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Internal Worlds/Superior Worlds

Updated: Mar 4, 2023

From the Glossary section in the book “Secret Teachings of Moses,” by Aunel va Daath

Internal Worlds: “The many dimensions beyond the physical world. These dimensions are both subjective and objective. To know the objective internal worlds (the Astral Plane, or Nirvana, or the Klipoth) one must first no one’s own personal, subjective internal worlds, because the two are intimately associated.”

“Whosoever truly wants to know the internal worlds of the planet earth, or of the solar system, or of the galaxy in which we live, must previously know his intimate world, his individual, internal life, his own internal world. Man, no, thyself, and thou wilt know, the Universe and its gods. The more we explore this internal world called ‘myself,’ the more we will comprehend that we simultaneously live in two worlds, in two realities, in two confines: the external and the internal. In the same way that it is indispensable for one to learn how to walk in the external world, so as not to fall down into a precipice, or not get lost in the streets of the city, or to select one’s friends, or not associate with the perverse ones, or not eat poison, etc.; likewise, through the psychological work upon oneself we learn how to walk in the internal world, which is explorable only through Self-observation.” - Samael Aun Weor, Revolutionary Psychology

“Through the work in Self-observation, we develop the capacity to awaken, where previously we were asleep: including in the objective internal worlds.”

Within the chapter "Hod" from the "Tarot and Kabbalah" by Samael Aun Weor we find great teachings about the Astral World which is one of many worlds.

"Hod is the astral world, the astral body.

The astral world is governed by the Moon. This is why astral projections become easier during the crescent moon and a little bit more arduous during the waning moon. The astral plane is really the plane of practical magic. For example, in some of the tribes of the most profound jungles of the Amazon, the piaches or sorcerer-priests give unto their people a special beverage in order to enter into the astral plane at will. They mix the ashes of a tree called guarumo with very well ground leaves of coca; this is administered when the moon is a crescent. Thus this is how astral projection is performed. The piaches know very well that Hod, the astral world, is governed by the Moon, but many Kabbalists suppose that it is governed by Mercury, and they are mistaken. The messages that descend from the world of the pure Spirit become symbolic in the astral plane. Those symbols are interpreted based on the law of philosophical analogies, on the law of analogous contraries, on the law of correspondences and on the law of numerology. The book of Daniel and the biblical passages of the Patriarch Joseph, son of Jacob, must be studied in order to learn how to interpret your astral experiences.

The legitimate and authentic astral body is the solar astral body. The body of desires, which is of a lunar nature, has been mistakenly called the astral body. All of the creatures of nature are lunar. They possess a lunar astral body, which is a cold protoplasmatic body, a bestial remnant of the past. What we need is to build the authentic body of Hod, the legitimate astral body, which is a vehicle of a solar nature. This must be built in the Ninth Sphere by working in the flaming forge of Vulcan. The solar astral body is a body of flesh and bone that does not come from Adam. It is a body that eats, digests, and assimilates. There are diverse authors of a pseudo-esotericist and pseudo-occultist type that fall into the error of mistaking the ego with the astral body. Modern metaphysical literature speaks a lot about projections of the astral body, although we must have the courage to recognize that fans of occultism are used to projecting themselves with their ego in order to travel in the sublunar regions of nature through time and space. We can travel through the Milky Way towards the central sun Sirius with the solar astral body. To go beyond the Milky Way is forbidden unto us, because in the other galaxies there are other types of cosmic laws that are unknown to the inhabitants of this galaxy. There is a great temple in Sirius where the great masters of this galaxy receive an initiation. The disciples of the God Sirius are Rosicrucian Gnostics; the true Rosi-Cross is in the superior worlds. The disciples of the Rosi-Cross have the Holy Grail emblazoned on their hoods. They also celebrate the drama of the Christ, because it is a cosmic drama.

