act a certain way. The likelihood of falling into states of ignorance lessens as we work to be more aware of ourselves and the more we get to know ourselves. Through gnosis we learn that we have a mind that projects itself and our dream experiences give us an opportunity for self-study, but a lot of what we see can be quite confusing. Our egos live in our inner worlds of illusion. The ego we have causes confusion. The ego is confusion. So we can say we have confused ourselves by creating a false sense of self. For instance: and I’m using this example again because it’s very important and common now days to find many people who claim many incredible things. Many people boast of being a master or a bodhisattva. We need to be honest with ourselves. We are not masters, we are not awakened bodhisattvas, we are not special. Someone who is fully awake does not project dreams, does not fantasize about anything. An awakened one perceives consciously, perceives reality, perceives other dimensions at his or her level. Someone who is an awakened one perceives the internal worlds fully awake, they see within all the different levels of nature awake, they have psychological purity and they are not confused or stuck in subjective reasoning. To believe we are something that we are not is to be trapped in a deep illusion of our own making. If we really were self-realized we would not need to believe, and we would not be confused. During the Great Work, especially early on, or from time to time, as we earn it, our Being may give us moments of clarity, and experiences that are beautiful. These experiences help us, they motivate us to keep working, they may show us where we are in the work and they help us to stay dedicated to the path. There are also times when we are tested, ordeals. There are also times when we become conscious within the internal worlds on our own, without help so to speak. But we shouldn’t feel or think that we are special because of this, or believe that the things we see are concrete reality. Most of what we perceive relates to our psychological well-being. Our internal affects the external and vice versa. Hermes stated,  "As above so below. As within so without." Samael said that “the exterior is a reflection of our interior.” We can also state that what we experience externally affects us internally; what we experience outside of us in the physical world, the impressions, our experiences with people, places and things affects us internally. Everything effects everything!


So, it’s important that we investigate ourselves, what we experience externally and internally. How do we investigate? Throughout the day we observe ourselves, we observe our impulses, emotions and thoughts. We investigate what’s motivating us to do any given thing. We also can investigate the things we see around us and the places we find ourselves in.

Master Samael Aun Weor gave us an important practice that we can perform whenever we remember to do so. It’s called the “Key of SOL. In order to perform this exercise, we need to have awareness, we need to utilize our consciousness from moment to moment, to observe. The word Mindfulness comes to mind, and to be mindful is to be in the present moment, paying attention. When we perform the Key of SOL we are doing that, we are paying attention, we are utilizing our consciousness to observe and concentrate on one thing at a time. The S stands for subject, what is the subject? it is us, we are the subject in question. So first we become aware of ourselves, we self-remember, then we move to the O which stands for object. With object we become aware of all the objects that are around us; we do our best to concentrate on the things that are around us without becoming identified with them. Next is L which stands for location. Now we become aware of where we are. We look around at the room or whatever place we find ourselves in. After we observe the place we’re in, we then consciously ask ourselves “am I in the physical world or somewhere else?” We then can pull our finger to see if it stretches or we can jump with the intention of floating. If we float or our finger stretches, we then know that we are not in the physical world. We have investigated ourselves, the stuff around us, and the place were in. After we become aware that we are not in the physical world, what do we do? Well, if we can remain aware of ourselves and not become identified with what we see we can continue our investigation. We see many things within the internal worlds. For example: we may see people we know, but how do we know that what we see is real and not an illusion? How do we know for a fact that what we see is real and not a projection of our mind? How about the place we’re in? If we are in a building, a house, a forest, jungle, ocean, or somewhere that you don’t recognize, how do we know it's real? We also may come in contact with things that are not pleasant. If we see demons, and monsters how do we know they’re real? Well, we already performed the first step, the Key of SOL and became aware that we are in fact not in the physical world, but now we need to know if what we’re seeing is real and not a projection of our mind? This is a very difficult question, and for some of us it may seem simple, but truly, because we have ego and because we are not awake, psychologically speaking, it’s not so simple.


