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Oregon Gnosis

Welcome all who seek the absolute truth!

The purpose of Oregon Gnosis is to help spread the Gnostic teachings of Yeshua (Jesus), Samael Aun Weor and many other great teachers and avatars. Our objectives are to help others learn how to liberate themselves from suffering and build a relationship with our own individual Inner Divinity.

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Good, Evil and the power of Comprehension

“Good and evil do not really exist, since something is good when it is convenient and evil when it is not convenient. Thus, “good and...


“Peace cannot emerge from the mind because it is not of the mind. Peace is the delectable perfume of the tranquil heart. Peace is not a...

The Truth

For some of us, “our miserable existence begins in infancy and youth with mental disorders due to intimate family tragedies, difficulties...


“The Bodhisattvas with compassionate hearts sacrifice themselves for planetary humanities through successive Mahamanvantaras, and...

The Kingdom

“Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” -Luke 17:21 “Do you not know that you are...

Gnostic Gospels

“He who has known himself has already achieved knowledge about the depth of all.” -The Book of Thomas “The kingdom is inside of you, and...

Chapter 30-32 of the Pistis Sophia Unveiled

Sophia desireth to enter the light world And Jesus answered and said unto his disciples: “It came to pass, when Pistis Sophia was in the...

The Gospel of Truth/The Word of the Father appears.

“As for the Word, his wisdom meditates on it, his teaching utters it, his knowledge has revealed it, his patience is a crown upon it, his...

Theseus and the Minotaur

“The greatest error of a man is to think he is weak by nature. Every person is divine and strong in their real nature. What are weak and...

Do the work!

“Give us the means not to be tempted by the evil devil.” The master answered and said, “What good is it to you if you do the Father’s...

The Prayer of the Apostle Paul

Grant me your mercy. My Redeemer, redeem me, for I am yours; I have come from you. You are my mind: bring me forth. You are my treasury:...

Transforming our darkness into light.

What have we created with our anger and pride thus far? What has been the consequences of our actions? Has our anger and pride created a...

What is Love

Love God as Father is wisdom. God as Mother is love. As Father, God resides within the Eye of Wisdom. The Eye of Wisdom is located...

Clues to Awaken in the Astral Plane

Special Clue of “Discernment” During the hours of sleep, every human being moves in the Astral plane, floating out of the physical body....

Awakening of the consciousness

Remembering Oneself The human being in his fascinated trance does not remember his Self. We must Self-remember our Selves from moment to...

Gnostic Christianity-The Universal Religion

Christ was worshipped in the mysteries of Mithra, Apollo, Aphrodite, Jupiter, Janus, Vesta, Bacchus, Astarte, Demeter, Quetzalcoatl, etc....

What do we reflect?

What do we find when we look at our own psychological state of being? What do we find when we look at the world today? Do we see a...

Peace within

Here is some food for thought after reading the statement below! Have we personally achieved psychological equilibrium? Are we capable of...

Books by M

During the early twentieth century, the anonymous author "M" wrote two profound spiritual books. This author remained Anonymous and many...

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Purpose of Oregon Gnosis 

Oregon Gnosis was created to help others discover how to liberate themselves from suffering. Samael Aun Weor’s teachings help point the way to self-discovery and enlightenment. “  I am just a signpost. Reach your own Self-realization.” -Samael Aun Weor.  I hope you enjoy browsing my site and all of the unique content I have to offer. Take a look around; perhaps the teachings on this website will inspire you.  Read on and enjoy!

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“ All things, all circumstances that occur outside ourselves, on the stage of this world, are exclusively the reflection of what we carry within. With good reason then, we can solemnly declare that the 'exterior is the reflection of the interior.' When someone changes internally and if that change is radical, then circumstances, life and the external also change.”

Samael Aun Weor 

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