Our disciples must acquire the power of travelling with the astral body. This power is acquired by daily vocalizing for an hour the sacred mantra Egipto. The vowel “E” (sounded eh) makes the thyroid gland vibrate and grants unto the person the power of the occult ear. The “G” (as in good) awakens the chakra of the liver, and when this chakra has reached its complete development, the person can enter and depart from the physical body whenever it is wished. The “I” (sounded eee as in tree), when combined with the letter “P” develops unto the person clairvoyance and the power to leave in the astral body through the window of Brahma, which is the pineal gland. The letter “T” beats upon the vowel “O,” which is intimately related with the chakra of the heart. Thus, the human being can acquire the power in order to detach from this plexus and depart in the astral body.

The correct pronunciation of the mantra Egipto is as follows: Eeeeeeeeeggggiiiiiiiiiiptoooo

Those who have not attained the capacity of departing in the astral body with other clues do not have that power. Then they must acquire this power firstly by vocalizing for one hour daily the mantra Egipto. This mantra completely develops the chakras related with the projection of the astral body. This is how the disciple acquires the power of astral projection. The disciple could then enter and leave the physical body at will.

The Egyptian mantra that is utilized in order to depart in the astral body is the following: Faraon. This mantra is vocalized in those instances of transition between vigil and dream, having the mind placed on the pyramids of Egypt.

The correct pronunciation of the mantra Faraon is as follows: Faarrraaaaaooooonnnn

This mantra is used in order to depart in the astral body, and as we have already stated, it is pronounced during the state of transition between vigil and dream and with the mind concentrated on the pyramids of Egypt. Nonetheless, the disciples that do not have the power of departing with the astral body must firstly acquire it by vocalizing daily for one hour, as we have already mentioned, the mantra Egipto." - Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah

Within the chapter Netzach also from the book "Tarot and Kabbalah" by Samael Aun Weor, we also find many great teachings pertaining to the Mental World.

"The mental body is the donkey that we must ride in order to enter into the Celestial Jerusalem." - Samael Aun Weor
"The mind that is a slave of the senses makes the soul disabled, just as the boat that the wind misleads upon the waters." - Bhagavad-Gita

"Netzach is the mental world, the cosmic mind, the mind of the human being. There are some authors who suppose that the mind is Venusian; I have to disagree with them, because when properly observed the mind is found to be Mercurial. Anyone can realize that the mind is Mercurial, because Mercury gives wisdom, gives the word, etc.

Until now, the mental body of the human race is found in the aurora of evolution. By clairvoyantly observing the physiognomy of the mental body of the human being, we corroborate this affirmation.

The face of the mental body of almost all human beings has an animal appearance. When we observe the customs and habits of the human species, then we understand why the mental body of people has animal physiognomy. The lunar mental body is of a bestial nature. The solar mental body is the antithesis; this is the Christ mind. The lunar mental body that we possess is of a bestial nature, and even animals and plants possess it. The single difference that exists between the beasts and the incorrectly named humans is that humans have been given intellectualism and the beasts only act instinctively. The solar mental body is not a vague, abstract body. It is a body of flesh and bones, but imperishable flesh that does not come from Adam; it can pass through a wall. One has to build it in the Ninth Sphere. The solar mind is a body of perfection that eats, drinks, assimilates, digests, has its special nourishments, its nutrition, its development.

In the world of the mind there are many temples that must be conquered with the point of the sword. When one is working in the Fourth Initiation of Major Mysteries, one finds himself with many tenebrous entities and one has to fight. When one acquires the mental body, the degree of Buddha is received. The blessed goddess Mother of the world presents the initiate in the temple of the mind by saying, “Behold, here my beloved son, behold here a new Buddha.” She then puts upon the head of her child the diadem of Shiva and the yellow mantle of the Buddha. Sanat Kumara, the illustrious founder of the great College of Initiates of the White Lodge, then exclaims, “Thou has liberated thyself from the four bodies of sin, and thou has penetrated into the world of gods. Thou art a Buddha.” When the human being is liberated from the four bodies of sin, he is a Buddha, and the globe of the Imperator with the cross upon it is granted unto him. Our disciples must change the process of reasoning for the beauty of comprehension. The process of reasoning divorces the mind from the Innermost. A mind which is divorced from the Innermost falls into the abyss of black magic. Many times the Innermost gives an order and the mind reveals itself with its reasoning. The Innermost speaks by hunches, or thoughts, but the mind reveals by reasoning and comparison.