Let’s go over some ways we can help ourselves. Samael Aun Weor expresses the importance of learning how to become conscious with the internal worlds and how to astral project, which he describes in many of his books. Right now we are not discussing the importance of astral projection which is very important. But right now our topic is investigation. If we learn how to astral project consciously, then it will be easier for us to enter into the astral world ready to explore and investigate, but many of us are not able to do that yet. Perhaps we’ve been able to astral project a few times but are not capable of coming out of our body at will. In any case it’s important that we continue our efforts, but right now we’re talking about becoming aware of ourselves within the internal worlds. There are many worlds and it’s good for us to eventually know whether we’re in an inferior or superior one. By inferior we mean the sub-conscious, unconscious, infra-conscious regions, the hell realms, and by superior we mean superior levels of consciousness, heavenly realms. If we are conscious and aware of ourselves we can investigate how we feel psychologically and in most cases this will give us a hint. It’s important for us to become aware of ourselves wherever we are, whether in the external or internal. We need to understand that right here and now, the hell realms and heavenly realms are within us. The tree of life is within us right now. All of the worlds and spheres are within us. We are connected to everything, we just don’t have awareness of it yet. We need to learn how to become aware of ourselves so that we can investigate the things we see and the places we find ourselves in. There are many ways to investigate, but we also need to be careful. Some of us have experiences of being attacked. Attacks can be confusing. Most of the time it is our own egoic creations; different parts of ourselves that are attacking us. But sometimes it is other people’s stuff. Some of us have heard of Astral Larvae. We have all created larvae and we can help protect ourselves by cleansing ourselves, our homes, and sanctuaries. Sulphur powder works very well for getting rid of larvae or any other type of negative energy within our home. Succubae and Incubi come to mind. Throughout our lives we’ve created them. Cleansing ourselves and our homes is very beneficial, especially if we live with people who are not living a chaste lifestyle. Some of the people we live with may not be doing their best to be chaste and thus creating many types of larvae or attracting them to our home. We also go around people all the time and we come into contact with their larvae. Their larvae can attach itself to us and we protect ourselves by cleansing ourselves daily with sage, and other types of incense. It’s good for us to be aware of this. Be mindful of who you touch and be mindful of the places you visit. Sometimes it’s not a good idea to shake hands or give hugs but we also don’t want to be rude or cause any type of suffering. We also don’t want to live in fear about these things but instead have awareness, mindfulness. Physical cleansing is good but can only do so much. Within the internal worlds we have egos that we come in contact with. Cleansing our homes helps with reducing our chances of being attacked by astral parasites, but within the internal worlds we still experience our ego. We experience our egos of lust, pride, anger, greed, envy, vanity, sloth, gluttony, etc. Most of our creations are not very pretty and may resemble things we would never suspect. It’s difficult for us to understand what we have within us and even when we experience them we may not want to believe it. We see a monster in our dream and automatically think it’s just a dream or it’s something that has nothing to do with us or we understand it’s part of us and we go into denial about it. Sometimes we don’t want to admit to ourselves that we have these types of things in us.

Samael states:

“The psychic aggregates, in themselves, constitute the darkness that we carry within. Within us are monsters that we ourselves have created and that correspond to frightening and terrible states of consciousness.”


