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Good, Evil and the power of Comprehension

Updated: Dec 9, 2022

Good and evil do not really exist, since something is good when it is convenient and evil when it is not convenient. Thus, “good and evil” are a matter of egotistical conveniences and the capriciousness of the mind. The man who invented the detrimental terms good and evil was an Atlantean named Makary Kronbernkzion, who was a distinguished member of the Akhaldan scientific society, once located on the now submerged continent of Atlantis. This elderly archaic sage never suspected the serious harm that he was going to cause humanity with the invention of his two little words. Atlantean sages profoundly studied all the evolving, devolving, and neutral forces of nature; regrettably, the idea occurred to this old sage of defining the first two forces with the terms “good” and “evil.” He named the forces of an evolving type “good,” and the forces of a devolving type he baptized with the term “evil.” He did not give any name to the neutral forces. The evolving and devolving forces are processed inside the man and inside nature; the neutral force is their point of support and equilibrium.” - Samael Aun Weor
The terms good and evil are always misused in order to justify or condemn our own errors. The one who justifies or condemns does not comprehend. Every devolving force can become an evolving force. The term “good” hinders the comprehension of the evolving energies, due to justification. The term “evil” hinders the comprehension of the devolving forces, due to condemnation. When we judge, justify, or condemn something, we are unable to comprehend. “Those who want to put an end to their psychological defects must neither justify nor condemn them. It is essential to comprehend our errors.” - Samael Aun Weor

Comprehension of any Ego (psychological defect) cannot be achieved if we are justifying or condemning them. The Evolving and Devolving forces have their place in creation and to condemn or classify one as good or evil is to create an illusion. To think this way is to be divided in dualism. We are taught that we need to see beyond duality, beyond the battle of the antithesis or opposites. We are able to perceive and experience reality when we go beyond dualism and gain comprehension. When we comprehend our errors (Ego) our individual Divine Mother has the ability to reduce them to ash and little by little our Being helps us purify ourselves.

When we comprehend anger in all the levels of the mind, serenity and sweetnesses are born within us. When we comprehend all the infinite shades of covetousness, philanthropy and altruism are born within us. When we comprehend lust in all the levels of the mind, true chastity is born within us. When we comprehend envy in all the areas of the mind, the sense of cooperation and the joy for others well-being and progress are born within us. The comprehension of pride in all its shades and degrees is the basis of the exotic flower of humility to be born within us. When we comprehend laziness-not only in its grotesque forms but also in its more subtle forms-the sense of activity can be born in us. When we comprehend gluttony and greediness we terminate our vices of banquets, drinking sprees, fear of death, desires to perpetuate the “I” ego, fear of losing money, etc.” - Samael Aun Weor

A great transformation takes place.

We may obtain comprehension of different parts of ourselves while we meditate, self-observe, and self-remember. During this process a great transformation is taking place. One step at a time we gain comprehension of our psychological defects. When the psychological defect is disintegrated, reduced to dust, the birth of upright ethics is taking place within us. As we stated before, comprehension is the key and what is needed in order for our own individual Divine Mother to reduce psychological defects to dust. In order to comprehend our psychological errors we need to learn how to meditate, deeply study ourselves, build a relationship with our Inner Divinity and neither justify nor condemn our errors. 

1But Yeshua went to the Mount of Olives, and in the morning he came again to The Temple.2And all the people came to him, and when he sat, he taught them. 3But the Scribes and the Pharisees brought a women who had been seized in adultery, and when they stood her in the midst, 4They were saying to him, “Teacher, this woman was taken openly in the act of adultery.” 5“But in The Written Law of Moses, he commanded that we shall stone such as these.” 6“What therefore do you say?” This they said, as they were tempting him, so that they might have something for which to accuse him. 7But as they persisted asking him, he stood up and he said to them, “He among you who is without sin, let him first cast a stone upon her.” 8And stooping down again, he wrote on the ground. 9But when these heard, they were exiting, one by one, beginning from the Elders, and the woman who had been in the midst was left alone.10But when he stood up, Yeshua said to the woman, “Where are they? Has no man condemned you?” 11But she said, “Not even one, LORD GOD”; and Yeshua said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on, sin no more.” - John 8

We have a lot of work to do in order to “sin no more.” We should ask ourselves “who are we to point our fingers and condemn others when we ourselves are not perfect?” It is easy to see errors in others but difficult to see our own because we justify our thoughts, feelings and actions. We run and hide from ourselves or we say “this is normal.” We think anger, greed, lust, envy, laziness, vanity, pride, etc, are normal psychological characteristics or aspects of ourselves. Let’s remember the words of Yeshua when we are tempted to condemn and judge those around us. “Who among you who is without sin.” Let’s study our own minds and hearts. Let’s transform our errors into compassion, understanding, humility, chastity, love, etc.

What we need is the total death of the “I,” not only in the intellectual level but also within all the nooks, regions, areas, and corridors of the mind. Thus, when we have absolutely died [psychologically], then only that which is perfect, that which is saturated with virtues, that which is the Essence of our Innermost Being, that which does not belong to time, remains within us. We can dissolve the “I” only by comprehending in-depth all the infinite processes of the evolving forces that develop within us here and now, and only by comprehending in an integral manner the different aspects of the devolving forces that are processed within us from moment to moment. The terms “good and evil” are misused in order to justify and condemn, and never help us to comprehend.” - Samael Aun Weor
To struggle, to fight, to suffer, and to be free in the end, in order to get lost as a drop within the ocean of Uncreated Light, is certainly the best longing. One needs to be prepared within the region of Atala before entering into the Absolute. In Atala, the Beings are uncolored. A certain man who could not enter into the Absolute lives there, due to the fact that he invented the two words “good” and “evil” instead of using the words evolutionary and devolutionary. This man created a type of Karma because humanity has been damaged with the two words “good” and “evil.” In everything, we say, “this is good,” or “this is evil,” so humanity is stagnant in all of that which attracts them to the studies of internal values. This is why this holy man is waiting. We have to help people in order for them to exchange the two words “good” and “evil” for evolutionary and devolutionary. - Samael Aun Weor

Learn more by reading Fundamentals of Gnostic Education, Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology, The Yellow Book, Revolution of the Dialectic and many other books by Samael Aun Weor.

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