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Dr. Arnold Krumm-Heller (Huiracocha) teachings

Updated: Dec 9, 2022

The Master Speaks and we Listen

"Do not speak to everyone about beautiful and transcendental things. In the Bible's saying, this would be like throwing pearls before swine." - Huiracocha
“Do not give a sacrifice to dogs; neither throw your pearls before wild boars, lest they trample them with their feet, and return to run you through.” - Mathew 7:6, Aramaic Version

We should be careful with who we share our spiritual experiences with. Not everyone will understand and may interpret what you’re sharing with them the wrong way. We may even receive egotistical reactions from others (pride, envy, anger, greed, sloth, gluttony, lust). Some experiences are very intimate and are only meant for you and your Innermost Being. We should do our best to be aware of what is motivating us to share our experiences. Is it necessary? Is it helpful? Is it coming from ego? Why do we want to share? Meditating on our experiences can be very helpful. We can receive intuitive messages from our innermost that help guide us to what we should and shouldn't do.

"Intuition is information and understanding that comes from the highest parts of our Innermost Being." - Glorian Gnostic Intructor
"Intuition is direct perception of the truth, without the depressing process of reasoning and opinions. Meditation is how we come to know that which is truth." - Samael Aun Weor

Huiracocha continues:

"But... In all, above the cup of everything, sweet or bitter, frivolous or ignorant, your WINE pours forth and with it, the petal of the rose of the dream. For those who suffer from eternal restlessness, from supreme longing. For those who sense that august anxiety which produces the unrealized and live waiting... waiting... for the luminous day that is to come. For them this will be the balsam, the nectar, the magnificent word which opens all the routes and lights all the paths. For those who do not suffer the hunger and thirst of life, but instead seek for frivolous things. For those who go with a light step along the trail and don't notice the forest, nor the bird that sings, nor the sweet murmur of the brook, nor the ancient graceful fountain of the sonorous (sound) crystal-as the Poet said... For them, this will not be the balsam, nor the great work, but, if they drink of this sacred wine, which is beyond time, the flavor will bloom and fill their cup. Do not speak to everyone, however, about beautiful and transcendental things... But, Make yourself one with the bond that integrates this instant. Open up your comprehension. Raise up your cups... [Be] careful that you do not spill even a single drop of the balsam of life."
" The sexual transmutation of the Ens Seminis into creative energy is made possible when we carefully avoid the abominable spasm, the filthy orgasm." - Samael Aun Weor
"Be careful, good disciple, of such people who advise you to spill the Cup of Hermes. They are black magicians. Do not let them seduce you with their sweet words, exotic manners or strange names. Every devotee who spills the Cup of Hermes inevitably falls into the abyss of fatality. Be vigilant, Remember that the path of the Perfect Matrimony is the path of the Razors Edge. This path is full of dangers, both within and without. Many are they who begin, but it is very difficult to find someone who does not leave the path." - Samael Aun Weor

Huiracocha continues:

"It is God Elohim or Divinity that communicates with humans. Since Humanity, in general, abandoned the way of light and moved away from Divinity, grabbing matter and its reflections instead of attending to the foundational cause and forms of light, it ceased to perceive, because of materialism, the influence of the celestial Beings and each expression was then guided towards reason by a twisted ray, knowing the things only through a partial refraction rather than the direct radiation of the Divinity. The divine Light projected its luminous rays upon primitive men and they, knowing how to imprison it, used a type of simple light in order to call upon their God (Innermost Being). Man descended from the astral region (the fall into sin), and he lost this divine light. His reason and his willpower became completely debilitated. He began his wandering journey, which was not possible earlier, and his ability to see the mission of his destiny was darkened forever. His duty was and still is, to search for this substantial, and generative light that is enclosed within the divine dialect. Man, fallen into the slavery of matter, has significantly lost the elements of comprehension which the primordial language had provided him, because his understanding only sees forms, manifestations, and symbols. He had to orient himself, and he used a means that was both human and divine at the same time, Language. It is in this way, that, just like the Goddess' thread of gold that orients him in the middle of the labyrinth (Ariadne's Thread), man can return to his original divine state. Only through the Logos can man again unite himself with his God (Innermost Being). Therefore, Christ is called the Logos that was made flesh for us, and that lived and will live in us because, just as the physical word is the key carrier of our physical force, so too is Christ the accumulator of the divine properties and qualities of God. Our senses are very limited from truly comprehending that God is Spirit, but His name expresses all of his qualities and whoever learns to pronounce it, will open the heavens, will put themselves in communication with the astral world, and then with the Masters, the Elohim, will appear to them. To pronounce a word, is to evoke the forces inherent in the word. The word is that which is real. The Father pronounces himself in the son and the son pronounces himself in ourselves. In this is the most holy mystery of all the Religions. Christ and the Initiates teach the name of God. The Mantrams that the Masters communicate, are the Power of Powers. To learn to pronounce the name of God is the greatest secret which can exist and disciples are prepared for this little by little, through necessary practices and the pronunciation of keys that prepare the fertility of their earth in order to one day receive the holy seed. In order to comprehend this, it is necessary to now that FORCE and the manifestation of FORCES is something very united in the universe. Behind the exercised mind, in the spiritual, is the force that reasons. Willpower is the manifestation of Force. Reason and Willpower form the intellectual word of the spirit. Willpower and reason, thinking and sensation form the word in the physical. Reason with willpower form a Unity in the superior planes. It is for this reason that it survives, since everything is force and action. The ancient mysteries, knew the divine language which is like the Key to the Transcendental (spiritual realms) Door. The Alphabet of this language serves to form Mantrams, through which we are put in communication with the Supra-physical Worlds also called the invisible worlds. In order to comprehend the spiritual forms of light, in order to penetrate into the transcendental, it is necessary for us to separate ourselves towards the superior worlds, who's first plateau is the astral world. We will preserve, then a language only for the superior worlds which we should cultivate and learn, as one learns the alphabet of any new dialect, together with the characters of its transcendental writing. For this, the understanding reads and the heart beats and speaks. This language, is nothing other than modifications of the divine light. It is also necessary for us, then, to pass through initiation in order to comprehend this divine language and for us to consciously earn it. In order to comprehend this, we must question ourselves in regards to how we speak and read ordinarily. When reading, our reason should see the luminous characters, and when speaking our reason should express them as sentiments. In common language the tongue is the instrument of manifestation and vehicular organ is the air upon which the pulmonary-spirit acts. The tongue gives the shape or form, while the lungs offer the substance. God always manifests himself as God, through language and writing. That which is sound or tone in the physical state is Ecstasy in the spiritual plane. The most sublime, is this ecstatic comprehension and, as a result or synthesis of this, is the Ascension towards God. OM MANI PADME HUN"

“OM MANI PADME HUM: in the Gnostic tradition we call this mantra "the mantra of Christ." Christ is the source of life, the source of living. Everything that exists is of Christ. All energies, all atoms, have the force of Christ within them. This mantra comes from the protector deity of Tibet, who is Chenrezig Avalokiteshvara. - Glorian Gnostic Instructor

"Chenrezig is the emanation of Amitabha, which means the limitless light (Ain Soph Aur) or infinite light. Chenrezig is the compassion of all the Buddhas, embodied by Buddha." - Glorian Gnostic Instructor

“The Mantra OM symbolizes Christ. Christ has three forces that work in harmony to create. Creation has a combination of three factors. These three factors have many names throughout many different religions. In the Gnostic tradition they are known as the First Logos, Second Logos, and the Third Logos. Logos is a greek word that means word.”