Our thoughts and feelings may vary when reading this quote, but we shouldn’t allow ourselves to be overcome with fear or fall into despair. Most of what we experience internally relates to this quote. Especially when we experience nightmares or being attacked in our dreams. Most of the time it is difficult for us to understand what’s attacking us. But if we investigate our experiences we may come to understand what was bothering us and most of the time it is something we created, our own ego. But this is not always the case, we may receive attacks from other things. We may discover this when we sleep in the same room with someone else, or if we’re in a house full of other people. When we live a chaste lifestyle we are denying energy to the ego, we are taking the energy back. If we are working to eliminate our egos of lust, then the egos of lust are not getting their usual lustful nourishment. Our transmuted energy also attracts parasites. There are many ways we may experience attacks; internally and externally. For instance: when we are in our own inner worlds of illusion, dreaming, we may have a dream about someone that looks like someone we know and they may try to harm us, but this doesn’t mean it’s really them. Likewise, if we are consciously outside of our body, we may also see something that resembles someone we know, but what we see may or may not be part of that person. This is why investigating what we see is important, we need to know and not just believe or assume. But sometimes we may not know right away and that’s ok. Our investigation may also lead to discovering that what we’ve seen relates to our ego. It may be a projection of our own mind. There are many factors that come into play and just assuming that this is what it is without investigating leads to suffering. Awareness of ourselves is fundamental when investigating. Investigating what we see in the moment is only possible if we are conscious and aware. In the beginning it’s challenging to be aware of ourselves but by practicing constant self-observation we get better at it. If we observe ourselves and our surroundings while our physical body is awake, we will eventually do the same when our physical body rests. One of the best investigating techniques is Self-observation. Self-observation helps us study ourselves and our defects. If we Self-observe while in the physical 3D world, then we will eventually do the same in other places. This type of work is very deep and takes super efforts. It takes super efforts to pay attention to our psychological wellbeing from moment to moment. Something else that comes to mind is ordeals. We face many types of ordeals physically and internally. Ordeals relate to us facing different psychological aspects of ourselves that reside in the inferior worlds. Our egos do not live in the superior worlds, they reside in the infernos.

Dante stated:

“The path to paradise begins in hell.”


Well what hell are we talking about? Our own hell, the hell we have within psychologically speaking. Within our hell are our abominable creations. When we experience our inner worlds, we see different parts of ourselves, and this is another reason why it’s important to investigate what we see; we are learning about ourselves. Also, when we experience our inner selves within the internal worlds, we discover that there are times when we need to defend ourselves from our egos and it’s important that we learn how to do so. If we are aware of ourselves in the internal worlds or conscious enough to realize what is going on we can do several things. If we are aware of what’s happening to us we can first self-remember, remembering that our Innermost is present right here and now and we can invoke our Innermost Being for assistance. If we need help we can pray and invoke our Being, humbly asking for aid or assistance with defending ourselves. If we are being attacked and need quick assistance we may not have time to invoke them. We can put ourselves in a state of conscious self-remembrance, a state of knowing that we are one with our Being right here and now. This isn’t something we do with our intellect, it is something we do with our consciousness. It is conscious awareness of Divinity. Next we can conjure whatever is attacking us. There are many conjurations and some of them are quite lengthy. The conjuration of Gabriel and the Conjuration of Jupiter work very well, especially when we need to quickly defend ourselves. It’s good for us to understand that when we perform the great work, we are working to take the light, the consciousness back from our egotistical creations and eventually we will experience some difficult ordeals. Our own individual Satan that we have within tempts us; we face many different tests, and the ordeals that we experience are also a means to help us study ourselves and know ourselves better. They help us understand what we have within. Our Satan is our inner darkness, it knows our dark side better than we do. Master Samael calls Satan, “our psychological trainer.” Our psychological trainer helps us know ourselves better. Many people fear Satan but it’s really not necessary to fear our shadow, and obviously this is easier said than done. A good example of this is when the Buddha faced Mara and triumphed or when Jesus faced Satan in the desert. They didn’t respond with fear or hate and if you haven’t studied either one of those examples it would benefit you to do so. So, we can help defend ourselves with conjurations and invocations. We can also invoke the help of a Master, an Angel. The Gnostic prayer book is a very important book to have and within it are many different types of prayers that we can memorize that will help us defend ourselves. There are also times when we are attacked by things that don’t belong to us; things that we didn’t create. Many different types of things may come to us at night. For example: Let’s say we feel negatively about someone and we imagine it. We think about the person, imagining frustrated and angry thoughts. When we do this we create something. It is our creation. This thing we’ve created may attack the person. What I’m describing is what we call “thought form creations.” If we are angry while thinking about someone, then we may create angry thought forms. While we think about the person, we may unconsciously send the thought form creation to them.