Reasoning is based on opinions, in the struggle of antithetic concepts, in the process of conceptual election, etc. Reasoning divides the mind between the struggles of the antitheses. Antithetic concepts convert the mind into a battlefield. A mind which is divided by the battle of reasoning, by the struggle of antithetic concepts, fractions the understanding and converts the mind into a worthless instrument for the Being, for the Innermost. When the mind cannot serve as an instrument for the Innermost, then it serves as an instrument for the animal “I,” and converts the human being into a blind and torpid being, slave of passions and of the sensorial perceptions of the exterior world.

The most torpid and passionate beings that exist upon the earth are precisely the great intellectual reasoners. The intellectual loses the sense of a sentence only for the lack of a period or comma. The intuitive one knows how to read where the Master did not write, and to listen when the Master is not speaking. The reasoner is a complete slave to the external senses, and his soul is as disabled as the boat that the wind misleads upon the waters. The spiritual reasoners are the unhappiest beings that exist upon this earth. They have the mind completely crammed with theories and more theories, and they suffer horribly when they cannot perform anything of which they have read. Those poor beings have terrible pride and commonly they end up separated from the Innermost, converting themselves into Tantric personalities of the abyss. If we take the mental body of any pseudo-spiritualist theorizing student, and if we examine it in detail, we will find that it is a true walking library. If then we examine in detail the coccygeal church of Ephesus or chakra Muladhara, we will find that the Kundalini is completely enclosed there, without giving a sign of even the most slight awakening. If we examine the Shushumna canal of the student we will not find vestiges of the sacred fire there. We will find that the thirty-three chambers of the given student are completely full of darkness.

This internal examination will take us to the conclusion that the given student is lamentably wasting his time.

The student could have a mental body converted into a true library, but all of the thirty-three chambers of the spinal column would be completely extinguished and in profound darkness.

Conclusion: this student is an inhabitant of darkness, an inhabitant of the abyss.

The intellectuals are full of pride, arrogance, and sexual passion. The intellect is based on reasoning, and reasoning is Luciferic and demonic. There are some people who believe they can know God through reasoning. We say that only God knows himself. It is better to practice internal meditation than to lose time reasoning. Through meditation, we can talk with God, the Innermost, the Being, the Most High, thus we can learn from the internal master; thus we can study the divine wisdom at the feet of the master. The process of reasoning destroys the delicate membranes of the mental body. Thought must flow silently, serenely and integrally, without the struggle of antithesis, without the process of reasoning which divides the mind between opposite concepts. We have to finish with reasoning and awaken the intuition. Only thus can we learn the true wisdom of God, only thus will the mind be in the hands of the Innermost. The true positive function of the mind is art, beauty, love, music, the mystical art of love towards divine architecture, towards painting, towards singing, towards sculpture, towards technology placed under the service of the human being, but without selfishness, nor evil, nor hatred, etc. The intellect as the negative function of the mind is demoniacal. Everyone that enters into these studies, the first thing that they want is to dominate the mind of others. This is pure and legitimate black magic. No one has the right to violate the free will of others. No one has the right to exercise coaction upon the mind of others because this is black magic. The ones that are guilty of this grave error are all of those mistaken authors that are everywhere. All of those books of hypnotism, magnetism and suggestion are books of black magic.

Whosoever does not know how to respect the free will of others is a black magician; those who perform mental works in order to violently dominate the mind of others convert themselves into perverse demons. These people separate themselves from the Innermost and they crumble into the abyss.

We must liberate the mind from all types of preconcepts, desires, fears, hatred, schools. All of those defects are locks that anchor the mind to the external senses. One has to change the process of reasoning by the quality of discernment. Discernment is the direct perception of the truth without the process of reasoning. Discernment is comprehension without the need for reasoning. We must change the process of reasoning for the beauty of comprehension. The mind must be completely transformed into an infant; it must be converted into a child full of beauty. The symbols of Netzach are the lamp, the belt, and the rose." - Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah

There are many "Internal Worlds" and these two chapters describe a few of them. To learn more study the book "Tarot and Kabbalah" by Samael Aun Weor here:


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