"In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1

"In Christianity they are called the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In Kabbalah they are known as Kether, Chokmah, Binah. In Hinduism they are known as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. In Nordic tradition they are known as Odin, Baldr, Thor. In Egyptian they are Osiris, Isis, Horus. So we have a unity, a trinity of three forces here and these three forces, this combination of energies that create are Positive, Negative and Neutral. So OM represents the creative power of nature. Next we have MA. In Sanskrit MA means to create. Throughout the world MA relates to Mother. Through sex, Mother has the power to create. MA and NI have to do with creation-Uterus and Phallus. Next we have PADME. PADME means Lotus, but it is a symbol for the Vagina as well. Many representations of flowers symbolize the unfoldment of creation. Next we have HUM. HUM synthesizes the entire mantra. HUM sounds like OM when vocalized. The H has to do with breath. We separate the mantra into 6 syllables, OM MA NI PAD ME HUM. These six syllables contain the power of God, the pure sexual, creative energy that we seek to harness and transmute. Samael Aun Weor taught us that this mantra helps us awaken our intuition. Samael taught us to pronounce this mantra as follows, AUM MASIPADME HUM. AUM is pronounced OM, MA sounds like ma at the end of mamma, SI sounds like see, PAD sounds like the pa in papa but with a D at the end, ME sounds like it looks, HUM is pronounced OM. While visiting the internal worlds, Samael saw some tantric adepts chanting this mantra and instead of OM MANIPADME HUM, they were pronouncing the NI syllable with and S."

- Glorian Gnostic Instructor

We recommend to vocalize the mantra the way Samael Aun Weor discovered and taught to us. Nevertheless, when in doubt, listen to your own intuition.

Huiracocha continues:

The Genesis VERB

"Where can one encounter the Genesis-Verb, the word of God? Syllable by syllable, in the profundities of the primitive language. It is within this primordial dialect of light, without which the Mind would lack a rewarding ideographic treasure, where the Truth has its expression in a sublime and just manifestation. What is the primordial dialect of light? Throughout the ages it was revealed. That it is divine communication. But, the word is made mute and the voice is hushed in our day. It is only the inheritance of the Initiates who enter into the Temple of gnostic Knowledge and who learn this magnificent language."

Why is the voice hushed in our day?

In ancient times, anterior to our history, the temples of the Spirit were outwardly visible; today, because our life has become so unspiritual (materialistic, egotistical), they are not to be found in the world visible to external sight; yet they are present spiritually everywhere, and all who seek may find them.” - Rudolf Steiner

“If you have your lamp filled with oil, then the temple will always be filled with light. Yet, if you spill the oil of your lamp, the fire will be snuffed out, and you shall be cast out into the outer darkness, where only weeping and the gnashing of teeth are heard. The semen is the habitat of fire; if you spill the semen, your lamp will be snuffed out and you shall sink into the luciferian outer darkness: in other words, the Lord Jehovah said: "Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." [Genesis 2:16-17] In Eden, the elementals do not spill the semen. When we spill the semen, the lamp is without fuel, then the flame is extinguished and we enter into the outer darkness of Lucifer. The semen is the fuel of the lamp; without fuel, a lamp cannot burn, and where there is no fire, there is no light. Then, only darkness reign. Woeful is the inhabitant of Eden that dares to spill his semen; his lamp will be snuffed out for lack of fuel, and he will sink into the luciferian outer darkness. The tree of the science of good and evil is sex. Human beings were driven out from Eden when they ate of the forbidden fruit. Adam was all the men of Eden, and Eve was all the women of Eden. In other words, when Adam and Eve spilled the oil of their lamps, these were darkened for lack of oil, thus they lingered in profound darkness. This how humanity exited Eden. The fire of the Holy Spirit is the igneous serpent of our magical powers. The fire of the Holy Spirit is the Kundalini, the fountain of every life. This fire is secluded within our semen. Therefore, if we spill the semen, the fire will die and we will enter into the kingdom of darkness. When human beings spilled their semen, they entered into the kingdom of Lucifers. Lucifer as a demon is terribly perverse. The Lucifers are his legions who obey and follow him. Sexual passion is the foundation of the Lucifers. When human beings allowed themselves to be seduced by the Lucifers, they spilled the oil from their lamps and remained in darkness. Human beings exited Eden through the doors of sex, and through the doors of sex they entered into the kingdom of the Lucifers. If human beings want to return to Eden, then what they must do is to fill their lamp with oil and to light it. This is how they will leave the kingdom of the Lucifers and enter again into Eden. This is how we leave the darkness and penetrate into the light.” - Samael Aun Weor

When we exited Eden, we penetrated into the tenebrous abysses of nature. We can only leave those abysses by means of cosmic initiation. Nevertheless, now we must return into Eden in order to become as Gods, knowing the science of good and evil. We must enter into Eden through the same door through which we exited. We exited Eden through the door of sex, and only through that door can we return into Eden. So, let us return into Eden in order to become as Gods.” - Samael Aun Weor

We lost our inheritance when we exited Eden (connection with Divinity, superior senses, etc).