M stated in his book “The Lord God of Truth Within:”

“Where your mind is placed, there you will be. Our thoughts towards such are tinged with the ideals which we form in our minds about them. In our ignorance, our unguarded thoughts sometimes place into their atmosphere qualities and powers which reflect our feelings. We must remember that thoughts are things.”


This quote reminds me of an experience I had. I took some of my family camping way up in the mountains to a very beautiful place; there was a beautiful lake, trees, and we were surround by beauty. The weather was wonderful and there were many animals that were quite tame. The chipmunks and birds were eating out of our hands. It was truly magical. Everyone seemed to be happy for the first few days. Our plan was to be there for five days and on the third day one of my family members expressed to me that they wanted to go home. I sat and talked with them for a while and what I discovered was that one of their attachments to city life was calling them back, they were suffering. I expressed that “we were far away and that I couldn’t afford to make the trip several times, so let’s do our best to have a good time.” My family member became very irritated with me. You could feel their anger and frustration. That night I stayed up a little later then everyone. I sat by the fire enjoying the heat and looking into the flames. I was reflecting on the conversation, hoping they would be ok and then I went to bed. While meditating, between vigil and asleep I could sense that something came into my tent. In that instant I was attacked, something was holding me down and it and I could see one another. It was on top of me and I recognized who it was. I called them by name and in that instant their lunar astral form looked at me surprised and confused, then turned and floated out of my tent and went back to the sleeping physical person. This person didn’t consciously attack me, but because they were angry with me, and went to sleep that way, they unconsciously sent part of themselves to attack me.

M continues:

“Many of the younger magicians, in their circles, try to experiment, play tricks upon, and annoy people whom they hear well-spoken about. The Yogi often watches the effects of their experiments, and sees the astral entities which their minds and imaginations have created and sent out towards somebody. They do not realize that what they evoke and send out towards a person returns to them, just as a dog returns to his master. As these creations are conceived by the will and imagination of the operator, so they return to him and, if he is not careful, they will distort his imagination. We must remember that thoughts are things. As we think we often project our thoughts into the atmosphere, thus making thought forms, which can cloth themselves with astral substance, and a sensitive person can see thought formations of his friends, which are projected towards him, and recognize the person by the color and form which his thoughts take.”


What we just read is very important to meditate on, but not all of what is said here relates to the experience I shared with you, but some of it does. My family member was not meaning to hurt me nor play a trick, they were not aware of any of this. But that specific person was feeling a lot of negative emotions about me and imagining hostile thoughts about me. That night, while their physical body was asleep, unconsciously projected out part of themselves toward me; thoughts and emotions “clothed in astral substance” and thus attacked me. When the astral form left my tent it returned to that person. It’s important to understand that “thoughts are things,” we create things within ourselves constantly, and it’s helpful to be mindful of this. It’s very helpful to be mindful of what we’re doing with our energies.


Let’s talk some more about conjuring, conjurations can help us investigate. Sometimes we find ourselves in a home we once lived in, a temple, church, forest, night club, cave, city, friend’s house, or any other type of place. If we are conscious of ourselves we can pray for assistance with conjuring the place we find ourselves in. When conjuring a place, sometimes what we see may transform, the glamour we perceive will fall away and then we may become aware of where we are. If we feel disturbed by the place, if we feel troubled, we can humbly ask our Innermost Being to please take us somewhere else. With experience we will discover how to do these things. Something else that’s important to note is that our conjurations work best if we are not in an egotistical state of being. Why you may ask? If we are in an egotistical state of being while trying to conjure something then our conjuration may fail. Prayers, mantras and conjurations work best when we are not angry, or prideful. If our conjuration isn’t working, then we should investigate the causes and effects. For instance: if were conjuring a place in order to make sure it’s not a projection, and it doesn’t change, then perhaps it’s not an illusion. Really, the internal worlds can be quite confusing. Most of the time what we see is not reality, it’s a projection. We can also humbly ask our Being for assistance. “Divine Father, is this real?” Asking for help is important, we can’t do everything on our own. Earlier we talked about how important it is for us to investigate while being in the physical world. We discussed that performing the Key of SOL throughout the day is important for investigating. Performing this exercise helps with having awareness of ourselves and our surroundings. It’s a great exercise for developing vigilance and awareness of ourselves, objects and places.

