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Clues to Awaken in the Astral Plane

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

Special Clue of “Discernment”

During the hours of sleep, every human being moves in the Astral plane, floating out of the physical body. Even so, unfortunately, during the hours of sleep, within the Internal Worlds human beings wander about with their consciousness absolutely asleep. Generally, they just perform the same daily routine of their life. However, if their consciousness was awaken, instead of dedicating themselves to those nocturnal tasks, they would have the opportunity to contemplate all the marvels of the Superior Worlds with their astral eyes; thus, they would dedicate themselves to study the great mysteries of life and death.

Therefore, here we reveal a clue to awaken astral consciousness within the Superior Worlds, precisely during the time of normal sleep.

Exercise: At any given moment during the vigil state, during the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is necessary to become accustomed to the exercise of “discernment.” For example, when a student gazes at the purple color of a beautiful sunset, the most logical question that he should ask himself is: “Am I in the Astral Body? Am I now wandering about out of the physical body?”

There, immediately after those questions, the student must execute a small jump, an upward leap, with the intention of floating. Evidently, if he manages to float it is because he is performing the jump in the Astral Body; his physical body (except all of its vital faculties) was left in his bed sleeping, inactive.

Gnostic disciples must remember and grasp the fact that during sleep, the soul sees things in the Astral world exactly as those that exist in the physical world; thus, this is why, everybody during their normal sleep, firmly believes that they are acting in the physical body.

The Law of Levitation reigns in the Internal Worlds, while in the physical world the Law of Gravity reigns!

Consequently, the execution of a small jump solves the question: if one floats, it is because one is in the Astral, thus, the Consciousness awakens.

Therefore, every detail, everything that piques our curiosity, (i.e. every beautiful landscape of Nature) must be worthy of “discernment;” the student must ask the aforementioned questions and thereafter execute the jump.

-The Divine Science by Samael Aun Weor

“People are born, they grow, they breed, they get old and die with the consciousness asleep; thus, they never know where they come from nor the objective of their existence. What is most grave in this matter is that all of them believe that they are awake.” -Dream Yoga by Samael Aun Weor

“The system to attain the inner realization of the Being is a matter of cognizant works and voluntary sufferings, yet continuity of purpose in the three factors (Birth, Death and Sacrifice) of the Revolution of the consciousness is necessary. Logically, in order to achieve the awakening of the consciousness, it is necessary to die from instant, from moment to moment.” -Dream Yoga by Samael Aun Weor

“It is clear that you must never live unconsciously, no matter where you are: in a house, on the street, in a temple, or in a taxi, on the sea or in an airplane, etc. So, wherever you may be, wherever you are to be found, the first thing that you must ask yourself is, “Why am here in this place?”

“Look minutely at everything that surrounds you: the ceiling, the walls, the floor; that observation is not only for the park, the house, or an unknown place, but one must do it daily, all the time. Look at your house as if it was something new or unknown; do so every time and every moment that you enter into it. You must also ask yourself, “Why am I in this house? What a strange house..” Then look at the ceiling, the walls, and the ground, at the patio, etc. Look at everything in detail, then ask yourself the question: “Why am I in this place? Could it be that I am in my astral body?” Thereafter, perform a little extended jump with the intention of floating in the environment.”

- Dream Yoga by Samael Aun Weor

“So, do not forget the division of attention into three parts: SUBJECT - OBJECT - LOCATION.

If one becomes accustomed to live with the attention divided into these three parts, subject, object, and location, if one is habituated to do it daily, at every moment, from instant to instant, from second to second, then this habit becomes recorded deeply in the consciousness; thus, at night, when our physically body sleeps, one performs the exercise in the astral world, one does the same thing that one does in the physical body: the outcome is the awakening of the consciousness.”

-Dream Yoga by Samael Aun Weor

“Thus, my dear brothers and sisters, when one is already awake in the astral world, one can invoke the Masters, for example, one can call the Angel Anael or the Angel Adonai - the child of light and happiness - the Master Khut Humi, or Jesus, so that they can come to instruct us, to teach us, etc. Likewise, you can call any other Master, namely Morya, the Count Saint Germain, etc. Those who invoke me they can be sure that I will concur to their call; they should be sure. Therefore, I give you the system in order to receive the teachings directly, and if you want to remember your past lives, then invoke the Masters of the White Lodge, Khut Humi, Hilarion, Morya, etc., and ask them to have the amiability, the kindness, to help you to remember your former existences, to help you to recall your past lives. You can be sure that the Masters will grant you such a petition.”

-Dream Yoga by Samael Aun Weor

“Awaken, my dear brothers and sisters, awaken, awaken; do not continue living your life as unconscious or asleep individuals, as this is very sad, my dear brethren. Behold the sleepy souls, how they walk unconsciously in the astral world, and after the death they continue asleep, unconscious, and dreaming foolishness. They are born without knowing at what time, they die without knowing at what time. I do not want that you continue like this, within that terrible unconsciousness. I want you to awaken.”

-Dream Yoga by Samael Aun Weor


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