What are the Superior senses? They are Polyvoyance, Clairvoyance, Clairaudiance, inspiration, intuition, etc, etc.

Supraconsciousness is an attribute of the Innermost (the Spirit). The faculty of Supraconsciousness is intuition. It becomes necessary to compel our Supraconsciousness to work for Intuition to become powerful. Let us remember that an organ that is not used becomes atrophied. The Intuition of people who do not work with their Supraconsciousness is atrophied. Polyvoyance is intuitive clairvoyance. It is Divine Omniscience. This Eye is found in the pineal gland. The lotus of a thousand-petals resides there. Supraconsciousness resides there. The pineal gland is located in the upper part of the brain. Whosoever wants the development of the Supraconsciousness must practice internal meditation. You must concentrate on the Divine Motherwho resides in the depths of your Being. Meditate upon her. Fall asleep while praying that she may put your Supraconsciousness into activity. Meditate daily. Meditation is the daily bread of the wise. With meditation you will develop Supraconsciousness. Clairvoyance is based on objectivity. Understand that by objectivity we mean spiritual reality, the spiritual world. The true and legitimate clairvoyant, the one who has achieved Supraconsciousness, never presumes of being a clairvoyant, never goes about saying so. When he gives advice, he does so without making others understand that he does it based on his clairvoyance. All Gnostic sanctuaries must beware of those people who praise themselves and call themselves clairvoyant. Clairaudience is the sense of hearing with the “occult ear.” Inspired Knowledge (Inspiration) grants us the power of interpreting the symbols of great nature and the confused language of the ego. Intuition is information and understanding that comes from the highest parts of our Innermost Being.” - Samael Aun Weor

For more information read “The Divine Science, The Perfect Matrimony, Revolution of the Dialectic, Kundalini Yoga and the Major Mysteries,” by Samael Aun Weor.

Huiracocha continues:

"None the less, it is Color, it is Sound, it is Light, it is within the Being, it is the same substance of Genesis. The Verb has proceeded everything. It is set before all of creation. It is for this reason that the Greeks called man the speaking Soul, that is to say, the Incarnation of the Verb."

"Christ is the Army of the Voice. Christ is the Verb. The Verb is far beyond the body, the soul, and the Spirit. Everyone who is able to incarnate the Verb receives in fact the title of Christ. Christ is the Verb itself. It is necessary for everyone of us to incarnate the Verb (Word). When the Verb becomes flesh in us we speak with the verb of light." - Samael Aun Weor

"Sublime light irradiates the archaic Mysteries. We have to recognize that a Divine Spark pulsates in the bottom of everyone, even in the most imperfect ones." - Huiracocha

"The divine spark, the immortal spark — to speak more clearly, the Monad (in the language of Leibnitz) — is working your Essence, and this is why you have that concern. When the Monad does not work upon the Essence, such concern does not exist. How could the essence feel such longings if the divine spark does not work upon it? Now, the divine spark works upon the essence when that spark wants the realization of its Self, to attain mastery. But if the divine spark does not ever want to attain mastery, then the divine spark will not work upon the essence, and therefore it will never feel intimate, inner disquietude." - Samael Aun Weor

"If we are the incarnation of the Verb, then it clearly follows that our whole body and everything within it, each organ, is none other than the product of pronounced letters. If this is so in Man, and in the Microcosmic organization, then it can be easily comprehended, in the same way, it is so in the Macrocosm." - Huiracocha

"As above, so below, as within, so without."

"The collective Host of divine Creators, the Elohim, pronounced the word with precedence, pronouncing the letters of the magical language, and they created the World. Because Creation was not the immediate work of God, but from this chain of Elohian forces, from these marvelous Architects, the active instruments of the Omniscient Divinity (all knowing).” - Huiracocha
When the Tree of Life is superimposed over the body of a man, Daath(knowledge) corresponds to the throat. In Genesis, God creates through the throat, using his Word (Logos). This is symbolized in every religion: And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. - Genesis / Bereshit 1:3 Creation occurs through Daath.” - Glorian Gnostic Instructor

For more information read The Perfect Matrimony, Tarot and Kabbalah by Samael Aun Weor and The Secret Teachings of Moses by Aunel Va Daath.