 Master Samael expresses the importance of  “living alert and vigilant like a watchman in the time of war.” This is a profound statement. Most of us have not been to war and when we subjectively try to understand this statement we fall short. If we try to understand it consciously, objectively, we come to comprehend that we are in the midst of a great war. We discover that from moment to moment we face different parts of ourselves, different desires, different egos that constantly demand our attention. We come to find that we have a war going on within ourselves; we find that we are at war with our subjective elements. When we observe our inner battles (conflicting desires), we are self-observing, being alert and vigilant like a watchman at a time of war; we are investigating our thoughts, emotions, and impulses. If we are truly working, doing our best to study ourselves and comprehend our psychological defects, then we are gathering facts, data, learning all about our inner conflicts. Conflict, no matter how small, is a battle of some type. If we feel resistance, we are in a battle. War is not only external it is also internal. Hermes Trismegistus stated, “as within, so without,” and Master Samael stated, “The exterior is a reflection of our interior.” On one level this means that our internal wellbeing affects our external life, everything affects everything. We can also safely state that the external also affects the internal. Impressions we take in, things we learn and experience.


Let’s discuss some other ways that we can investigate:

-       Meditation

We’ve mentioned meditation a few times already but we’re going to dive into it a little bit deeper. Meditation is fundamental for investigating. If we have an experience and we wish to investigate it further, then meditation is key to discovering the truth. I really cannot express how important meditation is. Most people want to avoid meditation, why? Some of us find it difficult. Why is it difficult? Because our minds are in chaos. But why are our minds chaotic? Because of what we’ve been putting into them, impressions, etc. We need to understand that everything affects everything. What we listen to, what we watch, what we read, what we think about, what we tell ourselves, how we treat ourselves and others can disturb our minds. Disturbances in the mind are like storms, a hurricane that is within us, and this is why the first steps of meditation teach us to observe and renounce harmful behaviors; ethics. If we are performing the first two steps of meditation, then we are adopting ethical discipline; we are beginning to comprehend why we suffer and this helps us to stop harming ourselves and others. Which helps lessen the disturbances in our mind. It’s important that we renounce things that cause our minds and hearts to be conflicted and disturbed. When we meditate, whether we know it or not, we are performing an investigation. We are looking within ourselves. With meditation, we can investigate our thoughts, our emotions, etc. Our inner investigations help us gather facts about ourselves. We discover hidden conflicts, subjective elements, desires, pains, chaos and all of these are important discoveries, because, they help us see what we need to work on and what is keeping us from the stillness and silence of the mind.

Master Samael states:

“We must experience the Truth in a direct, practical and real way; this is only possible in the stillness and silence of the mind, and this is achieved by means of meditation.”


What truth? The truth about ourselves right? When we begin investigating ourselves through meditation, we discover that it’s difficult for our minds to be still and silent. This type of investigation helps us discover some of the causes; meditation helps us find the disturbances within our minds. This discovery helps us comprehend that the conflicts we have in our minds are preventing us from experiencing peace and this also helps us understand what we need to change about ourselves; meditation helps us shine a light on what is preventing us from serenity. So, meditation is important for investigating. Through meditation we can investigate our astral experiences, dreams, ordeals, memories, thoughts, emotions, egos, anything. Many of us have had astral experiences, and most of the time we don’t fully understand them. Sometimes we may believe we fully understand our experience, but really we may only understand an aspect of it and gnosis is about knowing the facts, not beliefs, theories or ideas. There are times when we understand part of an experience but not the whole thing. It’s common for us to understand some of the experience, most of the time we don’t comprehend it fully. Sometimes there’s a lot of symbolism to an experience. The places we’re in or the things we see can be symbolic and this is why it’s necessary to study Kabbalah.