Huiracocha continues:

“The world comes, then, into its manifestation, in the same way that the human being came into its manifestation and the comprehension of this suggests to us a curious parallel that exists between our organs of embryonic generation and the organs of language. In the space between the throat and the ear, there exists paths of communication, fine tubes known by the name of Eucstachian Tubes which are on the right and left side of the nasal passages, putting the air in that space into frank communication with the interior crossing of the Pharynx. In an identical form, the female Ovaries communicate with the Uterus, coincidentally, in this case the Vulva has the same form as our mouth (the organ of language) and there is also a strange similarity between the Genitals and the Glottis (the fountain of vibrations). Certainly, Nature will always use an equal medium to produce equal effects. If the Word or Verb creates, produces, and gives birth, and this birth is similar to human birth, then it is necessary to find the existing similarities between the mediating organs. Since copulation is necessarily required for a birth to yield a being, we can guarantee that the process of penetration of the air into the lungs is another very similar copulation that originates with the birth of the Word. There are comparative parallels which reflect the identity of the function between the Microcosm and the Macrocosm and you to shed Light onto this great Mystery. NOSCE TE IPSUM SI NATURAM VIS NOSCERE."

Samael Aun Weor in his book The Elimination of Satan's Tail, describes the Microcosm and the Macrocosm in the chapter titled The Seven Cosmoses.

1. Absolute-Protocosmos 2. All the worlds from all of the clusters of Galaxies-Ayocosmos 3. A Galaxy or group of Suns-Macrocosmos. 4. The Sun, Solar System-Deuterocosmos. 5. The Earth, or any of the planets-Mesocosmos 6. The Philosophical Earth, Human Being-Microcosmos 7. The Abyss, Hell-Tritocosmos The Ray of Creation begins in the Absolute with the Protocosmos. All the Worlds in the Ray of Creation correspond to the Ayocosmos. All of the Suns of this Milky Way (Galaxy) correspond to the Macroscosm in the Ray of Creation. The Deuterocosmos within the Ray of Creation is the Sun (Solar System). Each Mesocosmos within the Ray of Creation is composed of a planet of any Solar System. Our planet Earth represents one among them. The Microcosm is the human being within the Ray of Creation. The Tritocosmos is the atom and the Abyss. - Samael Aun Weor

For more information please read the The Elimination of Satan's tail, chapter: the seven cosmoses.

Click on the image to see the full image.

Homo Nosce Te Ipsum is a Latin phrase. The phrase was written above the threshold (doorway) of the temple of Delphi. This temple was located in Greece. It was originally written in Greek (γνῶθι σεαυτόν). “Man Know Thy Self.” Si: if. Naturam: in accordance with nature. Vis: strength, power, force, might. Noscere: get to know, learn, find out, become cognizant of, examine, study, inspect, try, recognize, recall.

Huiracocha continues:

"We could say that all the phases Humanity has passed through up to the present day, should have left their imprint upon the fetal evolution and, as the Hermetic Science teaches us, during the nine months of gestation, the embryo passes through all the characteristics of millions of centuries (mineral, plant, animal, humanoid). The evolution of the entire world can be studied, through an understanding of the development of the human embryo, and this gives us the Key of the Logos. We learn, then that Biogenesis (Biological beginnings) goes in direct and parallel reason with Logogenesis (Word/Verb or Vocalized beginnings), since the cosmic forces enter to fecundate within us and produce the word. Saint Augustine confessed that what we call christianity already existed centuries before the birth of the Nazarene, also called our attention to the similarity of the Lord and the creation of the World with the development of the fetus."