-       Kabbalah

Studying Kabbalah, having a basic understanding will help us with our investigations as well. Sometimes we see numbers, shapes, elements, darkness, light, mountains, people, a rising or setting sun, and all kinds of places and things; symbols that are telling us something. Someone with no knowledge of Kabbalah see’s these things and has no idea what they mean. Studying Kabbalah helps us understand the laws of our consciousness, it helps us with investigating ourselves. Some of us may have had a profound experience or experiences. Because we have ego we may believe that we are special because of what we experienced. Remember, it’s our ego that wants to feel special or to be special. Our experiences may vary in many different ways, but fundamentally our Being is trying to teach us something about ourselves and truthfully we should not feel special; this relates to pride. Humility is what we need. We should transform our pride into humility; feeling humble about our experiences. We should be thankful that our Being is helping us and this is another reason why we should meditate on our dreams, our experiences, whether we believe we fully understand them or not. There are many levels to everything we perceive and without meditating on them, we only understand the surface level of what we experienced. When we meditate we dive deeper into our experience, we extract information from it that helps us with understanding and comprehending it further.

We can also investigate our experiences by utilizing the tarot.

– Tarot:

Tarot and kabbalah work together and utilizing the tarot can be very helpful with our investigations. “The Tarot is and ancient, sacred method of acquiring information for spiritual insight.” We utilize the tarot by asking our Being to help us gain some understanding of what we’re investigating. Sometimes the answer that we receive may be confusing. It may take further investigation through meditation. It may also be that we’re not ready to understand. There are many things that we experience, and do not come to comprehend for days, months and even years. Master Samael teaches us to take patience and multiply it by infinity. What do we get? Infinite patience right? Easier said than done, but we can do it. It’s important that we learn to be patient with ourselves. So, utilizing the tarot in the right way will help point us in the right direction, but in most cases meditation is needed. We can meditate on the answer we received in order to further investigate it. The Tarot represents the laws of everything; it can be used to understand anything, especially ourselves. If you are not familiar with the tarot, you can get the book “Tarot and Kabbalah” by Samael Aun Weor. You can also purchase a tarot deck from the Glorian website. Many of the other tarot decks that are being sold have been distorted and would only help you become even more confused about your experience or whatever your trying to investigate. Something else that helps with all of what we’ve been discussing is the development of intuition.

- Intuition: “Intuition is information and understanding that comes from the highest parts of our Being.” Developing our intuition helps us reason objectively, it helps us perceive the truth without having to think about it. Intuition helps us understand what we’re investigating without all of the intellectual processes of subjective reasoning. Obviously there are levels to the development of intuition, but we all have to start somewhere right? Developing our intuition is truly fundamental. One way that we can strengthen and develop our intuition is by vocalizing the vowel O. The vowel O is the mantra of the Anahata chakra. The vowel O causes the Anahata chakra to vibrate and rotate in the right direction, which is clockwise. Our intuition works better when our chakras are rotating in the right direction and this is one reason why we are taught to vocalize the vowels for 1 hour daily. Intution relates to our heart (Anahata chakra) and it also relates to our pineal gland (Sahasrara chakra). Working with both of these chakras can help us develop and strengthen our intuition.  