"And the Verb [Logos] was made flesh and dwelt among us." - John 1:14

"Which is to say that the process of creation of a human being is equal to the process of creation of the World. Meditate for an instant upon the legend of Isis and Osiris." - Huiracocha

“Isis and Osiris were brother and sister, and as a divine couple, they carried the direction and the regency of the World. Suddenly their brother Typhon (Seth), the spirit of evil, appeared and seeking through cunning that which he could not accomplish by force, he got Osiris to enter into a casket or coffin, and launched it into the sea. But when Typhon realized that Isis was anxiously searching for the body of Osiris, he found the casket again and made fourteen pieces of the body and distributed them around the World. Isis anxious and weeping, again journeyed in search of her brother-husband and then encountering the buried pieces of his body in distinct parts of the world, and she acquired the land to raise a Temple in each one of them. From the heart of Osiris, Horus (Aurus) was born and, after depriving his mother Isis of the crown from the widowed queen, went on to be lord of the World. Osiris is the primordial (existing from the beginning) word of light and Isis is nature (Divine Mother). The Masculine and Feminine principles governed the World until the arrival of Typhon (Seth), the breath which, in its dizzying blow, gave origin to the separation of both principles, engendering the human word. Horus is the force or strength of the Logos, the spermatic energy, the synthesis of the Pleroma (Greek: fullness, I fill, totality of divine powers). A part of Horus lives and pulsates in the human embryo which, much later, will manifest itself with speech and become the VERB. The Word or Logos is not just a mouth that speaks, but an ear that hears and an eye that sees and reads between the lines." - Huiracocha

"Osiris, the Egyptian God, Deep in thought, is absolutely incomprehensible to us all. In the beginning or dawn of each universe, the Eternal Dark Light, or Absolute Obscurity is converted into the Chaos. It is written and with words of fire within all the sacred books of the world that the chaos is the seed-plot of the Cosmos. The Nothingness, the Chaos, is certainly and without the least bit of doubt the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of all the worlds that live and palpitate within the inalterable infinite. There... very deep inside... beyond the body, affections and mind, let us find the child Horus, the Divine Spirit, our real Being in the arms of his Divine Mother Kundalini, Isis, whose veil no mortal has lifted. Indeed, Isis is the feminine aspect of Osiris, the Father who is in secret. Osiris in Himself is the masculine phase of Isis. Both are the Iod-Heve, the Jah-Hovah or Jah-ovah of the Hebrews. Father, Mother and Son, divine Trimurti, are three ineffable and terribly divine aspects of our authentic Being. At the dawn of each Mahamanvantara (Great cosmic day), the son, the child Horus, the Divine Spirit of each one of us, must send the best part of himself, which is his Essence, unto this valley of tears with the purpose of Self-realizing. The battle is terrible; Horus, the Innermost, the particular Spirit of each one of us, must defeat the Red Devils (the pluralized "I"0 if, indeed, what he wants is to obtain a Diamond Soul. Indeed, Horus is the vehicle of Iod-Heve, the indispensable instrument for Self-Realization. Osiris and Isis fail when Horus is defeated in the battles fought during his pilgrimage throughout the wheel of samsara (valley of tears). Yet, when Horus becomes victorious in the battles against the Red Devils (egos), then the Immortal Triad, endowed with a Diamond Soul, is forever submerged within the ineffable joy of the Abstract Absolute Space (see Kabbalah tree of life)." - Samael Aun Weor

"All the works of the renowned Krumm-Heller (Huiracocha) are wells of Initiatic wisdom that very few have comprehended." - Samael Aun Weor

"The 24 melodies of the Zodiac resound throughout all of creation with the entire grandiose euphoria of the Mahamanvantara (Great cosmic day). That is the Verb of God, sustaining the universe firmly on its march. - Samael Aun Weor

"The fire (I=Ignis) must fecundate the water (A=Aqua, water) in order for the Spirit (O-Origo, principle, Spirit) to be born. Thus, this is why the Master Huiracocha has spoken extensively about the I.A.O. in his book entitled Logos Mantram, Magic, as well as in his novel Rose-Cross. This mantram is vocalized letter by letter, separating each letter and by prolonging the sound of each letter in the precise instant of being sexually connected with our spouse (the priestess/priest). This awakens the sacred serpent. - Samael Aun Weor

Continue your studies by reading Logos, Mantram, Magic by Dr. Krumm-Heller (Huiracocha) and books by Samael Aun Weor, such as: The Perfect Matrimony, The Divine Science, The Elimination of Satan's Tail, Cosmic Teachings of a Lama, The Major Mysteries and many more.

Most of these books can be found at


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