When reading Master Samael’s books we discover that he investigated many things. He investigated prayers, conjurations, invocations, demons, masters, Akashic records, himself, our solar system, the infernos, the heavens, and many other mysteries. His investigations helped him understand and comprehend the mysteries, they helped him achieve Gnosis. Gnosis is experiential knowledge. We gain wisdom, knowledge and understanding through Gnosis; by experiencing facts. Now, I wouldn’t recommend, that we, at our level, investigate awakened demons. Most of us are not ready for that and invoking awakened demons can be very detrimental to our well-being. The demons we need to investigate are the ones that we’ve created within ourselves. What’s fundamental is to comprehend ourselves, achieving gnosis of ourselves, to raise our level of being. Our investigations can become part of our moment to moment activities. If we consciously investigate ourselves in the physical world, we will eventually investigate ourselves in other places. The Key of SOL, stated earlier, will help with this. A question that comes up often is, “why is the astral so confusing?” Well, if we investigate ourselves through any of the techniques that have been mentioned thus far, we eventually comprehend that we are in a state of confusion. We’re conflicted from one moment to the next. Our minds and hearts go back and forth; “I want this but I don’t want that.” It’s very difficult for us to know the truth from moment to moment, because we have a legion of egos. Our desires cause confusion. We’re caught up in illusion all the time. Selfishness for instance, creates illusions that cause mass confusion and suffering. Just like hatred and envy create prejudices. Prejudices are illusions that we’ve created out of ignorance, prejudices are not truth or reality, and they create suffering. We suffer because we are disconnected from reality. We have separated ourselves from truth, what is real, and this separation from what is real makes it very difficult to see through our illusions (lies, beliefs, theories, desires, ego). Putting it simply, we’ve disturbed our minds and hearts, and the disturbances relate with how we perceive the astral. If we want the internal worlds to become less confusing, then we need to investigate and comprehend our egos. The more ego we comprehend the more we raise our level of understanding, our level of perception. When we comprehend what is false, we come to comprehend what is true. Seek to understand!

M stated in his book “the lord God of truth within:”

“It is quite difficult to explain how you are taught truth by the falsity of phenomena.”

When we comprehend an ego we gain some understanding, knowledge and virtue. The more we comprehend, the more we understand, and the more we raise our level of perception inside and out. Our perception of reality increases and our confusion lessens. We become less confused about internal or external phenomena. What do we mean by this? If we want to be capable of love, empathy and compassion, then, we need to comprehend our egos of hate and anger. We need to understand how they cause suffering. If we want to be charitable and not have resistance to it, then we need to comprehend our greed. If we want to be chaste, then we need to comprehend our egos of lust. If we want to be humble, then we need to comprehend our egos of pride, and adopt upright behaviors. This may sound easy but it’s not. Sometimes we have to endure difficult hardships in order to gain gnosis. But this is how virtues are born within us. When we investigate and comprehend an ego, we liberate ourselves from what was causing suffering and our egos are replaced by virtues, wisdom. Master Samael states that “humanity does not know how to love.” This is because our ego cannot understand what love is. Love is not intellectual, it is felt, and love is born within us after we comprehend the things that are preventing us from it. We are confused about what love is because we are egotistical. Our ego cannot know what love is because hate, anger, pride, and lust keep us from it. Our inner darkness (ignorance) cannot comprehend the light (wisdom, love). By comprehending our darkness, we come to know the light.             

 So, if we want to eliminate our confusion, then it’s very important that we work to comprehend our egos and reduce them to dust. Let’s learn to investigate our thoughts, emotions and impulses. Let’s learn to investigate what’s motivating us to do any given thing. Investigate inward as well as outward phenomena. When physically awake, learn to be alert and vigilant. Observe within and without, that way, in the astral, you will call yourself to vigilance and remember to investigate. Consciously utilize conjurations, invocations, mantras, and prayers daily, so that you will consciously remember to utilize them within the internal worlds.


We'll end this presentation with some wise words from Master Samael Aun Weor:


"For now, there is no other remedy but to work. To work from now on you must dedicate yourself to work on yourself. The day you have eliminated all your psychological aggregates, the day you have eliminated all the representations in the mind then, on that day, things will change. On that day you will open your heart. You will receive the sparks of light that come from the higher aspects of your own Being. You will be an integral person. Begin the work now! The most important thing is the psychological exploration of oneself, to discover oneself. In all self-discovery there also exists self-revelation. When one admits that one has a particular individual psychology, one begins to observe one's own errors. When one discovers one has an error, one must try to comprehend it profoundly in all levels of the mind. When one has comprehended the error, then one can reduce it to cosmic dust with help from the igneous serpent of our magical powers. I am referring to Devi Kundalini Shakti, which unfolds and develops in the spinal column. "First search for the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added unto to you."


All the teachings from Samael Aun Weor within this lecture were obtained through the lectures and books found on the website.



Inverential Peace!



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